We are currently using FrameMaker 10 and trying to tweak some configuration settings.
1. Is there any way to change the default location of the user version of maker.ini? On Windows 7 it defaults to C:\Users\
User Name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\FrameMaker\
I'd like to be able to change this to a network location. (Our FM installation is within a remote server that creates a temporary profile every time you open FM, which means that settings are lost.)
2. When using DITA, inserting a topicref into a relationship or DITA map you browse for a file. The default file type is .xml. Is there a way to change this so that the default is .dita (or at least all files)?
[I know how to change the default file type when you create a new DITA file to be .dita rather than .xml (DITA > DITA Options) - the setting is in the ditafm.ini file. But this does not impact the default when you browse for files.]
3. When using DITA and you insert an image, the default file type in the browse window is .JPG. Is there a way to change this?
4. Is there a way to change the default view for DITA files to show Element Boundaries (as Tags)? Currently you have to set it for each file you open.
[Thread moved to Structured Forum by moderator]