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Structured FrameMaker and TFS


We currently use RoboHelp9 and RoboSource Control, but we are moving to Structured FrameMaker (FM10) and want to use TFS for version control. If anyone out there is using this combination, how do you like it? Can you check in and check out easily? View recent changes, etc?



Level rules for nested codeblocks


I am trying to modify the level rules to apply indentation to codeblock elements, which I have allowed for nesting so we can create good code samples.


I have my level rules set up like this, but everything is still flush with the left margin when I am authoring:


Text format rules

If level is: 1

Basic properties


First indent: 0

Else, if level is: 2

Basic properties


Move first indent by: +0.5”

Else, if level is: 3

Basic properties


Move first indent by: +0.10”

Else, if level is: 4

Basic properties


Move first indent by: +0.15”


Anyone who's done this more often than me have any ideas? I have tried with both a FirstIndent, FirstIndentChange, LeftIndent, and LeftIndent change and whenever I apply the element definitions to my topic it still does not work.

Adjust r/w rules to save anchored frame position


Hi all,

I have been trying to adjust my r/w rules, perhaps somebody has a hint for me.


What I need to do is save the placement of anchored frames for image elements (such as "in paragraph" or "beneath current line") when writing to XML. Vice versa the FM property should be retrieved when opening the XML file.


My idea was to write this into the outputclass attribute. However, it seems I was not able to fetch the correct FM property yet.


Any ideas (or better solutions altogether)?



How to not include dita files/dita maps in TOC




In a DITA map I have added Concepts .ditamap and Topics .ditamap (which contains multiple .dita files) and saving ditamap as "Book 11 with fm components".


I don’t want to include concepts .ditamap (which contains two dita files) in TOC. I have defined "toc=no" in concept attributes but there is no result.


Could anyone please suggest how to hide or how to not include dita files in TOC?


Thank you.

Change Default Setting in PDF Set Up Window to RGB


Is it possible to change the default setting in the FrameMaker 11 PDF Set UP window to RGB. The current default setting is CMYK.


I have not been able to find a way to do this.


Thank-you for your assistance.



Format a text-crossref


Hi all,

in the DITA EDD the fm-xref element does not suport any formatting in itself it seems. Thus we use the crossref-definitions in the Framemaker template to apply a chracter style (simple underlined blue). However, if you insert a crossref that contains a text string as anchor (e.g. "For more information, click here.") then it is not possible to apply a formatting.


How can such a crossref be formatted? Does the EDD offer any possibilities?



Conversion from word problems with images


Hi ,

I managed to make a conversion table to structure the documents of out company.I am having a proble with images.I am importing the word file to our template with a custom EDD document.When the import finishes I am having all images at almost correct places.The issue is when i apply the custom conversion table all the images at anchored at insertion point.The correct position would be at below current line.I am stuck and I can not find a solution to this.

My EDD is as follows:


EDD Version is 12.0

Structured Application: ReportPlain

F:\FramemakerBooks\Part B -Section 3.fm

April 14, 2014

Element (Container): Author

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: ReportAuthor

Element (Container): Emphasis

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Use character format: Emphasis

Element (Equation): Equation



Element (Container): EquationPara

General rule:          Equation

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Equation

Element (Container): Extract

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef)*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Extract

Element (Container): Figure

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Frame)*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Figure

Name: Imported           Choice           Optional

Choices:          Yes, No

Default:          No

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Figure

Element (Footnote): Footnote

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Footnote

If context is: * < Table

Use paragraph format: TableFootnote

Element (Graphic): GRAPHIC

Initial graphic element format

In all contexts.

Insert anchored frame.

Anchored Frame Object Style:FiguredCentered

Element (Graphic): Frame

Initial graphic element format

If context is: Figure[Imported = "Yes"]

Insert imported graphic file.


Insert anchored frame.

