I am fairly a newbie both at FrameMaker 11 and XML, but have just dived into the deep end with Structured FrameMaker to produce a DocBook document. FrameMaker's DocBook structured applications seem to use the DocBook 4.1 DTD, and my documents are 4.5 (well, they were 5.0, but FrameMaker can't handle that at all, apparently, so I converted them to 4.5). Naturally, I get lots of parsing errors when I open a file. I'll bet most or all of those errors will go away if I can get FrameMaker to use the 4.5 DTD. Is that possible? How?
Do I download all of the 4.5 files and change some value to point FrameMaker to them for each 4.5 document? Like I said...newbie.
I am gathering that I could modify the DTD (or EDD? I don't have my head entirely around the relationship yet) to add elements and attributes, but that seems the hard way to go if there is any chance of simply pointing to the 4.5 DTD.
Larry the O