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Topichead does not convert properly when ditamap saved as book and hierarchy not maintained


I'm new to DITA and piloting some documents in FrameMaker 12, trying to get the output that I need.


I have created a ditamap with a structure as follows:


Map title

- Concept A

- Topichead

   - Task A

   - Task B

- Concept B

  - Task C

   - Task D


I would like this to ouptut a PDF with TOC and bookmarks as follows:


Map title => book title

- Concept A => Chapter 1

- Topichead => Chapter 2

   - Task A => Chapter 2.1

   - Task B => Chapter 2.2

- Concept B => Chapter 3

  - Task C => Chapter 3.1

  - Task D => Chapter 3.2


To do this I save the ditamap as a "Book 12.0 with fm components (*.book)" and set the Bookmark levels in the PDF Setup as follows:









However, the output systematically comes out wrong because the Topichead element, which is just a title and is not attached to any topic, is not taken into account as a hierarchical element in the output. It generates an empty fm document containing just the topichead title, output as a ChapterTitle or Title depending on whether I set its toc attribute to yes. But the TOC is all wrong - instead of taking Task A and Task B as children of Chapter 2 it puts them all at level 1 so I get:


- Concept A => Chapter 1

- Topichead => ignored

   - Task A => Chapter 2

   - Task B => Chapter 3

- Concept B => Chapter 4

  - Task C => Chapter 4.1

  - Task D => Chapter 4.2



If I output using the bog-standard DITA-OT instead of fancy and expensive FrameMaker, everything comes out correctly.


Is there any way to correct this?





Note element with additional paragraphs



DITA 1.2


We need to have our <note> element so that the first or only paragraph is *not* wrapped in a <p> element. However, we want to add additional <p> elements after the first paragraph when necessary.


Here is what we want:



Here is what we get:



I have defined the following paragraph tags:

Note1Top (includes the frame above with the Note graphic and the rule)

Note1Middle (no rules and no graphic)

Note1Bot (a bottom rule and no graphic)

Note1 (use for scenarios where there are no additional paragraphs)


I have defined the <p> elements in my EDD and they are working correctly. I need to figure out how to define my <note> element in the EDD so that it uses Note1Top when they are child paragraphs or Note1TopBot when there are no child paragraphs.


Currently I have this in my <note> element in the EDD:

Else, if context is: note < (stepxmp | stepresult | info) < step

     1.1.7. If context is: {first}

                    Use paragraph format: Note1Top

               Else, if context is: {only}

                    Use paragraph format: Note1


I think the reason that the {first} and {only} sibling indicators are not working is that there are no siblings.   But what is my alternative?


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.



Suppress FM comments in Doctype declaration


Framemaker includes empty lines and comments such as "?Fm Validation Off?" into the doctype declaration.


Is it possible to suppress this? A clean single-line declaration would be preferrable for us.




Does anyone have an example of a conversion table?


I am almost killed by this. By the way, I am converting unstructured to sturctured.

Fm 12 - How can I include a graphic in an XML document that will be zoomable when converted to HTML5?


I'd like to inc;lude grahics in my help files when authoring them in xml and converting them to Responsive HTML5 web documents.  I'm not sure of the proper way to inc;lude javascript scripts into the XML documents that could be used to make the images zoomable and panable.  Codeblock elements don't seem to work - all that happens is the text of the script is displayed in a font different from the font I'm using for the Help text. Maybe I'm using the wrong elements?  I'm using Framemaker 12. Any ideas here would be greatly appreciated.

What is the cost level of EMC Documentum or MS SharePoint?


I just want a general idea about the cost level, no need to be detailed. Because I understand the enterprise-level software has complex price calculations.

FrameMaker 12 won't startup




I'm running FrameMaker 12 on Windows 7.

When I startup the program, I must select one of the follow three.(in 'Choose Interface' window.)

- FrameMaker

- Structured FrameMaker

- FrameMaker XML Author


Unfortunately, after clicking 'Structured FrameMaker' or 'FrameMaker XML Author', error is occurred.

Error message is follows.

- Internal Error 12004, 23459156, 23459450, 26389685. FrameMaker has detected a serious problem and must quit.




Please, I hope that I receive a good solution.


Best Regard.

Publishing DITA content through DITA-OT or Save as PDF?


Hi Frame users and DITA enthusiasts


I would like to ask for your opinions when publishing DITA content to PDF, either with DITA-OT or Adobe PDF.

This is my first DITA Project and I been testing and playing around with both options but feeling stuck as I can't decide which option to go with.

Both the DITA-OT or Save as PDF will require some modifications, so I rather do things the hard way, then having to go back and create a new publishing template later.

Thanks and best regards

FrameMaker SDK Question: How to read an XML file



I am using FDK 12.0 on Windows (using Visual Studio 2012) to make some changes in a FrameMaker document programmatically. I have never used this or any other Adobe API before and am somewhat struggling with the concepts. Primarily I am using the sample programs, coming along with the FDK to guide me.


