Location of Format definitions
Where are the formatting names used in Structured EDD actually defined? For example, where is HeadingLeadIn defined, which is used in Structured\xml\UserGuide\app_xml\UserGuide.EDD.fm
View ArticleeSeminar 10/2: Debugging XSLT with FM 11
Just a reminder that I will be speaking on using FM 11 to debug XSLT at 10:00 AM Pacific time on October 2. To register, go to...
View ArticleFrameMaker and ArborText
Can two groups within the same company, one using FrameMaker and the other using ArborText, open and edit each other's documents and then bring them back into the original program? Thanks!Lisa
View ArticleRelationship Table best practices question
My colleagues and I have recently converted all of our unstructured legacy documentation to XML following the DITA standard. We’re now ready to add in relationship tables and have a few questions about...
View ArticleStrange syntax error in FM11 r/w rules
Hi, I'm struggling with a rule that converts element/attribute name uppercase/lowercase ruling: element “xref” {is fm cross-reference element “Xref”;idref attribute “idref” is fm IDReference attribute...
View ArticleRead/Write Rules: Generic Identifiers & FM Tags
I have seen this question answered in one of the dev guides but I cannot find it again. My question is whether it is legal within the read/write rules to refer various generic identifiers to the same...
View ArticleFrame 9 solution for table column + side head does not work in Frame 10 and 11
In Frame 9 structured (DITA) we could force Frame to record the actual widths of table columns in the DITA XML. Frame 9 would respect the widths when opening the file. This was particularly useful...
View ArticleTOC Hyperlink Markers
Hi Framers! I am working on a TOC and a SIX (Index) for a book, using structured Frame Maker. The hyperlink markers are placed in front of the <$paratext> element, so the title of the...
View ArticleWhy is my ditaval being ignored?
FrameMaker 11.0.1DITA 1.2 I'm fairly certain this a FrameMaker issue, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise or instructed on how to correct my ways. I'm still new-ish to the land of DITA, so it...
View ArticleFDK - Change highest level element (NoName) to get a new FM Book valid
Hi everyone, Using the FDK I have saved a DITAMAP (referencing several concept files) as a Book with FM components and the resulting book is invalid with the highest level element of NoName.If I select...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 font size autonumbered xml lists on import to FM
I have a bizzare problem using Structured FrameMaker 10. When importing xml documents, I have a set of Procedures which are broken down into numbered Steps, each with their own para. So the tree would...
View ArticleStructured FM and XML
Hi-- I am a Framemaker newbie going through the Structured Application Developer Guide. I am stuck on page 40 of the guide, on which I'm supposed to open the FM template (with the dtd imported, etc.)...
View ArticleUsing code view adds an invalid attribute to fm-xref element
I've just upgraded from structured FM9 using DITA to structured FM11 using DITA1.1 based on the composite structured application. The project includes a number of XML files and they seemed to finally...
View ArticleList of Figures
What is the best building block to use to get an entry to show uop like this in a LOF.Figure number 1-1 (figures name).................(page number)I figure the page number would just be...
View ArticleTo recognize corrupt framemaker file using framemaker API
If I rename a framemaker book as .fm file and then I try to include this file as a component of another book, no pdf is generated on saving the book as pdf.How can I make sure that a book file is not...
View ArticleEnhanced application definition file (structapps.fm) template available
Text Structure Consulting, Inc. is pleased to make available an alternative FrameMaker 10.0 template for application definition files such as structapps.fm. Differences between this template and the...
View ArticleMy DITA topic is not available
FrameMaker 11DITA 1.2 Hi, When I originally set up my EDDs, I did not want anyone using the Topic topic; I wanted everyone to use the task, reference, and conept topics only, until they got more...
View ArticleWindows 7 & FrameMaker
Hello, We would be upgrading to Windows 7 soon. I would like to know if my existing application (export client) would work on the following versions of FM when I upgarde to Win 7? Win 7 + FrameMaker...
View ArticleFM TOC reference page generation
Is there a way to force FM to use a document's modified TOC reference page instead of it generating a second one when creating a separate TOC file?
View ArticleXML import deletes whitespace after xref element
Hi, FM10 not patched, WinXP SP3 I've bumped into a very serious problem that I am able to replicate, but not solve. When I import (custom) XML, any whitespace following <xref> elements is...
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