Losing shift-returns in XML roundtripping
Hi In a couple of locations - mainly table cells - my customer is using shift-returns to spread the data over multiple lines. The table cell does not currently allow a paragraph. But when the files get...
View ArticleWhy aren't my DITA elements nesting?
FrameMaker 10 and patched || Windows 7 64-bit Our company is migrating from unstructured to structured DITA XML. We had not encountered any "showstoppers" that would keep us from proceeding...until we...
View ArticleError when opening files
When I open a ditamap and then open one of the files within the ditamap, the file takes several minutes to open (literally). The Frame console shows why -- it's generating dozens of error messages such...
View ArticleLiterature for creating structured documents
Hello, I am using TCS4. I have used structured Framemaker extensively, but have never created from there. Is there a Dummies for creating structured FM or any other sort literature that would help a...
View ArticleCan you reorder cells using Read/Write rules?
I’m trying to reorder some table cells during conversion from SMGL to FM10, but I think the Read/Write rules don’t really do what I want them to do. Here’s what I’ve got in SGML:<data>...
View ArticleFrameMaker and ArborText
Can two groups within the same company, one using FrameMaker and the other using ArborText, open and edit each other's documents and then bring them back into the original program? Thanks!Lisa
View ArticleFM11 crashes when opening DITA files created with FM7.2
Hi all,I am finding out new truths every day now about FM11 and DITA 1.2..The latest problem: FM11 crashes (on all our computers) when trying to open existing DITA files. These were created with FM7.2...
View ArticleUninstall FrameMaker 11 and reinstall on a second PC
I've a licenced copy of FrameMaker 11 which I've legally installed on two virtual PCs (both on Macs running Windows XP in VMWare Fusion). On this older Mac, I've also got a full licence for FrameMaker...
View ArticleWhere does the DITA menu call the templates from?
Frame 11DITA 1.2 I'm trying to create a DITA topic (as opposed to a task, reference, or concept) that contains task, reference, and concept elements. I have my template created but when I try to open a...
View ArticleTemplate not displaying formats correctly
I am running FrameMaker 11 on Windows XP. I am using a template with styles that display correctly on other coworkers' systems. However, the following styles do not display on my system: Bullet...
View ArticleEDD formatting won't appear in chapter template output?
I've been working with FM for a little while now and have gradually picked up how to manipulate EDDs and such to do what I want. I've also learned a bit about output templates and how to work with...
View Articleedd version
Footprints in the sands of time ... making another attempt at getting somewhere significant and useful with structured FrameMaker, I've stumbled upon a fairly comprehensive EDD I wrote during a course...
View Articleopening virtual books in FrameMaker 7.2
When I open virtual book which contains the book components as cross referenced hyperlinks, I get only the link of the book in the FrameMaker window and the component structure is not displayed. Is...
View ArticleWhy can't I open read/write rules file?
I have followed the Cookbook XML tutorial exactly as prescribed, even down to using all the examples from the 'Completed' folder, but when I try to perform any procedure such as generating a EDD or...
View ArticleHow do you generate a PDF from Structured FrameMaker?
Hi, I am using Framemaker 8. I have not used Structured FM before. I go through the normal steps to print a PDF, but the PDF does not appear in the location I specify, and it appears not to have been...
View ArticleHow do I create page breaks in the structure itself?
Hello, I'm switching from word to structured FM and DITA. I know that I could use the lines element to create page breaks where I need them, and also insert manual page breaks at the top of the next...
View ArticleFDK How to Detect Structured Book/Document in Unstructured FrameMaker
Hi Everyone, I have looked from pillar to post on this one. Basically when you open a Structured document in Unstructured FrameMaker a warning appears stating exactly what you are doing. I am using FDK...
View ArticleBook file has issues -
We are reviving an old DTD and check-in and -out system for use in a new Structured project document. (don't ask...). Writers delivered everything in a single XML file, which the -check-in and -out...
View ArticleConverting code for trad. chinese - wrong character conversion
Certain codes do not always result in correct trad. chinese characters in FM Version 8 and above. (They do work correctly in FM7.2.!)Example: "¥]" would normally be "包", but often shows as "�]".Other...
View ArticleProblem when assigning image frame style via EDD
Hi all, it seems this is a bug - or am I missing something? In the EDD, I use context rules to assign an object style to image elements. In this example, I simply assign "intitle" to all images for...
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