I am having trouble getting the properties of a paragraph, such as:
- FontSize
- FontWeight (of the paragraph in general, ignoring any character formats within it).
- List identifier
I have tried the following:
F_PropValT fontSize = F_ApiGetPropVal(docId, pgfId, FP_FontSize); //this returns a zero.
StringT pgfName;
F_PropValsT proplist;
//******Get ID of flow, textFrame, pgfId.******
pgfName = F_ApiGetString(docId, pgfId, FP_Name);
//******Get ID for paragraph format.******
pgfFmtId = F_ApiGetNamedObject(docId, FO_PgfFmt, pgfName);
proplist = F_ApiGetProps(docId, pgfFmtId);
IntT i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&proplist, FP_FontSize);
Then, shouldn't "proplist.val[i].propVal.u.ival" hold the font-size? //but it returns a zero.
//******de-allocate pgfName, proplist here.******
As for the list identifier, how do we get the identifier of the inner-most list item, say "i" in the example below?
1. First item in the list
a. Sub item in this list
i. Sub-sub-item in this list
I assume, it is the FP_AutoNumString property together with the FP_PgfNumber property to get the nested list format and its value. But I didn't have any luck.
This is what I am trying to achieve,
- For each paragraph in a flow, get the above mentioned paragraph properties.
- Create a new format name based on its font-size, weight and list number, (say, a new format name "FS14-FWB-LS-i" - for font-size: 14 pts, font-weight: bold, list identifier: i).
- Add this entry to the Paragraph catalog and apply this format (name) to the paragraph.
I would appreciate any help getting the properties...
Thanks in advance,