Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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s1000dMenu.jsxbin error in FrameMaker 11


I have read a discussion about this error message elsewhere in the forum, but it did not seem exactly pertinent to our issue.


To make updates easier to role out to our users, have our Structure directory in a location that is outside the FrameMaker installation directory. With the move to FrameMaker 11, this error message began to proliferate in our console logs:


Script Error :

Error Message      : csdp is undefined

Script, Line#   : C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11\startup\s1000dUtilities.jsxbin,  107


We have no need of S1000D, but the workaround is to recursively copy the S1000D directory into the proper location in our external Structure directory. I can live with this less-than-elegant solution but it would be better if we didn't have to clog up disk space with a large number of unnecessary files.


Anyone have a suggestion on how we can get FrameMaker 11 to ignore S1000D?


Thank you,


FrameMaker Server - just a dream?

I currently use FM8 for books. