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How to get parent element name?



In my FDK development, "startTime" &"endTime" is marker element.Using the following code,I can get the element name of  "txtContent".


markerText= F_ApiGetString(docId, markerId, FP_MarkerText);
              //F_ApiAlert(markerText, FF_ALERT_CONTINUE_WARN);

    textLoc = F_ApiGetTextLoc(docId, markerId,FP_TextLoc);
    if (textLoc.objId == 0) return;


  elemLoc = F_ApiTextLocToElementLoc(docId, &textLoc);
      /* get Id of the parent element’s element definition */
   elemId = F_ApiGetId(docId, elemLoc.parentId, FP_ElementDef);

   elemName = F_ApiGetString(docId, elemId, FP_Name);


But I want to get the element name of "radioFailuerProceduer". I can't get it now.

if you already get the element name of "txtContent",How to get parent element name?

Cross-reference ID


Hi there,

I have internal cross-references between elements of the document as well as external references to elements of other documents. The external references working fine, but when I open a document with internal cross references a get the message "No cross-reference ID specified for the element (Xref)". But the element I link to has an ID, and my xref element refers to this ID.


What did I do wrong?



XSLT to convert XML into Tables




I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file opened, the "Unknown File Type" error window appeared asking for a file format to Convert From. Picking any one doesn't create a table.


The XSL file tranforms the XML data into an HTML file that has a table with columns corresponding to the XML data. I was thinking using that type of XSL because it renders tables.


Below is the XSL markup:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">


<xsl:template match="/">




    <table border="1">

      <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">





      <xsl:for-each select="Products/Product">


        <td><xsl:value-of select="Title"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Number"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Date"/></td>









Title, Number, and Date are child elements of the Product element, which is a child element of the Products root element in my XML file.


Am I applying the stylesheet correctly here? Am I using the write kind of stylesheet?




Elements default format appear as blocks instead of inline text


I am creating an EDD and I have some issues with the way FrameMaker breaks each element instead of leaving it inline. This wouldn't be a problem if I was allowed to format children instead of elements; then I could fix the problems I am having.


Short question is, is there a way to tell FrameMaker to open unformatted elements inline instead of as blocks?


For instance, I have acronym elements within the text that wrap the definition and then wrap the term. When formatting it, it must show up as text and then the acronym after it with parentheses around it. I was able to make that happen by using run-ins, but the acronym element itself is no longer a part of the para. It is broken down to its own paragraph.


Example: <para>Reference will be made to the <acronym><def>Air Force</def><term>AF</term></acronym> serial number.</para>



should look like this:


Reference will be made to the Air Force (AF) serial number.



but instead looks like this:


Reference will be made to the

Air Force (AF) serial number.



because I can't edit the EDD to have any para element with an acronym within it to format as a run-in.

Error if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. But e.g. Dot.Net accepts this


Frame Maker 11 reports an error if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. However Dot.NET 4.0 validation with the same XSD is OK with such model and validates the different modeled elements with the same name (e.g. fett) correctly. We need the "double declaration of the same element" feature in Frame Maker 11 in a big migration project. We migrate  SGML data to XML. How can we solve this?


Hint: we explicitly want to prohibit an endless recursive nesting of elements!


Sample XSD:

<xs:schema xmlns="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" xmlns:tr="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" > <xs:group name="inlineBase"> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="sup" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="sub" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="keyword" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="inline-graphics" type="xs:string" /> </xs:choice> </xs:group> <xs:element name="paragraph"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> <xs:element name="bold"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> <xs:element name="italic"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="italic"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> <xs:element name="bold"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> <xs:attribute name="autor" type="xs:string" /> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema>


Sample XML:

<paragraph xmlns="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" xsi:schemaLocation="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion test-recursion2.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" > Lorem ipsum <bold>dolor <italic>sit amet<sup>hoch 2</sup>, consetetur </italic>sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod</bold> tempor invidunt ut labore et <italic>dolore <bold>magna aliquyam<sup>hoch 3</sup> erat</bold>, sed diam voluptua</italic>. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. </paragraph>

