Hi Framers,
I'm currently evaluating DITA using FM9 p250 and the DITA FMx plugin. If we should adopt DITA, we'd need a replacement for the vector graphics formats we currently use. I'm considering SVG because of the roundtrip options. We could use Illustrator or Visio to create them. I created some sample files and imported them into a DITA topic but I can't seem to control the display size.
When I use File - Import - File, the size settings in the import dialog seem to have no effect. I can then scale the image via the object properties, but I'm losing these changes when the topic is closed.
I believe that someone reported a problem with SVG and FM 8 in this forum. Is this behavior a known bug, even in FM 9, or am I doing something wrong during the import?
Are there any DITA attributes I could set to control the size?
Thanks for any help