Convert text file to table on Import
We have a lot of tables, that we'd like to maintain outside of FrameMaker (we're using FM9). I've been trying to figure out the best way to do it, and using the Import>File>Convert option seems...
View ArticleCan I Create a New Structured App that's a Copy of a Current One?
Here's the situation: I am new to using Dita in Framemaker, but have become competent with the authoring process. I do not understand the development end of things very well, however. What I want to...
View ArticleXML import deletes whitespace after xref element
Hi, FM10 not patched, WinXP SP3 I've bumped into a very serious problem that I am able to replicate, but not solve. When I import (custom) XML, any whitespace following <xref> elements is...
View ArticleGenerated list building blocks for structured documents
In addition to the typical generated list building blocks, you can use <$elemtextonly>, <$elemtext>, and <$elemtag> when the target document is structured. Is there any way to grab...
View ArticleRepresenting XML Data in a Table
Hi All, I have an XML document that looks like this: <params> <param> <name>Parameter 1 name</name> <description>Parameter 1 name</description>...
View ArticleRead/Write Rules with Framemaker 9
We have a structured application that we are exporting as XML and HTML from Framemaker 9 and playing in a browser. The graphics are exporting in the correct format but the style sheet generated by...
View ArticleColumns in Framemaker
I have read the message on how to set up columns in the master pages of a document and I did this, but how to I make them read down the column and then start at the top of the next and so on. When I...
View ArticleArbortext(XML) import to Framemaker Error
I am trying to import XML files from Arbortext editor off of Documentum and I can not get them to import into FrameMaker without an "error in processing external entity reference." I am trying to get...
View ArticleWhy aren't my DITA elements nesting?
FrameMaker 10 and patched || Windows 7 64-bit Our company is migrating from unstructured to structured DITA XML. We had not encountered any "showstoppers" that would keep us from proceeding...until we...
View ArticleRelationship Table best practices question
My colleagues and I have recently converted all of our unstructured legacy documentation to XML following the DITA standard. We’re now ready to add in relationship tables and have a few questions about...
View ArticleEDD BUCHKOMPONENTE: Element implementieren!
Hallo zusammen, wie kann man Ordner oder Gruppen in der EDD definieren? Gerade Attribute wären wichtig? Danke vorab
View ArticleConversion table wrapping of character styles
I've never tried to do this before, but now that I do it seems it can't be done. I'd like to wrap a text range (tagged with a character style) in two elements. Let's say I've got a character style...
View ArticleChanges to edd files not showing up in the DITA 1.2 applications
I made changes to the edd files in the DITA 1.2 folder, but they aren't showing up when I use applications that are linked to them. The changes I made don't go into effect until I import element...
View ArticleFont information changed, may effect document?
When I used Print Setup to print the Book for my Structured Document, after selecting the "PDF Printer" I get a message saying "The font information for your computer has changed. This change may...
View ArticleFramemaker XML Output Issue
I have an issue with an attribute not being exported to XML from FM8. Here is the excerpt from the DTD: <!ELEMENT std.table.header (std.table.row+)><!ATTLIST std.table.header cols CDATA...
View ArticleHierarchical ditamaps
Hello I'm evaluating the DITA functionality in Framemaker 9.0 and need some help with DITA bookmaps. In my company we organise maps within bookmaps to create a hierarchical structutre. I've been able...
View ArticleStructure Formatting Problem
This seems like it should be easy but after many hours I am just frustrated. I have an XML structure that is designed very similar to a table, but I want to treat it as text. Basically it is a table...
View ArticleAbsolute path in Doctype DTD makes DTD unavailable on other machines
Hi all, When saving to XML, I understand that Frame takes the relative path to the DTD as described in (in our case, $STRUCTDIR\xml\xdocbook\app\docbookx.dtd) and generates an absolute...
View ArticleHow to get the page number according to MarkerID?
I want to get the page number according to the marker element in fdk. I can get the marktext and markid,How to get the page number according to MarkerID in fdk?
View ArticleHow to insert special character in sgm file and interprete it without isoents...
I have an sgm file which contains special characters in different languages. <!DOCTYPE MANUAL PUBLIC "-//SWE-XXX//DTD XXX MANUAL-DTD 2.0//EN"><MANUAL LANG="CS"><TITEL>Polish...
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