Certain codes do not always result in correct trad. chinese characters in FM Version 8 and above.
(They do work correctly in FM7.2.!)
Example: "¥]" would normally be "包", but often shows as "�]".
Other codes are:
It seems that the question if a character is produced or not depends on the context.
E.g. adding another western character before the code in the sgml-text would make the code work correctly in the frame document.
I checked with FM 8 and FM 9, both version produce the error - FM 7.2 does not!
As all codes have the closing bracket as second part of the doublebyte code, I thought maybe FM takes this for a delimiter.
Unfortunately the delimiters cannot be changed.
And even if - sometimes the codes do work.
So, whats going on here?
The only difference between FM 7.2 and FM 8 was the Unicode support. But this is not applying with SGML.
Has anyone got any idea?
Best regards
Tino Haida, Berlin