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Cross reference issues in FrameMaker 11 DITA


I'm trying to upgrade from FrameMaker 9 to FrameMaker 11. My files are set up using structured FrameMaker and DITA. The ditamap is comprised of both FM files and XML files. I'm attempting to use the ditabase template and DTD and DITA 1.2.


When I open my XML files in Framemaker 11, any cross references to other chapters in the book and gone. The fm-xref tag that is there is empty. I know there are some changes to cross references between DITA 1.1 and DITA 1.2, but I'm wondering if there is a way to retain the cross references when I open the file in FM11 even if the cross reference does actually link to the referenced location. Or do I have to manually go through my document and re-enter all the cross references?


I'm also having trouble getting the cross references to use the correct font format. After searching through all the various edd files that are referenced, I found the section that applies to cross references and it seems to indicate that the font format is set in the cross reference format in FrameMaker, but I can't figure out how to change the cross reference format.


Then instructions in the Framemaker help say:


  1. Choose Special > cross-reference.
  2. Click Edit Format.
  3. ....


But I can't find anything that says "Edit Format".


Thanks for the help,



Why is some of my text not formatted correctly in xml?




I've been trying to do some xml publishing via Framemaker 9.


I've created EDD, DTD, rules, structapps, CSS (style sheet), and template files to transition manuals from framemaker to xml. However some of the text I see in the xml file isn't formatted quite right. The element tags are there, but some of the text/paragraph tag formatting hasn't carried over.


What I'm trying to figure out is if this means I have an issue in my rules file or in my stylesheet file? As anyone had a similar experience?


I would appreciate any help and thanks in advance.

Highlight text in FrameMaker.

I want to highlight text in FrameMaker.or add shadow for the text.How can I deal with it?



When comes Framemaker with a version how support a 64-bits computer?

Kind Regards,

Marcel Vogelzangs

Cross-references in DITA files

Adobe Technical Support sent me here. I hope someone here can help.

I have a DITA map file and XML files. Within some of the XML files, I used the fm-xref element to create cross-references to XML files which are also in the DITA map.

When I select DITA > Build FM DITABook from DITA Map file, I get a nice FM book file with xml.fm files in it. Just ducky, except for the cross-references. The cross-references in the xml.fm files still point at the source XML file. I expected that the cross-references would point to the corresponding locations in the new xml.fm files, not to the original source files. After fiddling with FM for a while, I couldn't figure out what to do.

So, I contacted Adobe Tech Support, and they said, "This can happen if you do not have your read/write rules set correctly. By default, cross references will point to the XML unless specified differently. For information on how to set your read/write rules, I would suggest
this webpage: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/framemaker/pdfs/Structure_Dev_Guide.pdf. There is a whole chapter in the PDF about read/write rules."

So I spent an afternoon reading about read/write rules. I'm sorry to say that I gained no insight on how to fix this. I contacted tech support again, and they assured me that 1) it is the read/write rules and 2) they don't know how read/write rules work.

Does anyone know the read/write rule that will force FM to point the fm-xref element to the new file instead of the original file? Would you care to share? Thanks!

Adding example to conbody with paragraphs after it

Is it possible to have an example in a conbody followed by paragraphs?

We are trying to add an example followed by paragraphs within a conbody. However, our doc is invalid when we try to do this. So, we added example to the conbody element in the EDD and deleted the (section | example) child element. Now our document validates within the doc; however, when you try to save the doc you get an error that refers to the (section | example) that we deleted.

We're new at this, so any help you can give is appreciated.

Round tripping the Symbol Font


Hi all,


We need to round-trip basic Greek symbols in inline text, such as a beta, represented by a lower case "b" in Symbol. This sounds pretty basic, but I can't get it to work and have read everything I can find about it. I am using Fm 9 and saving to xml.


It seems that Frame should inherently contain the rules to map this to an entity in XML, using either a code point 0x62, or its Unicode equivalent (U+03B2U ?), and that I should not need to create an entity in the DTD that represents it, nor explicitly add it to the rules.


On save to XML, however, the character is not represented properly, displaying just a "?", and of course, does not come back into Frame either. I can use the File | Utilities | Hex Input tool to enter the hex equivalent (which does save to XML as the entity "/b")  -- but of course, the Frame document then displays that hex equivalent, rather than the actual Symbol font  -- which won't work for PDFs, of course, and is also hard for the writer to work with.


I have read of several ways of mapping special characters like these -- one to create an element something like SymbolFont for which the EDD applies the correct font, others to add specific rules to the rules document.


Any help is very much appreciated.


-- Shelley Hoose

Rogue Wave Software

FM9, ATA iSPEC 2200, & EDD setup


Does anyone have advice on setting up the EDD created from the CMM DTD provided in the ATA iSPEC 2200 Standard? I'm having a difficult time trying to modify the EDD to format the front matter and pageblock pages the way the spec says it should, specifically involving the Title element option of the Topic and Subtask elements.

