Just a reminder that I will be speaking on using FM 11 to debug XSLT at 10:00 AM Pacific time on October 2. To register, go to http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/event/index.cfm?event=detail&id=2076630&l oc=en_us.
This presentation follows on both Tom Aldous's recent 5-part introduction to XSLT (http://tmaldous.com/2012/06/15/5-part-eseminars-series-find-out-how-to -write-xslt-statements-for-xml-to-xml-transformations) and the talk I gave on September 5 on using a structured FrameMaker application to edit XSLT itself (http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/event/index.cfm?event=set_registered&id=2 085111&loc=en_us).
This packed and fun-filled hour will use an example in which conversion of an unstructured document to XML uses XSLT to augment results produced by a conversion table. I will demonstrate modifying the XSLT transformation, testing it in FM 11's XML view, and opening the result back in the WYSIWYG view to confirm that the desired formatting is produced. I will use an XSLT advanced run to apply the transformation only to relevant files in a directory and then use XPath to find and inspect documents that happen to contain the newly supported construct. In conclusion, I will compare the convenience of staying within FM and switching between the XML and WYSIWYG views as opposed to using another XSLT engine to process files that will be opened in FM.