FM 11 pdf-generation under Windows 8.1
After changing from Windows 8.0 to Windows 8.1 I have problems generating pdf-files. I only get the tps-file. When the tps-file is made, the FM 11 do not answer any more. Do anybody have any suggestions?
View ArticleOpen topics by double-clicking them in the DITA map - not working any more?
Hi all,I just noticed when I double-click a topicref in a DITA map in FM12 then the referenced topic does not open any more. I checked the problem with several maps. Is this a bug/feature or do I need...
View ArticleConversion table-nesting elements
Hi, I am new to structured FM and was trying to migrate a few unstructured FM documents to structured using the "conversion table". After generating the conversion table, I am not able to create a...
View ArticleHow can I add an mp4 to a DITA topic?
Hello, I'm new to structured FrameMaker and to DITA. I'm using TCS5. I'm having to compile a set of training materials that include video tutorials generated out of Captivate. I'm thinking I might have...
View ArticlePublish in Responsive HTML5 - files skipped and 3rd level topics not generated
I'm having trouble getting the new FrameMaker 11 Publish features to work as expected. I have a ditamap with three levels of headings. When I use the Publish feature to output in Responsive HTML5, a...
View ArticleIf I change text in a template does it change in every topic which base upon...
Hello,I work with FrameMaker 8 and DITA.All task topics of one chapter include the same table with the same text in one column. I want to create a template which includes the table and the text. If I...
View ArticleFrameMaker 12 Publish Crash
Using Framemaker all publish operations crash if the document contains a UserString of 1 or more characters in a table element. We use UserStrings in this way to hold metadata about tables...
View ArticleFramemaker and S1000D
Hi,does anyone in this forum have experience with structured authoring using the S1000D specification? I'd like to you a few questions.Advice appreciated.ThanksCarl
View Articleblank pages not deleted
Greetings all, Am working on a FM 7.2 structured document. The history of this file: a document that I deleted all the irrelvent content and then added the new content. The setting for Pagination is...
View ArticleHow can I suppress processing instructions?
I am writing a structured FM file to XML and then processing it into HTML using XSLT. Writing the file to XML works OK but I cannot get rid of the PIs that FrameMaker puts in the text for all kinds of...
View ArticleNew to FrameMaker
Does anyone have good suggestions or recommendations for where one can findinformation about FrameMaker 8 for the new writer. I'm not new to writing,just to FrameMaker. But I can't afford to spend lots...
View ArticleFrameMaker Compatability and Operability with other XML Editors?
I have recently downloaded FM9 trial version and I am curious if I can deploy FM within the same environment as other XML editing/authoring tools. I will be using the same DITA schema across my...
View ArticleRoundtrip formatting not working
My issue is that when I open an XML file in FrameMaker, the formatting is not using my application that I set up. I'm not sure where this is controlled. This is what I did. I made a copy of the...
View ArticleCan I pull prefixes/suffixes into XML ?
I am using prefix and suffix rules in my EDD to make things easier for the author (and standardize some headings and parts of names). Now I need to write the content into XML and my prefixes and...
View ArticleFormatting catalogs vs. explicit formatting properties in an EDD
The bulk of the discussion on "Exporting Paragraph Catalog to EDD" ( deals with whether EDDs should apply specific formatting properties or apply named...
View ArticleArbortext(XML) import to Framemaker Error
I am trying to import XML files from Arbortext editor off of Documentum and I can not get them to import into FrameMaker without an "error in processing external entity reference." I am trying to get...
View ArticleTransfer attribute values to Entities in rw-rules for table creation
Hello, I try to fight my way through the xml Structured FM jungle.To this I read various documents (e.g. STRUCTURE APPLICATION DEVELOPER REFERENCE).At the moment my main goal is to find out what works...
View ArticleDifferent Indentation of Tables
Hi All,I noticed a weird behavior of tables in our DITA topics. All tables are supposed to have a left indentation. If a table is preceded with a paragraph, then the table appears with the indentation....
View ArticleUnreliable display of named image frames via EDD
Hi all,I have formatted my <prolog> element to display named images frames from the reference page above and below. The intention is to distinguish this area for the editor. However, the lower...
View ArticleFramemaker XML Output Issue
I have an issue with an attribute not being exported to XML from FM8. Here is the excerpt from the DTD: <!ELEMENT std.table.header (std.table.row+)><!ATTLIST std.table.header cols CDATA...
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