Opening the XML in Frame Maker 11 results in following error:

XML Read Report Log Source Document: C:\Work\DOCS\120820-Base-Umstrukturierung\Bold-Italic-Test-2.xml XML Parser Messages (Document Prolog) Error at file C:\Users\t25681a\AppData\Local\Temp\FMTCCD7.tmp, line 18, char 17, Message: Element 'italic' has already been declared Error at line 19, char 15, Message: Element 'bold' has already been declared


Thanks a lot for any suggestions


FM9: Import of previously created xml file back to FrameMaker


Hi all,


I have saved a FrameMaker document as an XML file and would like to import it back to FrameMaker. I am guessing it needs a little more skills and attention than just hitting "Open file" cause previous attempts to convert that xml file back to how it used to look in FrameMaker  obviously failed.


I am importing it back to the same system so the styles and everything are exactly the same.


The idea behind this is that my boss wishes to check in the manual with every software release so a specific version of the manual for a specific release can be recreated at any time. Just that I have no idea how that will work if I cant import it back into FrameMaker to convert it into the manual I'd need. I am not familiar with the structured operation and I am desperately hoping theres a solution I can work with.


Thank you!!!

Starting with DITA & FrameMaker 10


Hi - Can anyone please help!!!!


I understand DITA from a conceptual point of view but want to use FrameMaker to implement  a DITA/Topic-based solution for my organisation.


Initially, I am looking to implement a a very basic DITA solution. Essentially, I have some instructional content and want re-assemble this content to produce several different instructional publications from the single-source.


Can anyone tell me where is the best place to start. I have looked at some of the tutorials but am still experiencing difficulties.





Framemaker ID attribute


Hi all,


Do any of you know whether the FramerMaker ID attribute is used anywhere besides in cross-references?




SaveFrameBookAsPdf using FDK11 gets the contents cropped to the top and right of the rendered PDF.



I am using a method to Save Frame file as PDF using FDK 11 and this works fine. Currently, I have a requirement to Save the whole Frame book as PDF for which i am trying with the same method but the output is not accurate. The contents in the rendered PDF is cropped to the Top and Right. Tried several options and could not figure out the cause of the issue. any help would be highly appreciated.


Used Method:

           long SaveAsPdf(char* strSourceFileName, char* strTargetFileName)


                F_PropValsT params, *returnParams = NULL;

                F_ObjHandleT docId, pgfId, saveId;

                IntT i = 0;

                StringT name = NULL;

                StringT str_Target_File_Name;

                long bookId;


                str_Target_File_Name = F_StrCopyString((StringT)strTargetFileName);   



                /* Open all files */

                bookId = openBookFiles(strSourceFileName);

                /* Get docId in order to set Acrobat Bookmark levels */

                docId = F_ApiGetId(FV_SessionId, FV_SessionId, FP_FirstOpenDoc);

                /* Sets the save parameters so as to save as PDF and allow user to name file.*/

                params = F_ApiGetSaveDefaultParams();

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&params, FS_FileType);

                params.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_SaveFmtPdf;


                /* Saves the book and all its components to one PDF file */

                saveId = F_ApiSave(bookId, str_Target_File_Name, &params, &returnParams);

                /* Close the open files.*/

                while (docId)


                    F_ApiClose(docId, FF_CLOSE_MODIFIED);

                    docId = F_ApiGetId(FV_SessionId, FV_SessionId, FP_NextOpenDocInSession);





                return (long)saveId;



            long openBookFiles(char* strSourceFileName)


                IntT i = 0;

                F_PropValsT script, *returnp = NULL;

                F_ObjHandleT compId;

                F_ObjHandleT docId;

                StringT compName = NULL;

                StringT str_Source_File_Name;

                str_Source_File_Name = F_StrCopyString((StringT)strSourceFileName);   