Element (Container): Head

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Count ancestors named:          Section

If level is: 1

Context label: H1

Use paragraph format: Heading1

Else, if level is: 2

Context label: H2

Use paragraph format: Heading2

Else, if level is: 3

Context label: H3

Use paragraph format: Heading3

Else, if level is: 4

Context label: H4

Use paragraph format: Heading4

Else, if level is: 5

Context label: H5

Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn


Numbering properties

Autonumber format:

If context is: {first} < Report

Use paragraph format: ReportTitle

Else, if context is: HeadingRunIn

Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn

Element (Container): HeadingRunIn

General rule:          Head, Para+

Element (Container): Item

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Para)*

Format rules for first paragraph in element

If context is: List[Type = "Plain"]

No additional formatting.

Else, if context is: List[Type = "Bulleted"]

Use paragraph format: Bulleted clean

Else, if context is: {first}

Use paragraph format: Numbered1


Use paragraph format: Numbered

Element (Container): List

General rule:          Item+

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: Type           Choice           Optional

Choices:          Plain, Bulleted, Numbered

Default:          Bulleted

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Item

Element (Container): Para

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Footnote | Table )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Text format rules

If context is: {after Head }

Use paragraph format: Body

Else, if context is: {after List}

Use paragraph format: BodyAfterHead


Use paragraph format: Body

Element (Container): Part

Valid as the highest-level element.

General rule:          (Para | Footnote | Table | Section )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Control flags: Read-only

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Head

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Body

Element (Container): Purpose

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: ReportPurpose

Element (Container): Section

General rule:          (Section,Head |Section | Para | List  | Table | Figure  | HeadingRunIn )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Section

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Head

Element (Container): Subscript

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Font properties

Superscript/Subscript: Subscript

Element (Container): Superscript

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Font properties

Superscript/Subscript: Superscript

Element (Table): Table

General rule:          TableTitle?, TableHead?, TableBody

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Control flags: Read-only

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Table

Control flags: Read-only

Initial table format

In all contexts.

Table format: Format A

Element (Table Body): TableBody

General rule:          TableRow+

Element (Table Cell): TableCell

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Frame| Para)*

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Bodycell

Element (Table Heading): TableHead

General rule:          TableHeadRow+

Element (Table Cell): TableHeadCell

General rule:          <TEXT>

Element (Table Row): TableHeadRow

General rule:          TableHeadCell+

Element (Table Row): TableRow

General rule:          TableCell+

Element (Table Title): TableTitle

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: TableTitle

Element (Container): Term

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Use character format: Emphasis

Element (CrossReference): XRef

Attribute list

Name: IDRef           ID Reference           Required

Control flags: Read-only

Limit values for format change list properties

First indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Left indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Right indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Space above

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Space below

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Line spacing

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Tab stop position

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Font size

Maximum: 400.0 pt

Minimum: 2.0 pt


Maximum: 1000.0%

Minimum: -1000.0%


Maximum: 1000.0%

Minimum: 10.0%

Cell margins


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


And my conversion table is:



Wrap this object or objects          In this element          With this qualifier

TC:          TableCell

P:Body          Para

P:Normal          Para

P:Heading 5          Head          head5

E:Head[head5],(Para | Frame | List | Table )*          Section          section5

P:Heading 4          Head          head4

E:Head[head4],(Para | Frame | List | Table |  [section5])*          Section          section4

P:Heading 3          Head          head3

Head[head3],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section4])*          Section          section3

P:Heading 2          Head          head2

Head[head2],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section3])*          Section          section2

P:Heading 1          Head          head1

Head[head1],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section2])*          Section          section

T:Table          Table (promote)

TT:          TableTitle

TH:          TableHead

TB:          TableBody

TF:          FOOTING

TR:          TableRow

RE:RootElement          Part


P:List Paragraph          Item

Item+          List

G:          GRAPHIC(promote)



RE:RootElement          Part




I am almost done with the template"Application"I just need to place the pictures in the correct position.Can anyone point me to the right direction?


