I've just upgraded from structured FM9 using DITA to structured FM11 using DITA1.1 based on the composite structured application. The project includes a number of XML files and they seemed to finally be validating correctly. Until I opened a file I had saved and found an invalid outputclass attribute in my fm-xref element. In fact, all of the fm-xref elements had this invalid attribute. Trying to discover where it came from, I opened up my backup files and checked the element, no outputclass attribute. I switch to code view and back to WSYWIG view and there is now a value in the outputclass attribute.
It also seems that the attribute value that is added is actually the cross reference format (fm:Title_and_Page) rather than one of the accepted attributes (TopicTitle, See Figure, and so on).
I've seen that there have been some other issues with code view. Has anyone else encountered this one or know of a fix for it?