                /* create open script which minimizes user response*/

                script = F_ApiGetOpenDefaultParams();

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_MakeVisible);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = False;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_RefFileNotFound);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_AllowAllRefFilesUnFindable;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_FileIsOldVersion);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoOK;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_FontChangedMetric);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoOK;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_FontNotFoundInCatalog);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoOK;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_FontNotFoundInDoc);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoOK;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_LanguageNotAvailable);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoOK;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_LockCantBeReset);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoOK;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_UpdateTextReferences);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoNo;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_UpdateXRefs);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoNo;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_UseAutoSaveFile);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoNo;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_UseRecoverFile);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoNo;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_AlertUserAboutFailure);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = False;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_BeefyDoc);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoOK;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_FileIsInUse);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_OpenViewOnly;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_FileIsStructured);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_OpenViewOnly;

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_OpenFileNotWritable);

                script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_DoOK;


                long bookId = F_ApiOpen(str_Source_File_Name, &script, &returnp);


                return long(bookId);



Added an image with expected and cropped scenario.



Creating Unique IDs for elements (non-DITA)...



I know there's a solution to this somehow via scripting - problem is, I have no clue so far about FM scripting

We're using the standard XML API for our structure and everything works out fine, except one thing that we stumbled over.

When creating a TOC in FM11 based on XML files within a book, we're receiving good results (pages are referenced correctly). As long as it doesn't come down to jump marks.

FM11 doesn't create the correct jump marks for the TOC entries. After an analysis, this is because the unique IDs for the referenced elements are non-existant (they're required and declared as UniqueID in the DTD and EDD, but not set automatically). Therefor FM11 points his jump marks towards the nearest element with an unique ID.

This behavior points me to two questions:

1. can I get FM11 to create unique IDs upon creation of the TOC (same way it creates the IDs when using XRef)? or

2. what can I do to get FM11 to create unique IDs automatically on insertion of an element, that requires an ID?




Cheers Gorly

Table Problems (Cell Shading and Default Format from EDD and Template)


I have two problems related to tables using Structured FrameMaker (Version 10), whilst in-processing XML.


I've designed two different table formats in my Template; Format A with black shading - 30% for THead and 3% for row, and Format B with blue shading - 30% for THead and 3% for row.


If I create a structured document from scratch and insert a table, I get the required Black (30%) and Black (3%) shading.   If I then insert an informaltable, I get the required Blue (30%) and Blue (3%) shading.


Although I've given the two table types different default formats in the EDD - Format A for table and Format B for informaltable - when I open the XML file (normally) from within FrameMaker I notice that all the tables default to Format A (black shading).   When I then import my EDD table should stay as Format A and informaltable should change to Format I.   This doesn't happen; they all stay at Format A.


I can change informaltable by manually applying Format I, this worksI.  Obviously, with long documents which might have hundreds of tables we can't afford the time and manpower to do such things one at a time by hand.


Do any of the Structure gurus have a fix for this, or can someone give me a hint of what I might be doing wrong?


The second, but related question was a general one.   I see that Adobe says




FrameMaker table formats are only partially integrated with the structure model. The content of

a FrameMaker table is always fully structured, but the control over cell border ruling is limited and

there is no structure format control over cell shading."


I believe it could be useful to apply cell shading on an individual cell basis (although I'm not sure whether this is possible at the XML level - where someboddy might give an element an attribute of, say, shading (with options, such as, green, red, blue, yellow all at, say, 30%, with a default of red, for example.


I've seen that there has been mention of plugins to achieve cell shading in structure; does anyone have an experience with such things, more to the point, can anyone point me in the right direction?   I don't mind paying fo a solution which I can implement myself.


Any help or advice would be much appreciated.





