I am trying to learn Structured FrameMaker. Is it possible/legal/safe to start two copies of FrameMaker on my PC at the same time?
Specifically I want to have one copy open in Structured FM to experiment and the other copy in Unstructured to take notes on what I am learning. I am trying to see if I understand the concepts by writing up a tutorial but I do not want to be locked into structured mode when do not have a template which covers all of my needs ( I am still figuring them out) and I do not yet really understand what the structured templates do.
Will the documents save by the rules of the window they are in? What other problems will/could I encounter?
Specifically I want to have one copy open in Structured FM to experiment and the other copy in Unstructured to take notes on what I am learning. I am trying to see if I understand the concepts by writing up a tutorial but I do not want to be locked into structured mode when do not have a template which covers all of my needs ( I am still figuring them out) and I do not yet really understand what the structured templates do.
Will the documents save by the rules of the window they are in? What other problems will/could I encounter?