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How To Import a DTD to FrameMaker 9


I have a DTD in notepad.  How do I go about importing or using this DTD for FrameMaker 9?




Unable to create a complate PDF (with title page, toc, chapter, backmatter, index) from a valid ditamap


Following is the ditamap i am using to create the PDF. This has booktitle, front matter, toc, chapter and backmatter. I am able to generate a PDF (complete with title page, toc, chapter, backmatter, index) using fop 0.25. However, when I try to create a pdf in FM 9.0, I get only the chapter. How can get the others through FM 9.0. Please provide a solution.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE bookmap PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA BookMap//EN" "bookmap.dtd" [

<!-- Begin Document Specific Declarations -->

<?Fm Validation Off?>

<!-- End Document Specific Declarations -->


<?Fm Condition DITA-Topicref Blue NO_OVERRIDE show?>
<?Fm Condition FM8_TRACK_CHANGES_ADDED Forest%20Green SINGLE_UNDERLINE show?>

<?Fm BoolCondExpr "" State 0?>

<?Fm TrackChange Off PreviewState PREVIEW_OFF_TRACK_CHANGE?>
    xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">
<booktitlealt>Version 4.0</booktitlealt>
<booklists><toc navtitle = "Contents"/></booklists>
<preface id = "preface">
<topicref navtitle = "Preface" href = "nm\concepts\nm_Preface.xml"
    type = "concept"><?Fm Condstart DITA-Topicref?><?Fm Condend DITA-Topicref?></topicref></preface></frontmatter>
<chapter navtitle = "Management" href = "nm.ditamap"
    format = "ditamap" id = "chapter"><?Fm Condstart DITA-Topicref?><?Fm Condend DITA-Topicref?></chapter>
<backmatter><booklists><indexlist navtitle = "Index"/></booklists></backmatter></bookmap>

Wrap cross-reference content




When exporting a structured document to markup, the content of cross-references is normally inserted directly after the xref element without any  markup. Is it possible to define a read/write rule to wrap the content of a cross-reference into an element, possibly the xref element itself?


For example, rather than ...

<xref format="Heading &amp; Page" srcfile="sample.fm#CHDHFFJF"/>List of abbreviations on page 4


... I'd like to get

<xref format="Heading &amp; Page" srcfile="sample.fm#CHDHFFJF">List of abbreviations on page 4</xref>


The only other way I can think of would be to nest the xref into another element in the first place, but I'd like to avoid this extra element.

Do you have any suggestions?



Thanks in advance,


Hierarchical ditamaps




I'm evaluating the DITA functionality in Framemaker 9.0 and need some help with DITA bookmaps. In my company we organise maps within bookmaps to create a hierarchical structutre. I've been able to import and convert our current maps into hierarchical framemaker books, but have been unable to preserve related topic links between the lower level bookmaps. Is there something I need to do to preserve these links or are reltables not supported in hierarchical maps in Framemaker 9?


Thanks for your help!



Importing SVG images into DITA topics / controlling the size


Hi Framers,


I'm currently evaluating DITA using FM9 p250 and the DITA FMx plugin. If we should adopt DITA, we'd need a replacement for the vector graphics formats we currently use. I'm considering SVG because of the roundtrip options. We could use Illustrator or Visio to create them. I created some sample files and imported them into a DITA topic but I can't seem to control the display size.


When I use File - Import - File, the size settings in the import dialog seem to have no effect. I can then scale the image via the object properties, but I'm losing these changes when the topic is closed.


I believe that someone reported a problem with SVG and FM 8 in this forum. Is this behavior a known bug, even in FM 9, or am I doing something wrong during the import?


Are there any DITA attributes I could set to control the size?


Thanks for any help



XSLT to convert XML into Tables




I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file opened, the "Unknown File Type" error window appeared asking for a file format to Convert From. Picking any one doesn't create a table.


The XSL file tranforms the XML data into an HTML file that has a table with columns corresponding to the XML data. I was thinking using that type of XSL because it renders tables.


Below is the XSL markup:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">


<xsl:template match="/">




    <table border="1">

      <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">





      <xsl:for-each select="Products/Product">


        <td><xsl:value-of select="Title"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Number"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Date"/></td>









Title, Number, and Date are child elements of the Product element, which is a child element of the Products root element in my XML file.


Am I applying the stylesheet correctly here? Am I using the write kind of stylesheet?




FrameMaker 11 ignores relationship tables?


Hello All


I'm playing around with the Save Ditamap As options in FrameMaker 11. I have a ditamap that references four sub-maps. In the top container map there is a relationship table with topic references.


When I save the map to a book using the Save Ditamap As > Book 11.0 with FM Components, I get a book generated with Title file, ToC, a single chapter, and Index as expected. However, there are no related links in the chapter; the relationship table appears to have been ignored.


Is there some setting that I'm missing?


Roger Shuttleworth

London, Canada

s1000dMenu.jsxbin error in FrameMaker 11


I have read a discussion about this error message elsewhere in the forum, but it did not seem exactly pertinent to our issue.


