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FDK - Formatting paragraphs not in Conversion table




I am structuring a document using a conversion table. I want to be able to apply a specific paragraph format to those paragraph format names that do not appear in the conversion table. I am having difficulty getting text from the cellIds in the Conversion table. All I get are the format names in the paragraph catalog. Maybe I am missing something here...I would appreciate any inputs.

Am pasting some code, where I've gotten so far...Questions pertaining to this issue are in the comments inline.



//Get docId, flowId, textFrameId and pgfId here...
//Open Conversion Table document here...ID is "convTabId"

F_TextRangeT ctr;
F_PropValsT props;

while(pgfId) {

//Traverse through paragraphs in the current document (docId) and get their format names.
    pgfName = F_ApiGetString(docId, pgfId, FP_Name);

    if(!pgfName) return;

    //Check if this pgfName is in the conversion table's first column..RICI, R2C1,R3C1...
    retVal = IsInConvTable(convTabId,pgfName);

    //retVal contains 1 if pgfName is in Conversion table, 0 otherwise..
    if(!retVal) {

            //Apply "Body" format to this paragraph.
            bodyFmtId = F_ApiGetNamedObject(docId,FO_PgfFmt,"Body");
            if(!bodyFmtId) return;
            props = F_ApiGetProps(docId,bodyFmtId);
            if(props.len == 0) return;

            ctr.beg.objId = ctr.end.objId = pgfId;
            ctr.beg.offset = 0;
            ctr.end.offset = FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET;
            F_ApiSetTextRange(FV_SessionId, docId, FP_TextSelection, &ctr);

    pgfId = F_ApiGetId(docId,pgfId,FP_NextPgfInFlow);

int IsInConvTable(F_ObjHandleT convTabId, ConStringT paraName)
    //declare tblId, rowId, cellId, paraId;
    F_TextItemsT textItems;
    IntT retVal=0, i;
    F_TextRangeT tr;

    //Get Table and Row Ids

    tblId = F_ApiGetId(FV_SessionId, convTabId, FP_FirstTblInDoc);
    rowId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, tblId, FP_FirstRowInTbl);

    while(rowId) {   

        //Get Cell Ids of only the first column in each row of the Conversion table.

        cellId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, rowId,FP_FirstCellInRow);
        paraId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, cellId, FP_FirstPgf);
        tr.beg.objId = tr.end.objId = paraId;
        tr.beg.offset = 0;
        tr.end.offset = FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET;
        F_ApiSetTextRange(FV_SessionId, convTabId,FP_TextSelection,&tr);
        textItems = F_ApiGetTextForRange(convTabId,&tr,FTI_String);

        //Here textItems contains names in Paragraph Catalog, such as, P:Body, P:Heading1...
        //I require the entries in the conversion table and not those in the Paragraph catalog...
        //This happens if the following command is used too:
        //textItems = F_ApiGetText(convtabId,cellId,FTI_String);

        if (textItems.len != 0)
        //How do we cast textItems values to ConStringT, for the following substring operation?
             i = F_StrSubString(textItems,paraName);

        if ( != -1)


        rowId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, rowId, FP_NextRowInTbl);

    return retVal;


Many thanks,



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