Thanks a lot in advance

DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) nothing happens when building output




I'm trying to generate PDF2/XHTML using the DITA Open Toolkit with FrameMaker 12 but nothing happens when building the output.

I can see the command line start but is then immediately shutdown, and there is nothing generated in the output folder.

I have installed the Java JDK and set the Java_Home variable (before that the output options box didn't open).


Do anyone have a glue what is wrong?

Which CMS is better?


Hi, we are now using TortoiseSVN, which is free. I wonder if there is any better solutions? I checked FM Guide, there are three: Adobe Eexperience Manager, EMC Documentum, MS SharePoint. What is your reccommendation? BTW, is AEM free?

Structured framemaker window does not maximize and other issues


Dear All,


My questions concerns the use of FM11 & FM12 in Structured FrameMaker mode under Windows 8.1.


When FM is started in Structured mode I find that the FrameMaker window is a fraction of the size that it was when operating in Unstructured mode. When the FM (structured) window is maximized instead of the window occupying the full screen as expected it occupies only about 2/3 of the screen. The receptors of dialog buttons (e.g. the OK and CANCEL buttons) are not at the locations of the on screen drawings of the buttons. In short, the Structured FrameMaker interface is not functional. And to be clear the interface of the Unstructured version of the program works in the expected manner.


My reason for operating with Structured FrameMaker in the first place is to workaround a very serious deficiency in the Unstructured version of the program in which attempting to print a book to the Adobe PDF virtual printer causes FrameMaker to crash. Another gripe with FrameMaker is that the Save As PDF file option fails to properly render the document - typically incorrect fonts are used in the output PDF file, equations are clipped, etc. etc. It is this deficiency that means we must print to the Adobe PDF virtual printer.


We are also experiencing intermittent crashing of the program in versions 11 & 12 for no apparent reason whereas previously (version 7, 5.5) the program seemed to be more robust.


Are others experiencing a significant deterioration in the performance of FrameMaker in recent releases? Are you considering changing to a different program? If so, what programs are you considering?


Many thanks,


Word Wrap Lost When Switching Between XML and Author Views


I compose DITA topics in the XML view with the word wrap option selected. If I switch to the Author view to check something and then return to the XML view, my nicely formatted XML view with all the happy element-nesting tabs goes away. I wind up with an ugly chunk of flush-left code and text that's difficult to read. Is there a reason why FM can't remember the tabs and word wrap when I return to the XML view?


I'm relatively new to using FM's structured side for DITA, so perhaps I'm missing the obvious solution to this problem. If you know the answer, I'd appreciate if you'd clue me in.



dynamically read topics




I'm very new to DITA, I understand XML but am looking to create more documents using it and DITA/Framemaker seems the way to go.


Is it possible to create a document that looks through all of the topics in a folder then creates a new topic from those (essentially a summary), pulling out certain elements?


I'm looking at a timesaving mechanism, so that I can have lots of folders with subjects in each (ie - several topics) then be able to quickly create either summary sheets or note sheets from that content


Many thanks



Quick way to validate DITA specializations


Hi guys,

is there any way to quickly validate a DITA specialization against standard DITA resulting in a list of what had been specialized?

I'm necromancing a long dead legacy document here, that had been written in some DITA specialization.

Problem is, nobody remembers about there wheres' and whats' of the document (my boss even barely remembered that there had been "something").

For now I managed to save it as XML, but the error logs went crazy while doing so

The only person who might have had an idea about the case left the company years ago, too.


The issue at hand is, that the document needs to be imported into some CMS with DITA import filters - and I need to know at least where problems may occur.

As I have literally no time and budget for this, I need some quick and dirty solution

Maybe you guys have some bright idea.



Highlight text in FrameMaker.

I want to highlight text in FrameMaker.or add shadow for the text.How can I deal with it?

XML Parser Message: Element series is not valid for the content model


I work with FrameMaker 8 and DITA.

