Highlight text in FrameMaker.
I want to highlight text in FrameMaker.or add shadow for the text.How can I deal with it?
View ArticleAbsolute path in Doctype DTD makes DTD unavailable on other machines
Hi all, When saving to XML, I understand that Frame takes the relative path to the DTD as described in structapps.fm (in our case, $STRUCTDIR\xml\xdocbook\app\docbookx.dtd) and generates an absolute...
View ArticleWhat to do with a NoName Element
Hi,When I convert from unstructured to stuctured, FM is automatically making the highest level element a NoName. Is there a simple way to convert NoName into a Chapter element? Chapter is my highest...
View ArticleHow do I create page breaks in the structure itself?
Hello, I'm switching from word to structured FM and DITA. I know that I could use the lines element to create page breaks where I need them, and also insert manual page breaks at the top of the next...
View ArticleMystery Image Insertion Using Attribute in Structured Element
I'm working in FM10 on Windows XP Pro. However, the templates at the corporation where I'm currently contracting have been developed over the years, since FM 7 or 8, with different authors and...
View ArticleError if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. But e.g. Dot.Net...
Frame Maker 11 reports an error if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. However Dot.NET 4.0 validation with the same XSD is OK with such model and validates the different modeled elements...
View ArticleHow can I get XML cross-references to translate to Structured FrameMaker?
I've been using Structured FrameMaker from the beginning, and have designed many EDDs, and about 10 years ago I did some translation of SGML into Structured FrameMaker (7.2) which worked well. Now,...
View ArticleFont management issue
My office recently upgraded to FrameMaker 11 in a Windows 7 environment. We previously used FrameMaker 8 | Windows XP.We are in the process of replacing the following fonts:CourierZapf Dingbats With...
View ArticleFM 11 pdf-generation under Windows 8.1
After changing from Windows 8.0 to Windows 8.1 I have problems generating pdf-files. I only get the tps-file. When the tps-file is made, the FM 11 do not answer any more. Do anybody have any suggestions?
View ArticleDocument validates but NoName is generated when opening
Hi all, We have an xDocbook structured app based on Frame 11 and Docbook 4.2. It has been stable until the last week or so. Here are the changes we made to the structured app recently:1. Added some...
View Articlehow to get rid of warning messages framemaker 7.0
Is there any way to get rid of most or even better all of the warning messages that come up?
View ArticleS1000D CSDB
Fellow Forum Members,Does FrameMaker offer a S1000D specification publishing solution that includes a Common Source Data Base (CSDB)? And outputs an Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP)...
View Article"Topic templates" for providing a base structure
Hi all,is there a way to provide "content templates" for the autor, containing a certain base structure with which to continue his work? The goal is to provide a set of topic templates with different...
View ArticleUnable to print to PDF Oversize pages from FrameMaker 9.0 and 7.2
Hi All, I am trying to print to PDF a publication that is full of oversize wiring diagrams. The pages are all images ranging in size from standard A3 and A4 siz sheets through to a foldout being 1470...
View ArticleXSLT to convert XML into Tables
Hi, I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file...
View ArticleHow to adjust R/W rules to display images inline?
Hi all,out of the box, when I insert an image in a paragraph (DITA 1.2) then FrameMaker 12 uses the "below line" display setting. I need to display it inline, at the insertion point. When I adjust the...
View ArticleFM8 and DITA -- Correct way to insert non-breaking spaces, etc.?
I've gone round in circle trying to figure this out.FrameMaker's "good old" method of inserting a non-breaking space -- CTRL+SPACE -- doesn't work if the content is output as a DITA XML file: XML...
View Articleattribute value with special characters to running header/footer
Hi, I need to create XML attribute value with text containg registered sign and trademark characters with FM8 and have it in running H/F. I can enter TM-character from kb (ansi code 0153) to attribute...
View ArticleHow To Import a DTD to FrameMaker 9
I have a DTD in notepad. How do I go about importing or using this DTD for FrameMaker 9? Eric
View ArticleATA iSPEC Cross Reference Elements
How do I use pre-defined cross reference elements within FM? The ATA iSPEC 2200 ACMM DTD uses refint, refext, grphcref and others to cross reference internal and external content. The only element I've...
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