I have a bizzare problem using Structured FrameMaker 10.
When importing xml documents, I have a set of Procedures which are broken down into numbered Steps, each with their own para. So the tree would look like this:
The numbering is described correctly in the EDD, with Step having a default font size of 11pt; this numbering works.
Given that I have several sections with several para/Procedure/Step/para contents, the first, say, two or three groups display the Step number in the required font size (11pt). But thereafter the remainder have resized to 14pt.
The supporting para text in all cases is 11pt, which is what it should be.
The only thing I have at 14pt in my EDD is a section 2 title, but in most cases there is an intervening para which displays correctly at 11pt, so it does not look like an inheritance problem.
In Structured FrameMaker working on its own (with no xml import) this isn't a problem.
Has anyone seen anything like when trying to import xml, and more to the point, put a stop to this weird behaviour?