Why is some of my text not formatted correctly in xml?
Hello, I've been trying to do some xml publishing via Framemaker 9. I've created EDD, DTD, rules, structapps, CSS (style sheet), and template files to transition manuals from framemaker to xml. However...
View ArticleDITA topic validation error
Hello, I've been working on DITA Topic (Framemaker 11), defined new elements in EDD like "Caution" and "Warning" same like element "Note" which has already defined in Topic EDD. Here I have edited EDD...
View ArticleFrameMaker Server - just a dream?
I currently use FM8 for books. Our company wants me to develop a solution that I think FM can meet but I am not familiar with XML capacities of FM Server.If I get the FM Server upgrade, can I complete...
View ArticleCan anybody share the config for FM8 --> DITA Plugin --> (Web OR Eclipse)?
Hi:I have both the Dita Open Toolkit ("DITA-OT") and the default modes (CHM and HTML) of the FrameMaker 8 Plug-In for DITA Open Tool Kit installed and working: I can readily generate CHM and HTML...
View ArticleFM9 Generating .cgm files on xml export...
Hello, I am using FM9 but this issue has been hanging around since my company got FM 8. We only import jpg files into framemaker, but when exporting to XML FM generates cgm and changes the reference in...
View ArticleCarriage Return in Autonumber Format?
Hello,I've set up my Structured EDD with some Headings that have Autonumbering. I'm wondering if there is any way to put a return between the number and the text? In other words, can I make...
View ArticleTwo eSeminars on editing XSLT in FrameMaker
Hi, I'm giving a couple of eSeminars on a structured FrameMaker application for editing XSLT that readers of this forum may find interesting. Info is below:...
View ArticleStarting with DITA & FrameMaker 10
Hi - Can anyone please help!!!! I understand DITA from a conceptual point of view but want to use FrameMaker to implement a DITA/Topic-based solution for my organisation. Initially, I am looking to...
View ArticleFrameMaker 9 Validation Error
When validating a document in FM9 i have some issues. If i add an element to the structure that is a text container i can validate the document and the document is showing as valid. This creates a...
View ArticleDifferent Indentation of Tables
Hi All,I noticed a weird behavior of tables in our DITA topics. All tables are supposed to have a left indentation. If a table is preceded with a paragraph, then the table appears with the indentation....
View ArticleFM8 create relative Path
Here is the read write rule I am using: element "graphic" { is fm graphic element; attribute "entity" drop; attribute "boardno" is fm property file;}This is the output: <graphic boardno =...
View ArticleFrameMaker -> XML -> FrameMaker issues
Hello, I currently have about 150 pages fm file, which were orginally unstructured but I managed to make a working structure to it. It has mainly tables, which have crossreferences, images, graphics,...
View ArticleeSeminar 10/2: Debugging XSLT with FM 11
Just a reminder that I will be speaking on using FM 11 to debug XSLT at 10:00 AM Pacific time on October 2. To register, go to...
View ArticleFramemaker 10 EDD syntax for automatically set attribute values
Hi all, it is necessary to set one or more attribute values of a parent element automatically only by exist or not exist conditions of an spezified child element! Please help!
View ArticlePostcripted FrameMaker 8 Colors Converting from Spot Colors to CMYK
I am working with Structured FrameMaker 8 files in which all of the colors are set as spot colors. Some of the spot colors in a postscripted FrameMaker 8 file processed as CMYK files when the...
View ArticleWhy aren't my DITA elements nesting?
FrameMaker 10 and patched || Windows 7 64-bit Our company is migrating from unstructured to structured DITA XML. We had not encountered any "showstoppers" that would keep us from proceeding...until we...
View ArticleLosing shift-returns in XML roundtripping
Hi In a couple of locations - mainly table cells - my customer is using shift-returns to spread the data over multiple lines. The table cell does not currently allow a paragraph. But when the files get...
View ArticleStructure design issue
I am designing an EDD. I have an element which can contain a large hierarchy of subelements.There is text I want to display at the start and end of the element (same text in both locations), but I...
View ArticleCross references in conrefs - FrameMaker does not update
Hi all, the scenario: file A has cross refs to file B ("see chapter xxx on page yyy") and vice versa. When I insert both files into file C via conrefs, then the cross refs do not update to show the...
View ArticleMigrating an SGML File into FrameMaker
I have an SGML file that's based on a DTD that was created using another program. I'd like to migrate the SGML file over to FrameMaker. I was wondering: 1) How do you convert a DTD to an EDD?2) How do...
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