I wrote this content in the wrong area of this forum.
I repeat the question in the FM structured area so maybe someone can help me.
I'm using Structured Fm 11 with DITA files and DITAMAP stored in SharePoint CMS.
I’m trying to customize the edd files but it I'm not able.
This is my problem:
With Fm 11 when I modify some edd as commonElements.eddmod or hazardstatementDomain.eddmod and then I try to update the concept.edd file or the topic.edd file the program is not able to update the files because it remains in waiting status for also 2 hours.
With Fm 10 I hadn’t this problem, one minute was enough to update the concept. edd file.
It seems as there is a close loop in the edd (shortdescription element seems to have some problems).
At the end I had to export the edd from the concept template and modify it. But this is not the solution because I have to repeat the same job for the concept. edd, the task.edd, the topic.edd, the reference.edd, the ditabase.edd and the composite.edd.
Mny Tks