As a newbie to structured Frame (but not XML) I need to
modify an existing application to provide 2 capabilities. So far after lots of searchingI have not found any clues to what I want to do.
Seems simple to me...
- When exporting/saving an XML file I want the resolved value of the cross references to be either added to an attribute of the cross reference tag, or as the content of the tag. If I have a tag called <refint refid="XXXXX"\> I would like the XML when saved to be something like <refint refid="XXXXX" text="Figure 1-1"\> or <refint refid="XXXXX">Figure 1-1</refint>. This is for input to a system that is not smart enough to calculate the numbering.
- When importing/exporting an XML file I would like the value of an attribute on the root element to sync with the $chapnum variable. e.g Tag <chapter chapnbr="1.0">...</chapter> should populate and use the Frame $chapnum variable from the chapnbr attribute and vice/versa.
Is this possible or am I barking up the wrong tree...
Thanks - Jim