I am running FM9 on Windows 7. We have been using the template and rules files shipped with FM9 and modifying them for our needs. Currently I am experiencing an issue and I'm not at all sure how to resolve it.
I have two pieces of DITA content, they are both reference files created by using the DITA menu and creating a new <reference> file. I have entered my structured content into the two files and I want to include a conref from the source document B into my document A. I insert the conref into document A using the FM DITA menu and save both files as .xml. The files save without any errors. When I open document A the conref text is missing and all that is left is a blank reference element (created by the insertion of the conref). If I open the source document everything is fine. I also have an xref in document A and that seems to be working fine. My coworker is having the exact same issue. I am referencing a reference element with an unordered list.
Also, if I save file A as .fm the conref stays which leads me to believe it has something to do with how FrameMaker is reading the .xml file.
Any assistance would be appreciated,