Hi all,
I'm working on a Structured FM9 Document.
My problem is a little complicated to explain, so I hope I can be clear.
My document has some text added as an 'Element', the formating for which is in the EDD.
The instructions for formatting is(basically) if 'Element' is last, use format Key1Last.Otherwise use Key1.
The difference between Key1 (the regular format) and Key1Last is that Key1Last adds a line break after the element.
This year we are doing a USA version of the catalogue as well, which for regulatory reasons requires some of the text in the 'Element' tag to be made hidden. I have done this using Show/Hide conditions. The only problem is that when I 'hide' the elements I lose the assosicated formatting of a line break.
My co-worker has suggested that I add a 'blank' Element which I turn on as conditional text when I turn the other conditions off, but I'm hesitent to do this as I feel like it's 'string and sticky tape' approch, just fixing it for a short time, rather than creating a working solution.
Does anyone have any suggestions?