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How to use a custom css with a ditamap?


I'm still trying to get to grips with some DITA Frame basics and another piece of info that I would like to have is how to get the ditamap to use a custom css when it is output to xhtml with the DITA OT. Is there any simple non-super-techie way to do this without having to learn how to hack the ANT programs?


Under the StructureTools menu, there is an Import CSS styles item, but I can't find instructions on how to use it accessible to my level.


Also, is there a way to apply a company stylesheet to the Responsive html output generated with the new Publish tool? I realize the two provided templates can be modified element by element, but it does mean a lot of modification, and it would be cool if we could just invoke the stylesheets that already govern our web site so that the output could match.


Thanks to anyone who can help,


Elisa Roselli

Cambridge Imaging Systems

Framemaker Total Page Count with DITA


I am evaluating Structured Framemaker 12 to use with DITA. I have a bookmap and want the footer on each resulting page in all the chapters and the index to include the Total Page Count of the book. I have attempted to follow the instructions in

Including the total page count of a book in a header or footer

However, the last document is my Index, which is only a single page. I am getting the total page count as 1. Do I need to do something extra in the dita-output.ini file or ...?

How to name topics better when developing a new documentation?


Hi all,

I am encountering a problem about topic name. I think a suitable topic name is key to make href/xref or display the topic's main content. Currently, there are two solutions to the problem, for example, a topic named t_define_product_name or t_DefineProductName.

I wonder how you design the topic name or depend some rules?

Thank u in advance.

Can open Topics by drag & drop, but not by double-clicking in the DITA map



evidently I made an error somewhere in my structure app, the result is that I cannot open DITA topics by double clicking them in the DITA map anymore (Framemaker does simpy nothing). I can, however, open them by dragging the xml files onto the Framemaker window.  If I use the standard DITA 1.2 application everything works fine so I guess the problem is in my mapping.


Here is what I tried to achieve:

  • We need certain variations of the normal 'topic' type topic. The DTD should be identical, however different structures should be auto-inserted when creating a topic and the topic should have certain attribute values predefined.
  • The idea is that the author can select one of these topic types when creating a topic, but when opening an existing topic simply edit it with the standard topic temple.


Here is what I did:

  1. I duplicated the topic.template.fm, renaming it say "topic_a.template.fm", "topic_b.template.fm" etc. (just an example).
  2. I made adjustments to the EDD of these templates, changing the auto-insertions and the default values of some attributes.
  3. In the structapps.fm file I added XML applications for these new topic types, mapping each application to one of the new templates, but to the original topic DTD and r/w rules. E.g. the application "DITA_1.2_topic_a" is mapped to the "topic_a.template.fm" template, and to the original "topic.dtd" and "topic.rules.txt" files.
  4. In Framemaker I then created corresponding application mappings in the DITA options. E.g. the topic type "A" (which defines the visible text in the "New topic" menu) is maped to the XML application "DITA_1.2_topic_a".


The result:

  • It works as intended in every way when creating topics. The topics are saved with the standard doctype 'topic'. However for when I try to open topics from the DTD by double-clicking then nothing happens. Opening topics by drag & drop works fine though and they are opened with the normal (general) "topic.template.fm" template as desired.


Any ideas? Was this confusing or am I completely off somewhere?



FM 12 xslt preprocessing




I've got an XML application that works w/o problems on FM9 and FM 11, but not in FM 12. If my structapps does not have any preprocessing XSLT, everything works. But if it has, XSLT processor (Xalan used, not Saxon HE), XSLT processor gives me error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file: <path_to_source_xml>\dtd_file, so it looks like xalan cannot resolve the public identifier and tries to locate dtd  from same folder. I have declared the entity locations with public ID + path\filename in structapps (and uses default API client).


What might be wrong?


Thanks in advance,


How to import a table from an excel for word into an fm file?

FrameMaker 12 won't startup




I'm running FrameMaker 12 on Windows 7.

When I startup the program, I must select one of the follow three.(in 'Choose Interface' window.)

- FrameMaker

- Structured FrameMaker

- FrameMaker XML Author


Unfortunately, after clicking 'Structured FrameMaker' or 'FrameMaker XML Author', error is occurred.

Error message is follows.