To make updates easier to role out to our users, have our Structure directory in a location that is outside the FrameMaker installation directory. With the move to FrameMaker 11, this error message began to proliferate in our console logs:


Script Error :

Error Message      : csdp is undefined

Script, Line#   : C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11\startup\s1000dUtilities.jsxbin,  107


We have no need of S1000D, but the workaround is to recursively copy the S1000D directory into the proper location in our external Structure directory. I can live with this less-than-elegant solution but it would be better if we didn't have to clog up disk space with a large number of unnecessary files.


Anyone have a suggestion on how we can get FrameMaker 11 to ignore S1000D?


Thank you,


What is each element used for?


Hello out there! I'm new to FM for a year now and have a long way to go.  I'm trying to figure out what each of the elements is used for. They are not named in such a way to explain to me what they are for and what will happen in my document if I use them.  Is there a table out there or document that will list out this information so that I can understand it? Thanks. -T


[Thread moved]

FM11 and ITC Zapf Dingbats Std Medium Font


My office recently upgraded from Structured FrameMaker 8 | Win XP to  Structured FrameMaker 11 | Win 7. We also upgraded some fonts, including Zapf Dingbats. We have replaced Zapf Dingbats with ITC Zapf Dingbats Std Medium.


We use an automated process to create the formatted FrameMaker files that involves importing xml feeds into FrameMaker templates. The  Zapf Dingbats font was used to create stars and to create square bullet. In order to create the stars, in the xml code we used the letter “H”. The code looked like this:
<tabletext><emphasis role="stars">HHH</emphasis></tabletext>
<tabletext><emphasis role="stars">HHH</emphasis></tabletext>
<tabletext><emphasis role="stars">HHHHH</emphasis></tabletext>


After the imported was completed, the xml “H” displayed as a solid star.


After replacing Zapf Dingbats with ITC Zapf Dingbats Std Medium, the imported data displayed with “?” marks instead of stars. I replaced the “H”s with the following tag: &#x2605;:

<tabletext><emphasis role="stars">&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;</emphasis></tabletext>
<tabletext><emphasis role="stars">&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;</emphasis></tabletext>
<tabletext><emphasis role="stars">&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;</emphasis></tabletext>


This code displays the solid star.


Is it possible to generate the solid star using the “H” or is it necessary to use the &#x2605;?


I encountered a similar issue with the square bullet. In order to generate the solid squares, I needed to replace the Autonumber Format code In FrameMaker 11 paragraph designer from:



I also changed the code in the EDD from:
Autonumber format: \n[\t]

Autonumber format: ■[\t]


Is it possible to generate the solid square using the “\n” or is it necessary to use ■?

Roundtrip formatting not working


My issue is that when I open an XML file in FrameMaker, the formatting is not using my application that I set up. I'm not sure where this is controlled.


This is what I did. I made a copy of the Structure\xml\DITA folder to create Structure\xml\MyDITA. I converted my documents to DITA and updated the application template and EDD (formatting only) in MyDITA folder. I did not touch the DTD.


When I save my file as XML I get no errors, but when I open the XML in FM, the formatting is not using my template in MyDITA application.


When I open the XML file in FM and selected StructureTools > Set Structured Application and it is set to DITA_1.2_topic. When I set it to MyDITA it has no effect on the formatting.


What is controlling which application to use when the XML file is opened? I have a custom XML application that works just fine. The Doctype in my XML file is:

<!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd"


I hope this is an easy question to answer. Thanks!


XML Attributes Created Twice in the XML after Saving in FM


Hi All,


I've built a structured application to read and write a custom XML. The file is opened just fine. However, when saving the XML in FM, some XML attributes appear in the XML twice. For example, in the original XML I have the following:


<object_group doc_name="xxx" parsed_by_sym="false">






After I save the XML, it looks like this:


<object_group doc_name="xxx" parsed_by_sym="false" doc_name="xxx" parsed_by_sym="false">






After the XML is saved, FM refuses to re-open it aborting the parsing. If I remove the doubled attributes manually in Notepad, then the XML is opened in FM again.


Should I define anything in read/write rules? What am I doing wrong?


I'm using an XSD, which I defined in structapp.fm.


Thank you very much!

Can open Topics by drag & drop, but not by double-clicking in the DITA map



evidently I made an error somewhere in my structure app, the result is that I cannot open DITA topics by double clicking them in the DITA map anymore (Framemaker does simpy nothing). I can, however, open them by dragging the xml files onto the Framemaker window.  If I use the standard DITA 1.2 application everything works fine so I guess the problem is in my mapping.


Here is what I tried to achieve:

  • We need certain variations of the normal 'topic' type topic. The DTD should be identical, however different structures should be auto-inserted when creating a topic and the topic should have certain attribute values predefined.
  • The idea is that the author can select one of these topic types when creating a topic, but when opening an existing topic simply edit it with the standard topic temple.


