I've been working on DITA Topic (Framemaker 11), defined new elements in EDD like "Caution" and "Warning" same like element "Note" which has already defined in Topic EDD.
Here I have edited EDD to define warning and caution elements: "D:\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11\Structure\xml\DITA\app\DITA-Topic-FM".
When I open a dita topic am getting the below mentiond error but able to see Warning and caution elements:
XML Read Report Log
Source Document: \\INLEN-FJK2CQ1\common_storage\Technical publications\DITA_Projects\Water_Products\Working\Topics\Exp-Notes_1. dita
XML Parser Messages (Document Instance)
Error at file \\INLEN-FJK2CQ1\common_storage\Technical publications\DITA_Projects\Water_Products\Working\Topics\Exp-Notes_1. dita, line 51, char 10, Message: Unknown element 'caution'
Error at line 53, char 10, Message: Unknown element 'warning'
Error at line 96, char 57, Message: Element 'caution' is not valid for content model '(dl|parml|fig|syntaxdiagram|imagemap|image|lines|lq|note|hazardstate ment|object|ol|p|pre|codeblock|msgblock|screen|simpletable|sl|table|ul |data|data-about|draft-comment|foreign|unknown|required-cleanup|bodydi v|example|section)*'
Please suggest.