Frame9 + DITA-FmX
I'm working on my EDD, writing formatting rules that will apply our
standard template formats to the appropriate DITA elements.
I'm having a problem that is puzzling me. Our template defines
different formats for steps and bullets that are in a table, and steps
and bullets that are not in a table. So, for the <li> element, I've
written a set of formatting rules designed to capture those contexts,
plus a few other things (nested level of the list, whether the <li> is
the first in the <ol>, etc.), and apply the correct paragraph format.
The context clause that applies formats for <li> elements inside a
table appears *before* the clause that applies formats to <li>
elements outside a table. Roughly, it goes like this:
If context is: * < entry
[so these rules are meant for lists in a table cell]
If context is: ul < li < ol
Use paragraph format ...
[for the specific case of a bulleted list nested in a
numbered list]
Else, if context is: ul
Count ancestors named: ul
Stop counting at first ancestor named: entry
If level is 1:
Else, if context is: ol
Count ancestors named: ol
Stop counting at first ancestor named: entry
If level is 1:
Else, if context is: * < (conbody | section)
[so these rules are meant for lists outside a table,
and only in ref or concept topics]
If context is: ul
... etc.
This is working fine for lists outside a table, but that whole first
section of rules that applies to numbered and bulleted lists inside a
table seems to be skipped somehow, and the formats that are being
applied are those for numbered and bulleted lists outside a table. I
suspect that the * < (conbody | section) context may be too broad? but
since it appears *after* the clause for the * < entry context I
figured the table lists would be picked up first.
The thing that is really puzzling me is that when I look in the Show
Element Context view -- with those little arrows that point to the
formatting rule that is being applied -- the correct formatting rules
(and formats) are indicated. So I'm not sure what the problem is.
My EDD is valid, and the documents I import it into are also valid. Is
there any way I can track down this problem when the Show Element
Context view appears to be telling me my rules are correct?
All suggestions welcome...