font changes in
I've prepared some DITA concepts outside FM. In these concepts, the name of the product is hauled in as a reference; the <ph> in the source files carefully reproduces the (naughty word ahead)...
View ArticleSpecial, Filter by Attribute, build expression syntax
I searched and searched Adobe's help after repeatedly seeing the error message from the Filter by Attribute's build expression dialog: "Invalid Expression, Kindly refer to help for rules on building...
View ArticleHow can I suppress processing instructions?
I am writing a structured FM file to XML and then processing it into HTML using XSLT. Writing the file to XML works OK but I cannot get rid of the PIs that FrameMaker puts in the text for all kinds of...
View ArticleWhere are mapping groups stored?
Hi all,when I create a new mapping group in the DITA options menu, in which file is it stored? I need to tranfer a mapping group to other computers. Also I found that I cannot edit or delete individual...
View ArticleNew to FrameMaker
Does anyone have good suggestions or recommendations for where one can findinformation about FrameMaker 8 for the new writer. I'm not new to writing,just to FrameMaker. But I can't afford to spend lots...
View ArticlePara format in Table in Structured Frame - problem
Hi, firstly I'm working in FM 7.0 (Win XP) using customer supplied DTD and EDD. This is my situation. In my document I have a paragraph format called 'Cell:Left' and this is used within table rows. I...
View ArticleAbsolute path in Doctype DTD makes DTD unavailable on other machines
Hi all, When saving to XML, I understand that Frame takes the relative path to the DTD as described in (in our case, $STRUCTDIR\xml\xdocbook\app\docbookx.dtd) and generates an absolute...
View ArticleEnhanced EDD template available
Text Structure Consulting, Inc. is pleased to make availablea beta version of its alternative FrameMaker 10.0 metatemplate(template for EDDs). This metatemplate differs from the one that ships with...
View ArticleCross reference issues in FrameMaker 11 DITA
I'm trying to upgrade from FrameMaker 9 to FrameMaker 11. My files are set up using structured FrameMaker and DITA. The ditamap is comprised of both FM files and XML files. I'm attempting to use the...
View ArticleManaging EDD, DTD, and templates in Framemaker 11 and DITA 1.2
I'm in the process of upgrading from FM9 with DITA to Framemaker 11 with DITA 1.2 I'm using the ditabase template, EDD, and DTD. I've made some paragraph format changes in the template and will need to...
View ArticleGraphics as valid elements in tables
I'm making a structured Framemaker book with some of the chapters having tables with graphics in them. However, the system doesn't recognize the graphics in the table cells as valid elements. Anyone...
View ArticleInternal Error 11004
I'm converting some projects from Framemaker 9 to Framemaker 11 using Dita 1.1 and the composite template. Initially, I had set up to use Dita 1.2 using the ditabase tempate but am changing them based...
View ArticleTopichead does not convert properly when ditamap saved as book and hierarchy...
I'm new to DITA and piloting some documents in FrameMaker 12, trying to get the output that I need. I have created a ditamap with a structure as follows: Map title - Concept A- Topichead - Task A...
View ArticleCan I pull prefixes/suffixes into XML ?
I am using prefix and suffix rules in my EDD to make things easier for the author (and standardize some headings and parts of names). Now I need to write the content into XML and my prefixes and...
View ArticleDisplay a line (via image frame) below suffix
Hi all,currently I am trying to format the DITA <lq> element (long quote) to display a line above and below its content. For the line below I have tried to use a suffix rule in the EDD. I can...
View ArticleVideo clips do not play in PDF document, why?
What is the point of being able to import video clips (SWF, AVI, WMV, OLE object, etc) into FrameMaker 8 if you can not run them in the PDF? I still have to manually embed the clips in Acrobat. Am I...
View ArticleFormatting catalogs vs. explicit formatting properties in an EDD
The bulk of the discussion on "Exporting Paragraph Catalog to EDD" ( deals with whether EDDs should apply specific formatting properties or apply named...
View ArticleFM9, ATA iSPEC 2200, & EDD setup
Does anyone have advice on setting up the EDD created from the CMM DTD provided in the ATA iSPEC 2200 Standard? I'm having a difficult time trying to modify the EDD to format the front matter and...
View Articlere: Linking to an XSL/FOS stylesheet!
Hi Everyone! I am working in structured framemaker....on developing an update manual based on a mil-std dtd 40051c. I have the dtd as well as an official FOSI (stylesheet) file and need a bit of help....
View ArticleTo import a pdf file in FrameMaker
How do we import a pdf file with all its pages in a FrameMaker file ? I found that we can import only one sheet of the pdf in a FrameMaker file.
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