Special Char not Translating into Horizontal Tab in Structured FM 11


In the office where I work, we are upgrading from Structured FrameMaker 8 in Win XP to Structured FrameMaker 11 in Win 7. Part of the work that I do involves importing xml feeds into Structured FrameMaker templates using an automated process. As I am testing the importing into FM 11 I am noticing that the special character code used for a horizontal tab - &#09; - is not translating into a tab after the xml feed has been imported into the FM 11 template. It does translate into a horizontal tab when imported into FM 8. What special character code should be used for horizontal tabs in FM11?

couldn't open file because it uses unavailable fonts


I am using framemaker 7.1 and windows 7. I am very familiar with this error. Every time I have gotten it save as with the same file name has always taken care of the problem. I just reloaded framemaker and now the save as does not work. Any suggestions?

Open topics by double-clicking them in the DITA map - not working any more?


Hi all,

I just noticed when I double-click a topicref in a DITA map in FM12 then the referenced topic does not open any more. I checked the problem with several maps. Is this a bug/feature or do I need to activate this function somewhere in the options?



How many EDDs and templates do I need?



I'm planning to set up a documentation project using DITA (1.2) and I'm evaluating which editor would be better. The output will be PDF files (in various formats: A4, A5 and Letter for various documents: instructions for use, technical manual, etc) and the content will be translated in more than 20 languages (including Japanese, Chinese and Korean).

I saw that some consultant managed to define only one EDD for all languages but then does it mean that if I can't have one, I need one EDD per language? Then do I need one template per EDD or can I have several templates for an EDD?


Best regards,


Feather spacing in headings to base align columns/pages




Feather space in Headings is the important requirement in typesetting. For example, every heading requires "x" amount of above space, and "y" amount of below space. This is being configured in the Paragraph style designer. Is there any option to provide how much these "x" and "y" values can be negotiated (increase or decrease) in order to base align the column/pages. This feathering option is available in both 3B2 and LaTeX to configure. Unfortunately, this option is not available in InDesign too but we could make a script to achieve but this is unlikely. Are there any feature in FrameMaker to handle this feathering option?


Thanks in advance,


FM12 - "Black" images in HTML5 output



I'm using Framemaker 12, and I work with HTML5 output to publish online helps.

In my FM files, I use PNG images which are in anchored frames.

My problem is, after I did the HTML5 output, my images appear "black" as you can see below. Any idea about where this problem comes from would be greatly appreciated !

Thanks a lot.





Can I disable image size attributes?


I make all of my graphics to size and I save them as AI files. When I link them into FrameMaker (11 / DITA1.2), it adds height and width attributes (in POINTS, of all things) based on the native size of the image. That's fine. However, I have had to resize graphics on a few occasions, which means the size attributes cause problems--the graphic frame is now too big or too small.


Can I get FrameMaker to NOT put in the height and width attributes, and just always bring a graphic in at its native size?

"Unwrap" CDATA with XSLT


I know this isn't necessarily a FrameMaker question, but it is a place where I know people. So forgive me for asking it here.

I have some CDATA sections in an XML file that contain markup that I want to be parsed eventually, and I want to be able to extract it with the markup intact. Can I do this with XSLT, or does the nature of CDATA negate the use of retrieving the markup with an XML-parser-dependent technology?

Here's a sample element (element tags replaced with curly braces)

{documentation}{![CDATA[{p}Some text{/p}]]}{/documentation}

Is there any way I can get that p element out of there with XSLT, without excaping any of the characters, so it is parsable markup in the output?

[{p}Some text{/p}


How to set PDF Job option using FDK11?



I have a tool to convert Framebook into PDF and this works good. But the generated pdf is not of the same size as it is generated through FrameMaker Save as PDF. With the FrameMaker API, I get a dialog box to choose the different PDF Job options available. I came across a similar provision with FDK which also has a property to set the PDF Job options but it doesnt work as expected. Please correct me if my approach is wrong.


                params = F_ApiGetSaveDefaultParams();

                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&params, FS_FileType);

                params.val[i].propVal.u.ival = FV_SaveFmtPdf;


                i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&params, FP_PDFJobOption);

                params.val[i].propVal.u.ival = F_StrCopyString ((StringT)"Smallest File Size");




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