Error when opening a .fm file w/ double-click


WinXP/Pro, patched up.

FrameMaker 7.0p579


On a network drive, when I double-click to open most .fm files, I get critical error and FM load aborts.

This does not happen when I do this for files on local hard drive.

For the net drive files, if I first open FrameMaker THEN double click the file, all is normal.

I understand this is related to long pathnames (we certainly have that!!); and I can verify by shortening a directory or filename to only a few characters.


My question is whether I can change code in one of my .ini files to remedy this.

Others in my group do not have the issue. In fact, frustrating me is that some of them are running FM v7.0p578, while others are also running p579.


Any suggestions?




Opening a DTD to make an EDD - problems!




my situation is this: I have a DTD which I've used before (S1000D v2.2 Descriptive DTD); I have Frame v7.0p579; I'm on WinXP. All I want to do is create my EDD so I can create my template and then my structured app. But when in FM I start the process (File/Structure Tools/Open DTD ...) and select my DTD I get the error msgs as shown on the attached file. At the moment I'm at a loss to know why this is happening. I've done it before, albeit on another machine, but I don't recall ever getting so many problems. The DTD is an issued one so I have no doubts about it but for some reason it just will not get translated.


Could someone please provide some advice as to why this might be happening.





Is it possible to automatically unwrap all instancies of a element in Frame 7.2 ?


Hi all, Is it possible to automatically unwrap all instancies of a element called "Table Cell" in Frame 7.2 ? I can unwrap manually but there are over 400 instanticies!! No longer needed due to a template update. Thanks in advancce

Importing SVG images into DITA topics / controlling the size


Hi Framers,


I'm currently evaluating DITA using FM9 p250 and the DITA FMx plugin. If we should adopt DITA, we'd need a replacement for the vector graphics formats we currently use. I'm considering SVG because of the roundtrip options. We could use Illustrator or Visio to create them. I created some sample files and imported them into a DITA topic but I can't seem to control the display size.


When I use File - Import - File, the size settings in the import dialog seem to have no effect. I can then scale the image via the object properties, but I'm losing these changes when the topic is closed.


I believe that someone reported a problem with SVG and FM 8 in this forum. Is this behavior a known bug, even in FM 9, or am I doing something wrong during the import?


Are there any DITA attributes I could set to control the size?


Thanks for any help



Error messages when defining/using "Filter by attribute"


I run FM8 on SOLARIS.


When i activate a new "Filter by attribute" i get the messages:


Show/Hide setting for FM8_SYSTEM_HIDEELEMENT is inconsistent

Show/Hide setting for FM8_TRACK_CHANGES_DELETED is inconsistent


The filtering in a separate bookfile works, but the problem appears when i run "Update book"

The book used to have "Conditional Text".


Best Regards,




Interaction of XSLT pre-process and default attribute names


This message is not a question, but a report of some unexpected behavior that some of you might find interesting.


When FrameMaker interprets an XML document, it assumes that some XML attributes represent FrameMaker properties, whether or not the XML attributes also map to FrameMaker attributes. In my experience, the XML attributes that most often correspond to both FrameMaker properties and FrameMaker attributes are the entity attribute of a graphic and the cross-reference id attribute of a cross-reference.


I have an application with a DTD that includes a cross-reference element named cross_reference. The EDD (and hence the import template) defines an IDReference attribute called idref.  There are no read/write rules pertaining to the cross_reference element or its attributes and no XSLT pre-process. When I open an XML document using this application, the expected behavior occurs. In particular, input such as:


<cross_reference format="fmt" idref="xyz"/>


imports correctly, creating a cross-reference element named cross_reference that uses cross-reference format fmt. The idref attribute of the FrameMaker element is set to xyz and the cross-reference source is the element with a UniqueID attribute set to xyz.


However, when I add an XSLT pre-process, import of this element fails. The log file contains an error message for each cross_reference to the effect that no ID reference has been specified. The resulting FrameMaker document has values for the idref attributes, but they don't seem to have been used to set the cross-reference source. Adding a read/write rule:


element "cross_reference" {

  is fm cross-reference element;

  attribute "idref" {

     is fm property cross-reference id;

     is fm attribute;




solves the problem. The format attribute was processed correctly without a r/w rule. I do not understand why the use of XSLT affects FrameMaker's default processing, but it does.


I have confirmed this behavior in FM8 and FM9 but have not tested in earlier versions.

Non-Breaking Spaces in Structured FM9 Make a File Invalid


Hi All,


I'm working with Structured FrameMaker to author XML and I'm facing a problem that I've never had with FM 7.2: if I have a non-breaking space in a variable definition, when FM saves the file, it replaces the non-breaking space with the character code 0x11. I get the error message that states the file contains invalid characters. Worst of all, I can't reopen this file any longer with FM...


Is there any solution or workaround? For me it's a crucial issue as it just doesn't allow me to continue using FM for XML.


