I'm new to DITA and piloting some documents in FrameMaker 12, trying to get the output that I need.
I have created a ditamap with a structure as follows:
Map title
- Concept A
- Topichead
- Task A
- Task B
- Concept B
- Task C
- Task D
I would like this to ouptut a PDF with TOC and bookmarks as follows:
Map title => book title
- Concept A => Chapter 1
- Topichead => Chapter 2
- Task A => Chapter 2.1
- Task B => Chapter 2.2
- Concept B => Chapter 3
- Task C => Chapter 3.1
- Task D => Chapter 3.2
To do this I save the ditamap as a "Book 12.0 with fm components (*.book)" and set the Bookmark levels in the PDF Setup as follows:
However, the output systematically comes out wrong because the Topichead element, which is just a title and is not attached to any topic, is not taken into account as a hierarchical element in the output. It generates an empty fm document containing just the topichead title, output as a ChapterTitle or Title depending on whether I set its toc attribute to yes. But the TOC is all wrong - instead of taking Task A and Task B as children of Chapter 2 it puts them all at level 1 so I get:
- Concept A => Chapter 1
- Topichead => ignored
- Task A => Chapter 2
- Task B => Chapter 3
- Concept B => Chapter 4
- Task C => Chapter 4.1
- Task D => Chapter 4.2
If I output using the bog-standard DITA-OT instead of fancy and expensive FrameMaker, everything comes out correctly.
Is there any way to correct this?