I have a dita task with some tags that I don't populate but which are required by the DTD (i.e. the title of a task). In some tasks, I want a title, in others I don't. My issue is: when I save my ditamap to PDF (or anything else) in FM11, it creates an title.1 paragraph element wherever there is an title tag in xml. This obviously is fine where there is a title to display, but when there is no title content I just get a space equivalent to the title.1 paragraph format - the following content is therefore shifted down.
Can I edit the EDD to say something like, if (no content) then ignore?
Either that, or am I using DITA wrong by only wanting a task title on some occasions?
It would help if this was explained with some decent user documentation. As far as I can see, there is little in the way of thorough FM & DITA tutorials.