Ok...at it again. I am sure this one is a simple r/w rules issue.
I have an element named graphic below is the DTD:
<!ELEMENT graphic (mapref*)>
<!ATTLIST graphic
hplace (left | right | center | none ) #IMPLIED
The EDD Defines graphic as:
Element (Graphic): graphic
Attribute list
Name: alt String Optional
Name: unitmeasure Choice Optional
Choices: mm | cm | px | in | pt | pi
Default: in
Name: hscale String Optional
Name: vscale String Optional
Name: scalefit Choice Optional
Choices: yes | no
Name: graphsty String Optional
Name: inschlvl String Optional
Name: delchlvl String Optional
Name: comment String Optional
Name: changeref ID References Optional
Name: idref ID References Optional
Name: assocfig ID References Optional
Name: skilltrk String Optional
Name: security Choice Optional
Choices: uc | fouo | c | s | ts
Default: uc
Initial graphic element format
In all contexts.
Insert anchored frame.
The problem I am having is with the ALT attribute not exporting. When used by itself it works fine, but when embedded in the <figure> element alt is not exported but everything else is...
The current r/w being used is:
element "graphic" {
is fm graphic element;
attribute "boardno" is fm property entity;
attribute "reprowid" is fm property height;
attribute "reprodep" is fm property width;
attribute "hplace" {
is fm property alignment;
value "left" is fm property value align left;
value "right" is fm property value align right;
value "center" is fm property value align center;
value "none" is fm property value align center;
Any thoughts...