Postcripted FrameMaker 8 Colors Converting from Spot Colors to CMYK
I am working with Structured FrameMaker 8 files in which all of the colors are set as spot colors. Some of the spot colors in a postscripted FrameMaker 8 file processed as CMYK files when the...
View ArticleUnreliable display of named image frames via EDD
Hi all,I have formatted my <prolog> element to display named images frames from the reference page above and below. The intention is to distinguish this area for the editor. However, the lower...
View ArticleCan I disable image size attributes?
I make all of my graphics to size and I save them as AI files. When I link them into FrameMaker (11 / DITA1.2), it adds height and width attributes (in POINTS, of all things) based on the native size...
View Articleattribute value with special characters to running header/footer
Hi, I need to create XML attribute value with text containg registered sign and trademark characters with FM8 and have it in running H/F. I can enter TM-character from kb (ansi code 0153) to attribute...
View ArticleHow can I set the position of my graphics?
In Frame10, I am converting my unstructured documents to structured. I found Russ's sample conversion and EDD files (Resources/downloads - West Street Consulting), and I'm customizing those with great...
View ArticleVideo clips do not play in PDF document, why?
What is the point of being able to import video clips (SWF, AVI, WMV, OLE object, etc) into FrameMaker 8 if you can not run them in the PDF? I still have to manually embed the clips in Acrobat. Am I...
View ArticleCan My C# program control the FrameMaker?
In my C# program,I export many xml files. In FrameMaker,I define my template.When I open xml file in FrameMaker,I want to save as pdf.The question:Can I control the frameMaker using my c# program to...
View ArticleForced return, non-breaking hyphens & spaces, suppress hyphenation + XML
Forced return (linefeed), non-breaking hyphens and spaces, suppress hyphenation. None of these are preserved when exporting from FrameMaker to XML, since they do not seem to be represented by a Unicode...
View ArticleXML import deletes whitespace after xref element
Hi, FM10 not patched, WinXP SP3 I've bumped into a very serious problem that I am able to replicate, but not solve. When I import (custom) XML, any whitespace following <xref> elements is...
View ArticleEasier to convert to Structured or start there?
Hello, I am an experienced writer who is new to Structured. I have created plenty of Unstructured templates and have lots of SGML authoring experience. I have a new job in a small company where I am...
View ArticleFramemaker 10 EDD syntax for automatically set attribute values
Hi all, it is necessary to set one or more attribute values of a parent element automatically only by exist or not exist conditions of an spezified child element! Please help!
View ArticleWhy aren't my DITA elements nesting?
FrameMaker 10 and patched || Windows 7 64-bit Our company is migrating from unstructured to structured DITA XML. We had not encountered any "showstoppers" that would keep us from proceeding...until we...
View ArticleCopy text from FrameMaker 11 to another editor
It appears that one cannot copy text in FrameMaker 11 and paste it into another editor such as Notepad++ or MS Word. It is as though FrameMaker does not use the Windows clipboard. We observe this...
View ArticleHow do I create a soft return (shift+Enter)?
FrameMaker 11DITA 1.2 Is it possible using FM 11 and DITA 1.2 to use a soft return (as in Shift+Enter)? There are times when I want to avoid bad line breaks in a line of code or when I just want to...
View ArticleFM11 and ITC Zapf Dingbats Std Medium Font
My office recently upgraded from Structured FrameMaker 8 | Win XP to Structured FrameMaker 11 | Win 7. We also upgraded some fonts, including Zapf Dingbats. We have replaced Zapf Dingbats with ITC...
View ArticleSpecial, Filter by Attribute, build expression syntax
I searched and searched Adobe's help after repeatedly seeing the error message from the Filter by Attribute's build expression dialog: "Invalid Expression, Kindly refer to help for rules on building...
View ArticleHow to adjust R/W rules to display images inline?
Hi all,out of the box, when I insert an image in a paragraph (DITA 1.2) then FrameMaker 12 uses the "below line" display setting. I need to display it inline, at the insertion point. When I adjust the...
View Articles1000dMenu.jsxbin error in FrameMaker 11
I have read a discussion about this error message elsewhere in the forum, but it did not seem exactly pertinent to our issue. To make updates easier to role out to our users, have our Structure...
View ArticleCapturing a nested "Section" hierarchy with a Conversion Table?
(Frame 9) - I'm using a Conversion Table to convert a client's unstructured documents to structured. Much of the structure is importing with a certain amount of success, but I can't figure out how to...
View ArticleMaster page map annoyance
I added one of these guys to my template so that specific master pages are linked to element types. But whenever I open a file, I get a message telling me that all master pages will be reapplied, do I...
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