Now, I want to open and parse an XML file, whose content I will use later to manipulate the texts in a FrameMaker document. In .NET framework there are several classes (XMLReader, XMLTextReader etc.) to read and parse XML files easily. However, it seems I cannot use these Common Language Runtime classes because, apparently, a FDK plug-in needs to be a) C program and b) should not use CLR. In view that, can anyone please indicate if there are any suitable set of functions in FDK itself for parsing an XML file. Otherwise, is there any pure C based XML parser I can use? Some actual sample will be very helpful.


Thanks in advance,



[Discussion moved by moderator]

Roundtripping Frame Table Cell Properties


Hi all,


We have a requirement for some custom table ruling, and, as we all know, this is not supported natively by structured Frame. We don't need to enforce it via the EDD, but just need to be able to apply it and have it persist in the XML somewhere.


So I read a useful post here (Re: Control table row or cell formatting via EDD context rules?) where Lynne  P. provided info on table properties now supported in Frame 11 and 12, and we have tried to implement this.


We are working in Frame 11 using a modified Docbook XML DTD, and we work only in XML, i.e. we never same the documents as Frame binaries.


Here's what we did:


1. In our DTD, we added these attributes based on the list of custom ruling properties from the Frame 12 Dev Ref Guide:

        use-bottom-rule-override          CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        bottom-rule-override                 CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-top-rule-override                CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        top-rule-override                       CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-left-rule-override                CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        left-rule-override                       CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-right-rule-override             CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        right-rule-override                    CDATA                 #IMPLIED

2. In the EDD, we added these pairs of attributes on our <entry> element (representing a table cell):









All attributes are optional. Each of the "Use....Override" attributes have a possible value of "0" or "1" to act as a switch for true/false. Each of the other attributes have possible values based on Frame's style of the custom ruling as defined in the Table Designer, in this case, "None, Double, Medium, Thick, Thin, Very Thin".


3. In our rules, we added these attributes to the <entry> element, like so:

element "entry"


  is fm table cell element "Entry";

  attribute "UseBottomRulingOverride" is fm property use bottom ruling override;

  attribute "BottomRulingOverride" is fm property bottom ruling override;

  attribute "UseTopRulingOverride" is fm property use top ruling override;

  attribute "TopRulingOverride" is fm property top ruling override;

  attribute "UseLeftRulingOverride" is fm property use left ruling override;

  attribute "LeftRulingOverride" is fm property left ruling override;

  attribute "UseRightRulingOverride" is fm property use right ruling override;

  attribute "RightRulingOverride" is fm property right ruling override;


We also mapped the Frame attributes above to the XML attributes in the DTD, i.e. for example:

attribute "use-bottom-rule-override" is fm attribute "UseBottomRulingOverride";



Here's the result:

It seems that everything is "working", meaning that Frame is recognizing the attributes and is not throwing any parsing errors, however:


I create a new table, then:

1. In a cell (entry element), I set any of the "use...." true/false attributes to "1".  Then I set the other one in the pair to some supported value, such as "Thick".  No visual change occurs.  I close the file, re-open it, and the values are still set, but no custom ruling occurs.

2. I set some custom rules using only the Custom Ruling and Shading dialog. I have the XML open in a text editor, so look at it and Frame has set the relevant values to the appropriate attributes, i.e. the "use..." are now "1" and the matching pair is whatever I choose, for instance, "Medium".  When I save, close and reopen, some of the custom ruling is retained -- inside borders but never outside borders.  Also, never the ruling between the heading row and a regular body row -- yet the attribute values are retained.


So, while Frame allows me to set the attributes explicitly and retains them in the XML, any custom ruling set via attributes and not the dialog is not retained.


Thoughts, anyone?





Shelley Hoose

Sr Doc Developer, Rogue Wave Software

"Unwrap" CDATA with XSLT


I know this isn't necessarily a FrameMaker question, but it is a place where I know people. So forgive me for asking it here.

I have some CDATA sections in an XML file that contain markup that I want to be parsed eventually, and I want to be able to extract it with the markup intact. Can I do this with XSLT, or does the nature of CDATA negate the use of retrieving the markup with an XML-parser-dependent technology?

Here's a sample element (element tags replaced with curly braces)

{documentation}{![CDATA[{p}Some text{/p}]]}{/documentation}

Is there any way I can get that p element out of there with XSLT, without excaping any of the characters, so it is parsable markup in the output?

[{p}Some text{/p}


Structured Product Labeling (SPL) in FrameMaker 9

Ok, I am very new to the FrameMaker environment and need some help. I purchased FrameMaker 9 to creat structured product labeling with. The FDA is now requiring all product labels be submitted to them in SPL format which is a form of XML. According to the Adobe Lifesciences website they have a solution using Adobe FrameMaker (http://www.adobe.com/lifesciences/)and (http://www.adobe.com/lifesciences/pdfs/structured_product_labeling_sb.pdf)

I've worked with the FrameMaker support team and have downloaded the SPL Schema and SPL Style Sheets from the FDA Website (http://www.fda.gov/oc/datacouncil/spl.html) but have no idea how to use this in FrameMaker to create the label like that shown in (http://www.adobe.com/lifesciences/pdfs/structured_product_labeling_sb.pdf)

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

DITA - Multiple objects in anchored frame


I'm using the DITA features in FrameMaker 9. I'd like to insert multiple objects in an anchored frame in a DITA topic.