Here is what I did:

  1. I duplicated the topic.template.fm, renaming it say "topic_a.template.fm", "topic_b.template.fm" etc. (just an example).
  2. I made adjustments to the EDD of these templates, changing the auto-insertions and the default values of some attributes.
  3. In the structapps.fm file I added XML applications for these new topic types, mapping each application to one of the new templates, but to the original topic DTD and r/w rules. E.g. the application "DITA_1.2_topic_a" is mapped to the "topic_a.template.fm" template, and to the original "topic.dtd" and "topic.rules.txt" files.
  4. In Framemaker I then created corresponding application mappings in the DITA options. E.g. the topic type "A" (which defines the visible text in the "New topic" menu) is maped to the XML application "DITA_1.2_topic_a".


The result:

  • It works as intended in every way when creating topics. The topics are saved with the standard doctype 'topic'. However for when I try to open topics from the DTD by double-clicking then nothing happens. Opening topics by drag & drop works fine though and they are opened with the normal (general) "topic.template.fm" template as desired.


Any ideas? Was this confusing or am I completely off somewhere?



FM11 creates blank pages on refresh book


Hi guys,

I'm struggling here with some very strange behavior of FM11.

I've got a book (unstructured) with multiple FM binaries (structured).

The first book component is the front cover with some inlay pages including a self generated TOC (out of cross references to the start and end pages).

This book needs to be printed and contains 48 pages total, including the cover as the first and last book component.

Now the first component contains 3 pages and a double sided layout using several self defined master pages (I know there's an issue with deleting surplus pages with no left/right MP).

But that's not exactly my problem.

The problem arises when I try to refresh the book. There's a blank page being created in the first book component, which I got rid of in the first place.

That wouldn't be much of a problem since I can delete that page manually (and it keeps being deleted if I don't refresh anything).

But the real issue is, that the references are updated AFTERWARDS, meaning all page references within the book are one page ahead.

This is unacceptable, as it spans all references in the whole document, which are wrong due to this.


Is there any way I can get FM to not create this surplus blank page?

I'm tight on schedule and cleaning up the mess my boss left me behind with this document,, so quick answers are really appreciated.



Problem import/view svg with FM11 (Win7)



First sorry for my english.

I have a big problem with the new version of Framemaker 11.


if I create an xml connecting the external svg (created in Illustrator) Framemaker with version 11 (Windows 7), raster images inside the svg are not displayed in the preview, only text and vector files.

If I try to open an xml file created with version Framamaker like 9 or 11 on windows XP the element "stepimage" with whom I connect the svg are no longer present on the tree.

If I insert again the stepimage tree, they become disproportionate size.

In fact, opening them with Illustrator CC dimensions have changed (I have not edited the picture.)

However, still do not appear raster files.


I hope someone can help me.




[Discussion moved to Structured FM by moderator]

FrameMaker 12 won't startup




I'm running FrameMaker 12 on Windows 7.

When I startup the program, I must select one of the follow three.(in 'Choose Interface' window.)

- FrameMaker

- Structured FrameMaker

- FrameMaker XML Author


Unfortunately, after clicking 'Structured FrameMaker' or 'FrameMaker XML Author', error is occurred.

Error message is follows.

- Internal Error 12004, 23459156, 23459450, 26389685. FrameMaker has detected a serious problem and must quit.




Please, I hope that I receive a good solution.


Best Regard.

Export paragraph format tag to attribute


Hi All,


Using structured FM 11 on Windows 7.


I need a way to round-trip paragraph format tags. I know it is easy to assign them on import with the EDD, but I'm not sure how to save them on export.


I was hoping the read/write rules could contain something along the lines of:


attribute "paraFormat" is fm property paragraph format tag;


I figure it can probably be done with ExtendScript or a custom API, but I would rather avoid these if possible.



FrameMaker - Good choice for building database driven website?


I am moving toward data heavy websites (the more data the better) and wondering if FM 12 will work for creating the database and the site. Obviously I am new to FM but I have been reading the help files and various white papers but there is not much info on this so I am wondering if my assumption is incorrect. Can I create interactive forms in FM? Webpages that run from a database created in FM? Will web pages created in FM be bulky with extra unnecessary code or will they be lean? I have read about FM being able to export in HTML5 but I wonder what the actual quality and functionality of the resulting pages/website/mobile site. Your opinions are welcome.

List of Figures

What is the best building block to use to get an entry to show uop like this in a LOF.

Figure number 1-1 (figures name).................(page number)

I figure the page number would just be <$pagenum> but what about the rest.

Making display options sticky


In FM 10, whenever I open a DITA topic, the Structure View and Element Catalog display options revert to defaults that look cluttered and annoying to me. The Structure View displays all the attributes, and the Element Catalog shows all the element descriptive tags. In the Structure View, I right-click, select Attribute Display Options, and set the display option to No Attributes. In the Element Catalog, I click the Options button and unset the option Show Element Descriptive Tags. Then both windows are simple and uncluttered. When I finish editing my DITA topic, save it, and close it and then open another DITA topic, the Structure View and Element Catalog revert to the cluttered view again. This gets annoying. I looked for preferences to making my preferred views permanent, but I could not find anything in the interface, in the DITA options, in the user manual, or in the maker.ini file. I tried saving the settings as part of my DITA workspace configuration, but the preferences weren't saved with the workspace, either. I don't mind having these more elaborate views available, but I do mind not being able to control them as a preference. Does anyone have a solution for this?



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