Structured Framemaker help
Hi, I am creating one manual. In graphic page while giving paragraph tag (Fig. no.), it shows Font family-Arial in Character Designer, but actually it is Times New Roman.I have tried to change the...
View ArticleAuto insert a graphic.
Hi all,I am building an EDD from scratch. One element is "Safety" which has 3 options Warning, Caution or Note. I have formatted the text easy enough and can get a prefix no prob based on the choice...
View ArticleHow do I get the S1000D button in Framemaker 9?
S1000D application pack already installed... Any help is highly appreciated...
View ArticleHow to get the Figure Title to appear below the graphic, not above
I have valid XML that I am importing into FrameMaker just for printing. My <figure> element contains a <title> and a <graphic> element. The graphic comes in within an anchored frame,...
View ArticleTable title lost when exporting from structured fm9 to xml?
Hi, I would like export the table title of a structured fm9 document to xml. But the fm table title element is simply dropped on export no matter what I'm doing to the dtd or rw rules. All other table...
View ArticleFrameMaker 11 ignores relationship tables?
Hello All I'm playing around with the Save Ditamap As options in FrameMaker 11. I have a ditamap that references four sub-maps. In the top container map there is a relationship table with topic...
View ArticleGetting image name to the XML-file
Framemaker 9 and 11Windows 7 Hi there I am a brand new user to FM and my task is to go from old FM9 files to structured FM11 files and then save them as XML. I have gotten so far that I can get...
View ArticleFrameMaker 8 Table subheads
I am working with Structured FrameMaker 8. I need to redesign a table so that the rows in the table that display subheads are formatted differently from the table header. The table header has white...
View ArticleFramemaker 11 AECMA DTD
I have a procedural DTD supplied by our customer but I am struggling to open it in Framemaker 11. I have tried using the Procedural DTD supplied with Framemaker but this differs from the DTD supplied...
View ArticleRound tripping the Symbol Font
Hi all, We need to round-trip basic Greek symbols in inline text, such as a beta, represented by a lower case "b" in Symbol. This sounds pretty basic, but I can't get it to work and have read...
View ArticleDefining formatting for structured FrameMaker files that will be published in...
I've used unstructured FrameMaker for years, but now we're attempting to move to structured authoring (to facilitate content reuse). I just went through the tutorial in Part 1 of "Developing Structured...
View ArticleTOC Hyperlink Markers
Hi Framers! I am working on a TOC and a SIX (Index) for a book, using structured Frame Maker. The hyperlink markers are placed in front of the <$paratext> element, so the title of the...
View ArticleWhy does my DITA book show each topic on a separate page?
My question this time has to do with my book. After saving my ditamap as a FM 11 book with components, everything looks great except each of my topics is on its own page. Only .fm files with a...
View ArticleOTF Fonts Thai
Hello, we are working with structured FM 8 and do translate in pretty much all languages except for Arabic. So far, there were no complaints for the Asian languages. But now, we receive the feedback...
View ArticleCopy/Paste from Book to Book
Seems I miss something in the documentation of FM7.1. I want to use the clipboard to copy the content from an opened book into another book (basically to temporarily migrate from one EDD/template to...
View ArticleConversion of framemaker virtual book to pdf
How can we convert a series of framemaker files into a single pdf ? What are the specific framemaker APIs that has to be used for this conversion ?
View ArticleTo get the color View property from a file
How can get the color view property value of a framemaker file using framemaker API ?
View ArticleHow do you structure a .book with an EDD?
Hi all,I am learning how to convert legacy, unstructured FM documents into structured FM documents and need some help. So, I created a conversion table from my unstructured documents, created the EDD,...
View ArticleError if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. But e.g. Dot.Net...
Frame Maker 11 reports an error if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. However Dot.NET 4.0 validation with the same XSD is OK with such model and validates the different modeled elements...
View Articlehooking up DITA structure and house style(s)
OK ... I've never yet managed to get a DITA project up and running to the point where I can work on it every day with a view to delivering something. But today I hope this has finally changed, so I'll...
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