FM 11 checked into Vasont and then turned into a PDF via the DITA OT
We are using a combination of conversion tables and a few scripts to convert our legacy documentation to DITA. In some books we have a significant number of hypertext links. Currently the hypertext links are coming across with a page number and we don't want the page number.
Example of what we get::
General on page 6-1 - Where you enter the name of blah blah
Code on page 6-4 - Where you create the code stuff
Preview on page 6-8 - Where you can view a preview of other stuff
Example of what we want::
General - Where you enter the name of blah blah
Code - Where you create the code stuff
Preview - Where you can view a preview of other stuff
Note that we are using the OTK to generate our PDFs as required by our parent company. We convert our FrameMaker files, validate them, check them into the Vasont CMS, and create the PDF from the CMS.