- Internal Error 12004, 23459156, 23459450, 26389685. FrameMaker has detected a serious problem and must quit.




Please, I hope that I receive a good solution.


Best Regard.

Master pages failing to be applied (along with some unexpected behavior)


Hi all,


I am having trouble getting our structured app/template to apply master pages properly. We're on Frame 11 using an XDocbook, customized app.


Here is the configuration:

1. Reference page structMasterPageMap:

  • Maps element E:BookInfo  to the "Title Page" master page. 
  • Maps element E:PrefaceInfo to the "Frontmatter" master page.


2. Frame XML document content:







As you can see, this doc does not yet have a PrefaceInfo element, although one is allowed by the DTD.  So the obvious solution is to either: 1) add one (wrap the <copyright> element in a <prefaceinfo> element as allowed); or 2) add an "E:Copyright" mapping to the ref page. Yet, neither of these work.  Here's what occurs:


Solution A: On the Ref page, add a mapping from E:Copyright to the "Frontmatter" master page:

1. Open the document in Frame and note that the master page Title Page is applied, but the master page Frontmatter is not, as expected.

2. On the ref page, add the E:Copyright mapping to apply the Frontmatter master page.

3. Reapply Master Pages, and the Frontmatter page is applied, as expected.  All is good....except.  When you close and then re-open the document, no master pages are applied, not even the Title Page which had previous worked. Huh, what?

4. Remove the E:Copyright mapping from the ref page, reapply Master Pages, and the Title Page master page is again applied.

Note: This behavior is reproducible whether I replace the E:PrefaceInfo with E:Copyright on the reference page, or retain both. I can also reproduce this by using the paragraph tag instead, of the element, i.e. P:FrontmatterCopyright.


Solution B: In the document, add a <prefaceinfo> element:

1. Open the document in Frame and note that the Title Page master page is applied while the Frontmatter is not, which is expected.

2. Wrap the <copyright> element in <prefaceinfo>.

3. Reapply Master Pages.  Nothing happens, i.e. the Frontmatter master page is not applied.

4. Save, close, and reopen the document.  The Title page is applied, but the Frontmatter is not.

Yes, I have checked and rechecked that the actual master page names match those entered into the reference pages, including case.  :-)


Possible conflicts/factors?

1. Could the structure of the document (as allowed by the DTD) affect master page application? The element <copyright> can exist both inside a <prefaceinfo> and independently under <bookinfo>.  This doesn't seem likely, especially because as a test, I saved the doc as .fm, discarded the structure, updated the ref page to use para tags instead -- and still the master pages are not applied correctly.

2. Pagination can affect this -- at first we had Format>Page Layout>Pagination set to "Single Sided" so I thought that was why the left-hand Frontmatter was being ignored. But I have ruled that out; the template is now double sided, and Frontmatter is a left page.


I am stumped!  Thanks in advance for any ideas.


- Shelley


Shelley Hoose

Sr. Docs Developer, Rogue Wave Software

Query about structured Frame templates


In Frame 12 all the templates have been updated.

I built my book using unstructured templates because I wanted to get a feel for the changes from my last version of Frame (8).

I now think I will need to redo the book entirely using the templates from structured Frame.



The unstructured Frame template for a book has all master pages in every file in the book. The structured template for Chapter has only master pages: left, right, first. Is there a reason for this? (Should not every file in the book have the same master and reference pages?)



Running header/footer background color from XML attribute


I'd like to set the background color of running headers and footers, based on an attribute from an element in my imported XML-file.

Basically what I want is to have different colors of headers or footers for different chapters in the book (catalogue).


Is there any way to do formatting like this from the EDD or rules? Or is there some other way to achieve a similar result?


[Moved to Structured Forum by moderator]

FM 11 and entities


We have a process for typesetting large amounts of text which involves importing SGML content into FM11, and then importing formats and element definitions onto that content.


We recently upgraded from using FM6, and with that previous version of FrameMaker, when the content contained an unusual entity (e.g. a letter i with a macron above it), the system would default to using a different font in which we had the correct symbol for the entity. Unfortunately we cannot work out how to get FM11 to replicate this, so end up with question marks replacing the entity.


We do not currently use a Structure Application or DTD, and have a very simple default.rw file:


fm version is "11.0";


* Include all ISO entity mapping rules.


