Hi everyone,
we got the feedback from our translation agency that they are having troubles with translating the indexterms.
Problem is that the index entries are not listed as "index_level1:index_level2:index_level3" but as "index_level1", "index_level2"m "index_level3" in Trados.
It's not clear how those index entries are related and sometimes they even have to look twice (or more often) to see that this should be an index entry.
Their wish now is - and why not make live easier for them - that the index levels should be nested as <indexterm>index_level1<indexterm>index_level2<indexterm>index_level3 </indexterm></indexterm></indexterm>.
According to the DITA specification this is possible.
However, I'm not sure how to change the EDD in order for FM to accept this nesting.
Has someone already tried this and can help me or give me a few hints?