How do I set column widths in read/write rules?
Hello structure experts, I am reading a set of DITA files into a specific FM template format, and there is one detail I cannot get to work properly. It should be possible to define column widths in a...
View ArticleXSLT to convert XML into Tables
Hi, I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file...
View ArticleImporting element definition from an EDD into a template - does not work
FM 10.0.1 German on Windows XP SP3. When importing the element definitions from an existing EDD into an existing template, FrameMaker converts the template into a new EDD.So the element definitions...
View ArticleEDD customization in FM11
Goodmorning,I wrote this content in the wrong area of this forum.I repeat the question in the FM structured area so maybe someone can help me. I'm using Structured Fm 11 with DITA files and DITAMAP...
View ArticleName of images display in Framemaker
Hello, The name of the images I add show up above the image in green text. When I produce the output, it shows up in the final product of the help file. It happens to some files but not to others. Is...
View Articleconvert fm to XML
I need to convert 1650 FrameMaker files into XML, with WEbWorks Publisher standard edition 7. The program crashed during first analyse, after 1000 files. I don't think is a computer resource limit,...
View ArticleHow to create a Structured Glossary
I'm stumped. I can't figure out how to go from having a EDD marker entry for a glossary: to actually having a Glossary? I can tag terms with the Glossary marker and ask FM9 to generate a list...
View ArticleHow do you generate a PDF from Structured FrameMaker?
Hi, I am using Framemaker 8. I have not used Structured FM before. I go through the normal steps to print a PDF, but the PDF does not appear in the location I specify, and it appears not to have been...
View ArticleError # 10024, 5989862, 5990284, 4795407
Hi all, today i try to open my saved *fm document but framemaker crashes all the time. The * also the same, * does not exist! I need help as soon as possible!
View ArticleFrameMaker and ArborText
Can two groups within the same company, one using FrameMaker and the other using ArborText, open and edit each other's documents and then bring them back into the original program? Thanks!Lisa
View ArticleCross reference issues in FrameMaker 11 DITA
I'm trying to upgrade from FrameMaker 9 to FrameMaker 11. My files are set up using structured FrameMaker and DITA. The ditamap is comprised of both FM files and XML files. I'm attempting to use the...
View ArticleCross references in conrefs - FrameMaker does not update
Hi all, the scenario: file A has cross refs to file B ("see chapter xxx on page yyy") and vice versa. When I insert both files into file C via conrefs, then the cross refs do not update to show the...
View ArticleFont-changing with RW-file?
Is there any way to use a RW-file to change the font on a single character during import of an xml-file?The std-font I use doesn't have all the characters I need to present, so I have to use an other...
View ArticleEDD: How to create XML tag that can only accept value from an enumerated list
Hi, I'm new to creating EDD and Structured Apps in FrameMaker (9.0). I have seen examples of creating EDD that allow an attribute to take on a value from a list. But is it possible to have an...
View ArticleX-refs are not working in the PDF output
I correctly generated a PDF from a ditamap using DITA-FMx and cross-references are not working.Thanks for your help.
View ArticleFrameMaker -> XML -> FrameMaker issues
Hello, I currently have about 150 pages fm file, which were orginally unstructured but I managed to make a working structure to it. It has mainly tables, which have crossreferences, images, graphics,...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 font size autonumbered xml lists on import to FM
I have a bizzare problem using Structured FrameMaker 10. When importing xml documents, I have a set of Procedures which are broken down into numbered Steps, each with their own para. So the tree would...
View ArticleWhen printing a book to PDF, bookmark definitions are not saved
I recall seeing another post about this issue and I can't find it now, but none of the workarounds mentioned there worked for me, so here goes: I am working on a book migrated from FM 9 to FM 11, and...
View ArticlePuzzled by DITA conref error
Hi all,Can anyone explain why I might be getting the following error when I try to insert a DITA conref? I've run out of ideas.DITA+FM ERROR: Error applying condition.I'm using Frame 8.01 (latest...
View ArticlePreserving Chapter Cross References when going to Structured Framemaker
Hello,I am trying to preserve all of my cross references that link from chapter to chapter, within the same book. If I convert files one at a time, then FrameMaker has trouble finding the link in the...
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