Right now, if I save an image element containing multiple objects, FrameMaker discards any extra objects in the frame. I've also experimented with adding extra graphics elements to the DTD using the attributes listed in the Structure Application Developer Guide. I can save DITA topics containing the custom elements, but they are not added to the XML file though I can see them in the FrameMaker interface. I have not yet experimented with a DITA specialization.

When exporting anchored frames in Structured FrameMaker to XML, FrameMaker bundles multiple objects in a frame into a single CGM file.

Is there a way to export anchored frames to CGM files before saving DITA topics? Is there a plug-in out there that will automatically save the objects in a frame? Can I use read/write rules to define how to treat these frames? How about creating a specialization on the objects element?

I'd like to use the tools in FrameMaker to modify elements in an anchored frame. I don't see why doing this should break the DITA model if these objects are bundled into a single file on export.

- Maura

Import OLE objects




I'm trying to import OLE objects into the .mif file I use to build exports. I imported a OLE in framemaker and looked at the .mif text, and I cannot seem to get the same data out of the OLE files as the mif has for the facet data. Has anyone done anything like this before? Suggestions/strategies would be appreciated.



re: Linking to an XSL/FOS stylesheet!


Hi Everyone!


I am working in structured framemaker....on developing an update manual based on a mil-std dtd 40051c. I have the dtd as well as an official FOSI (stylesheet) file and need a bit of help.


Here is a recap of what I have done thus far:


  • Create an EDD based off the MIL-STD DTD file
  • Create a DTD based on my EDD
  • Create new file and imported element definitions, followed by building the top-level tree structure for the entire manual
  • I have put the FOS, as well as an XSL (I simply converted the FOS file) into my structapps directory


My question is this:


Seeing as I have the entire tree structure built already, I could potentially go through each element and add my content. The problem however is that in Framemaker I cannot see the styles of each element in the document itself. I have done many tests and my modifacations to structapps have not worked. I also know that I am building the document correctly because after finishing a test section I save my framemaker file to an XML file and open it up in Arbortext. At that point I can associate it to the stylesheet and it looks perfect. This is an extremely tedious process though and I would really love it if we could somehow view the correct styles as we inputted text in Framemaker. (We only have one copy of Arbortext as well so there is no way I can update all of these documents on my own)


I hope I have explained this well - so if anyone can please give me information on correctly linking an fos/xsl stylesheet within Framemaker it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much

Absolute path in Doctype DTD makes DTD unavailable on other machines


Hi all,


When saving to XML, I understand that Frame takes the relative path to the DTD as described in structapps.fm (in our case, $STRUCTDIR\xml\xdocbook\app\docbookx.dtd) and generates an absolute path in the XML it writes, like this:


DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Adobe/FrameMaker9/structure/xml/xdocbook/app/docbookx.dtd"...


This, of course, makes the files impossible to open on a machine that has Frame installed in something other than "Program Files".  Any way to get around this?  Have Frame generate a relative path in some way?  I've researched this in the ref and dev guides and don't see any way to control this.  I did try adding something to the rules, like this...


writer external dtd is system "docbookx.dtd";


but then Frame just looks directly in the folder that contains the document you're trying to open.


Thanks for any suggestions.


- Shelley

fm-xrefs getting lost when converting DITA to FM DITABOOK




I'm using fm-xrefs for all my cross references within my DITA project. They work fine when I generate .chm files, but the hyperlinking is lost completely when I generate .fm documents by building an FM DITABOOK. I'm using the standard Adobe DITA plug-in in and FM 8.


Any clues how I might preserve the links?


Grateful for help.




Automating the book building process in FM11 - best tool?


Hi - we're gearing up to create an automated book-building process using FM11.


Before we start, a quick straw-poll:


What do you folks recommend / suggest as the best automation tool?


We want to trigger the process when SGML files are dumped into a directory. When we've done directory-triggered automation in the past under FM7.1, we've tended to use VB.NET code to trigger an instance of an FM7.1 API client (usually to build and collate PDFs, etc)... but, since we're in a new era with a new release of FM, we thought we'd take an open-minded, 'blue sky' approach here and see what tools members of the Framemaker community are using.


If one particular approach seems to be easier / more advantageous / more widely adopted than any of the others, then I think that might nudge us down that road...



S1000D Issue 4.1


Does anyone know if Adobe is working on supporting Issue 4.1?



Framemaker Total Page Count with DITA


I am evaluating Structured Framemaker 12 to use with DITA. I have a bookmap and want the footer on each resulting page in all the chapters and the index to include the Total Page Count of the book. I have attempted to follow the instructions in

Including the total page count of a book in a header or footer

However, the last document is my Index, which is only a single page. I am getting the total page count as 1. Do I need to do something extra in the dita-output.ini file or ...?

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