X-refs are not working in the PDF output
I correctly generated a PDF from a ditamap using DITA-FMx and cross-references are not working.Thanks for your help.
View ArticleUnordered lists in paragraphs and tables
Can someone explain why unordered lists aren't supported in CONCEPT or REFERENCE topics? (or why ULs appear in red, if they are supported?)This is on a totally unmodified version of FM 10 (I also...
View ArticleHow can I get XML cross-references to translate to Structured FrameMaker?
I've been using Structured FrameMaker from the beginning, and have designed many EDDs, and about 10 years ago I did some translation of SGML into Structured FrameMaker (7.2) which worked well. Now,...
View ArticleFramemaker XML Output Issue
I have an issue with an attribute not being exported to XML from FM8. Here is the excerpt from the DTD: <!ELEMENT std.table.header (std.table.row+)><!ATTLIST std.table.header cols CDATA...
View ArticleFrameMaker -> XML -> FrameMaker issues
Hello, I currently have about 150 pages fm file, which were orginally unstructured but I managed to make a working structure to it. It has mainly tables, which have crossreferences, images, graphics,...
View ArticleIssue with RE:RootElement and Conversion Table
Hi there, I am trying to convert unstructured to stuctured documents using the conversion table. I'm building the prototype table and EDD that my department will use, and working in FM 10. Ideally,...
View ArticleError if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. But e.g. Dot.Net...
Frame Maker 11 reports an error if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. However Dot.NET 4.0 validation with the same XSD is OK with such model and validates the different modeled elements...
View ArticleStarting with DITA & FrameMaker 10
Hi - Can anyone please help!!!! I understand DITA from a conceptual point of view but want to use FrameMaker to implement a DITA/Topic-based solution for my organisation. Initially, I am looking to...
View ArticleFramemaker 10 - DITA Image Linking - Sharepoint CMS
Hello, I am using Adobe Framemaker 10 with DITA. I am connected, through Framemaker, to a Sharepoint CMS. I initially created my DITA concept locally, I then added an image (HRef) and linked it to a...
View ArticleFramemaker 8 Output to XML Errors
Error at file H:\My Documents\IMS\IMS CURRENT DEVELOPMENT\FrameDocs\framed.frnt_revisionsummary_Revisions.e01, line 24, char 19, Message: Requiredattribute 'cols' was not provided I cannot find anyway...
View Articlesgml import issue
I am working on a structure application and EDD using the dtd for CMMs that is provided with iSpec2200. The issue that I can't seem to resolve is related to the display of .cgm graphic files that are...
View ArticleHow to replace a user variable from a selected text range.
I want to replace a user variable which is wrapped with Emphasis element.While I am doing this replacement I need to change the Emphasis element's attributes in which the variable is been wrapped.I am...
View Article"Unwrap" CDATA with XSLT
Hi,I know this isn't necessarily a FrameMaker question, but it is a place where I know people. So forgive me for asking it here.I have some CDATA sections in an XML file that contain markup that I want...
View Articlecan you find specific tags in structured FM and clear them?
I'm working with FM 8 in Tech Comm Suite 1 in an XP environment. We have used the ph tag to indicate sections where text has changed and must be approved by SMEs. How do we clear the tags when the...
View ArticleUnable to print to PDF Oversize pages from FrameMaker 9.0 and 7.2
Hi All, I am trying to print to PDF a publication that is full of oversize wiring diagrams. The pages are all images ranging in size from standard A3 and A4 siz sheets through to a foldout being 1470...
View ArticleMIL-STD 40051C - where to begin
Hi everyone...I am fairly new to structured framemaker and spent the last week reading every piece of information I could on the subject. I've been given the task here at work of taking some...
View ArticleExporting Paragraph Catalog to EDD
Hello everyone and thanks in advance for any help. I'm currently working on importing XML into Framemaker. I'm fairly new to Framemaker but after reading the technical paper on XSLT and structured...
View ArticleHow do I create page breaks in the structure itself?
Hello, I'm switching from word to structured FM and DITA. I know that I could use the lines element to create page breaks where I need them, and also insert manual page breaks at the top of the next...
View ArticleHow do I create a soft return (shift+Enter)?
FrameMaker 11DITA 1.2 Is it possible using FM 11 and DITA 1.2 to use a soft return (as in Shift+Enter)? There are times when I want to avoid bad line breaks in a line of code or when I just want to...
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