FM 11
DITA: 1.2
OS: Windows 7
We save our ditamap/xml documents as "Book 11 with fm components (*.book)" to create .fm files from the .xml using the ouputTemplates in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11\Structure\xml\DITA\outputTemplates directory. I modified the original template files that we need, using the original's variable (Chapter Title Name <$chaptertitlename> for populating the title in the template file. This works great--whichever document I'm publishing, the correct title appears in that variable.
- I'd like to do the same (using a variable) for Version number, but I can't figure out how to do that using a user/system variable and/or even by using some other means (ditaval file, etc.). So far I cannot find an easy/clear answer here, but I'd like to use a variable if I can.
- The <$chaptertitlename> for the title seems to be pulling the name entered in our title element for the ditamap for each document. It there a system variable that will pull from some other element? Perhaps even something like the "rev" metadata for the map element for the document?
The template book cover page looks like this:
Logo (hard coded) (variable)
Version 2.0 (hard coded)
Thanks for any suggestions!