I'm stuck and hope someone might provide some guidance. I'm running Frame 9 on Windows XP.
I've created a very simple map file and am trying to get it to process in the DITA OT.
Everything appears to be set up correctly (I specify which Dita map is to be transformed...
etc.), but when I click Transform, I get the following error message:
"WinANT Build Error
It appears the build process failed. Either no log file was produced or the log file stylesheet
was not generated into the output directory.This means the process didn't complete correctly."
It then tells me:
-To be sure I have the Java JDK installed. (I do.)
-Check that the Dita OT dir on the DITA tab is pointing to the correct
location of the DITA toolkit. (It is.)
-To deselect the Overrides on the advanced tabs ( I did.)
-Tweak the fix resolver checkbox on the DITA OT tab (I tried.)
Sigh.....nothing seems to work.
Just wondered if anyone might a clue as to what's going on.
Many thanks in advance,