FrameMaker 11
DITA 1.2
I am having problems with keyword references. It was the same problem I was having with my FrameMaker variables, which I have abondoned in favor of a "cleaner," pure DITA solution. When I insert a conkeyref like in the the shortdesc everything appears fine.
<shortdesc>You can grow the size of your <keyword conkeyref = "keywords/prodcut_name"></keyword> by adding additional drive units if you are running low on disk space. </shortdesc>
After I save the file, close it and reopen it, the space after </keyword> is removed so that it reads </keyword>by. What is causing this? I can't simply add a space to my product_name definition because there are times when I need punctuation after the it. I suspect has to do with how FrameMaker processes the conkeyrefs because when I manually put spaces after all of the conkeyrefs and then choose DITA > Update References FrameMaker will go through my document and update all conkeyrefs and remove the trailing space. Where is this behavior set or defined?