I change the element prodinfo in the topic.edd from:

General rule: (prodname), (vrmlist), (brand | series | platform | prognum | featnum | component)*


General rule: (brand | series | platform | component)*

When I import the element definition to the template everything is okay.
When I insert the elements metadata, prodinfo, brand, series, platform and component into a topic I get the XML Parser Message that the element brand is not valid for the content model (prodname,vrmlist, ((brand|series|platform|prognum|featnum|component))*).
When I delete the element brand in the topic I get the XML Parser Message that the element series is not valid for the content model (prodname,vrmlist, ((brand|series|platform|prognum|featnum|component))*).

I change the element prodinfo in the topic.edd to:

General rule: (brand)?, (series)?, (platform)?, (component)?

...and get the same Parser Message.

I do not understand that. Is not it allowed to change the EDD this way without changing the DTD?

With kind regards




When comes Framemaker with a version how support a 64-bits computer?

Kind Regards,

Marcel Vogelzangs

Wrap cross-reference content




When exporting a structured document to markup, the content of cross-references is normally inserted directly after the xref element without any  markup. Is it possible to define a read/write rule to wrap the content of a cross-reference into an element, possibly the xref element itself?


For example, rather than ...

<xref format="Heading &amp; Page" srcfile="sample.fm#CHDHFFJF"/>List of abbreviations on page 4


... I'd like to get

<xref format="Heading &amp; Page" srcfile="sample.fm#CHDHFFJF">List of abbreviations on page 4</xref>


The only other way I can think of would be to nest the xref into another element in the first place, but I'd like to avoid this extra element.

Do you have any suggestions?



Thanks in advance,


How do I convert from XML to a formatted frame document


We have a situation where it would be extremely advantageous to create a process by which we can convert a bunch of XML files into formatted unstructured framemaker documents.


Unfortunately, I don't know anything about XSL. I am able to use structured frame to open the XML files and convert the XML files into text files.


What do I need to do to take this one step further. Basically, I want to be able to open the XML file in structured frame and have a conversion take place where specific XML tags are converted into specific Framemaker styles.


Can anyone explain specifically what I need to do to make such a conversion occur? 

Preserving cross-references to/from XML


Hello all,


I am roundtripping from stuctured Frame to XML and cannot figure out how to make FM restore my cross-reference targets.


My edd shows the <xref> element as this:


Element (CrossReference): xref

     Attribute List

          1.     Name: XrefTarget     IDReference     Optional


The DTD was generated by Frame from the EDD, and shows the following definition for <xref>:


<!ELEMENT    xref       EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST     xref       XrefTarget  IDREF     #IMPLIED
                     format    CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     srcfile    CDATA   #IMPLIED>


The read/write rules should not be required, but after it did not work without a specific rule, I included this one:


element "xref" {

          is fm cross-reference element;

          attribute "XrefTarget" is fm property cross-reference id;

          attribute "format" is fm property cross-reference format;



The XML output (with or without the read/write rules, that does not seem to make a difference) show this:


<xref format = "NumberRef"
    srcfile = "../RepGeneral.fm#t-replace-reagent-rotor"/>


The @srcfile is generated by Frame. What is worrying is that @XrefTarget is not set here. And indeed, when I read the XML back into Frame, <xref> shows up with the correct format but no content in its @XrefTarget. I tried everything and I am getting just a little annoyed with Frame's supposedly intelligent default behavior. I do NOT want to get into API programming, I just want Frame to do what it claims to do by default. If I need to make changes to the EDD or read/write rules, I will, but I am not finding useful information on what exactly is expected here.


Anyone ?


Thanks a lot in advance



Generating a Book from DITA Map


Hi All,


In the DITA-FMx plugin developed by Leximation, there's a feature called Generate Book from Map. It allows me to create a FrameMaker book from a DITA map or bookmap and then do whatever I can do with any FrameMaker book, including create a PDF.


Is there anything similar in the native Adobe's DITA plugin? How can I get to a book from a DITA map/bookmap?


Thanks in advance!

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