DITA 1.2
I'm stuck. I am converting my .ditamap files to composite FrameMaker files by choosing File > Save Ditamap As and picking Composite Document. The .fm file is created, but changes that I made to the EDD are not appearing in the composite document. In the notes for the EDD is says that "Users who need maintain EDDs for only a small number of the DITA DTDs may want to avoid the overhead of maintaining the text insets by converting them to text before making changes." That's me, so I converted all of the text insets in to text and I changed the Prefix text in related-links to say "Related topics" rather than "Related links." However, when I create the composite document, it still says "Related links."
I have made other EDD changes that are being ignored as well, which made me think that I wasn't using my DITA 1.2 Application, but I confirmed that I am. Under DITA > DITA Options, the DITA 1.2 option is selected and DITA_1.2_Applications is what is mapped. In my the definitions are pointing to directory (and files) that I use. The EDD that I am changing is in that directory (G:\company_docs\DITA_1.2\app\).
Does anyone have any ideas why the EDD changes in are not being used when creating a composite document?