I'll appreciate any advice. Many thanks in advance,


Created a new app.fm and it does not show up in the pull down when applying struct app


I am not a developer so bear with me, I have created a new structured app file and imported it into my structured document. when I go to set the struct app it does not show up in the pull down...I am assuming that it needs to be added to the structapp.fm file...I am not sure how to go about doing this...when I go to save it as a .sgm I get a message that says cannot find my app.fm. also when I do update book all my references show as unresolved.

Save/Suppress Data - Use it else where



Can Frame 9 save/suppress the content of a tag pair and then use/display it on another tag?


The XML DTD I'm using requires a title tag before the graphic tag. The customer however wants to display the title after the graphic as a "caption".


<figure><title>"I've been Framed!"</title><graphic></figure> to "present" as

<figure><title></title><graphic>"I've been Framed!"</figure>


Does anyone know if I can save "I've been Framed!" to a variable or some other construct and then output it as a suffix on graphic? Or as a prefix on the </figure> tag?


If it's possible to do, I suppose I can format the contents of title to be a very small point size and make it white to "hide" it.


I know I can transform the tagging but I need to write it back out to XML to parse against the DTD. I'm thinking why bother transforming it??


Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.



Convert text file to table on Import


We have a lot of tables, that we'd like to maintain outside of FrameMaker (we're using FM9).  I've been trying to figure out the best way to do it, and using the Import>File>Convert option seems like the best.


However, my question is what is best practice for the type of files we use?  At first it seemed like using Excel and saving as a .csv or tab-delimited text file would be easiest.  But there doesn't seem to be a .csv convert option and setting "," as the delimiter means we can't use commas inside the cell content.  And it seems to import tab-delimited cells that contain a comma inside quotes.


It seems like the other option would be to use HTML for the table content.  We are new to all this stuff, so using HTML would add to the learning curve, but I can push it through if it's best practice/will make the cleanest conversions.  Or is there a way to use Excel that converts cleanly that I just haven't figured out?


Any thoughts would be appreciated!

What to Do Now That I've Got Structured Content?


Hello FrameMaker Gurus.


I've been working as a lone writer for a software company for many years. We have a 1300 page product manual that was originally authored in unstructured FrameMaker. We then use WebWorks to generate "Webhelp" that is both hosted online publically and installable with the software. You can see it here:



In preparation for multiple writers as well as multiple products, I have since converted the content to structured XML using the DITA DTD. I still author in Structured FrameMaker working from the XML files. I am now considering my options for how to generate the final output. My problem with webhelp templates is that the output is a framed help system connected by javascript links. That format makes it difficult to get the help pages to be indexed by search engines because they cannot get into the frames and if they do they cannot follow the javascript links. Further, webhelp output is isolated from our other UA content on the corporate website (e.g., knowledge base articles, forums, etc.). Our customers need to be able to search across all of these resources. The webhelp is a stand alone system with its own search. Additionally, we would like to have more cross linking into the help pages from other sources. The framed webhelp seems to make those deep dive links difficult. Finally, the look and feel of most webhelp (even with a fair amount of CSS/customization) is clunky at best. 1999 called, they want their help system back.


My thinking is that in order to get a help system that is easily indexable by search engines and integrates with our other content (managed by Drupal), I will have to generate unframed HTML pages that have the TOC built into the pages. Then I can either point a search appliance at it to unify Drupal content and help content in a single search or I can import the HTML into Drupal as part of my publish process. The HTML pages would be generated using the DITA open toolkit and custom XSLT stylesheets to do the transform.


Those pieces are outside of my technical skill level and would require a lot of time and money to put together. Before going down that route, I am trying to learn what other people do once they've gotten to an XML source using Structured FrameMaker. Does everyone just generate webhelp and be happy with it? If so, are they using DITA open toolkit or are they using other tools? How do they solve the search problems associated with webhep?


Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I don't want to dig down a hole of custom development to design the perfect help pages before I know that the solution is not already out there.




AXCM plug-in question


Not sure if this is the best forum to post this question -- hoping someone else is using this plug-in and has a suggestion.


I'm running FM 10 on Win7 and using West Street's free AXCM plug-in to filter structured files from the book level (FM 10's attribute filtering feature seems  limited and kind of clunky). To filter a book and create duplicate files (leaving the original, unfiltered files untouched), you need to specify a filtered book folder via a browse button in the plug-in's Filter Book dialog box. But, the problem I'm having is that clicking the browse button in the AXCM dialog box doesn't do anything, which prevents me from filtering my FM book.


I've tried different book files on different Win7 systems, with the same result: nothing happens when I click the browse button. Changing the filter type to "Source file" rather than "Duplicate file" does work  (but overwrites the original FM files). I don't have the same problem running the AXCM plug-in with FM 8 on the same Win7 system.


Anyone else have a problem with this plug-in? Thanks for any help.



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