#include "isoall.rw"


element "Paddr" is fm footnote element;

element "Paddrstart" is fm footnote element;


What is the best way to get FM11 to recognise that these entities need to use a different font? I've tried looking in the various online documentation pdfs, but couldn't see how to solve this problem.





Hierachical element insert


In FrameMaker 11 it was possible to use the quick Element Catalog to select a Hierachical element. For example, from the Quick Element Catalog I could highlight ItemizedList, then to the right the child elements would appear as I moused over it and I could then select ListItem, and then Para. Clicking the hierarchical Para element would insert Para, ListIem, and ItemizedList elements in the proper nested order.


In FrameMaker 12 I cannot do this. Am I missing something?


I found the following link in the Help files, but it isn't functional.


Adobe FrameMaker 12 * Hierarchical element insert

pagination for books with xml files


I need to use the "read from file" pagination option for a book I'm generating using xml files, but that option is greyed out! How do I make that option available?

Having Problems with to render to PDF directly from FrameMaker11?


We are using structured FrameMaker11 to generate tagged information in accordance with S1000D build rules, and after we created all our (newlink) targets, and then built the corresponding (gotolink) pointers in our table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables, etc., we tested each one in FrameMaker11 and they all seemed to work. However. When we made a print to PDF (with links) some of the links did not work in the rendered PDF. We could not see what we were doing wrong.


One of our team used "CutePDF Writer" and all the links in the rendered PDF worked perfectly.


What's going on, and how can we use our FrameMaker product to produce reliable PDF links?


[Message moved to Structured FM forum by moderator]




I'm trying to use keys as variables in my DITA project, but I can't figure out how to insert a "variable" in a topic using keys?


This is what my dita map looks like:


<map xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">

     <title>Product variables</title>

          <keydef keys = "product_name">



                             <keyword>Sample Product Name</keyword>






This is what the topic looks like but nothing happens


<concept id = "id144FF0W0FFP"

    xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">

<title>General description</title>


          <p><keyword keyref = "product_name"></keyword> is a great product.</p>




Can anyone help me?

Highlight text in FrameMaker.

I want to highlight text in FrameMaker.or add shadow for the text.How can I deal with it?

Create watermark in FrameMaker 7.1


I am trying to add a "PRELIMINARY" watermark to every page of a structured document in FrameMaker 7.1.  I added the text in a text box to the master pages, but the graphics boxes in my document block out the watermark.  I tried placing the text in a graphics box, but that gave the same results.  Is there a way to bring a watermark to the front of graphics boxes?

Why not MIF?


The question is rhetorical. There is no need to respond.


I just spent over an hour trying to print selected files from a book to the AdobePDF printer. FrameMaker 9.0p237 crashed seconds into the operation. I tried printing individual files in the book. I tried printing to file. All resulted in crashes. Yesterday printing was fine, except for some muddled PDFs, but no crashes.


Finally I saved each fm file in the mif format, opened the mif files, and saved each to fm. I also mifed the book file. I then opened the book, updated it a few times, and printed the selected documents to the AdobePDF printer. It worked just fine!


I have seen so many times on this forum the suggestion of cleaning files by saving them to mif and back to fm. If this is such a good process, maybe Adobe should consider making the mif format the standard format for FrameMaker files. I know that the file size is larger, but if it solves so many problems, why not! Or maybe FrameMaker's save process should include a background mif wash to minimize problems.

Converting Structured FM documents into unstruc. FrameMaker


After experiencing problems working with Structured FM via a VPN connection, we are contemplating alternative software solutions.  Is it possible to convert existing Structured FM docs into unstructured FrameMaker?  Or does anyone have a sugggestion for another Adobe software that can handle  20-100 pp. Operations & Maintenance manuals and diagnostic guides, with a large number of .wmf inmages.  We are currently required to generate. the documents in .pdf format.  Suggestions would be much appreciated.  Thank you.

How do I create page breaks in the structure itself?




I'm switching from word to structured FM and DITA. I know that I could use the lines element to create page breaks where I need them, and also insert manual page breaks at the top of the next available page.


But there must be a better way in the structure somehow, conditional on certain conditions - for example, new topics always on a new page or no separation of images from its immediately preceding reference. Please could somebody expain how I can create such page breaks in the structure.

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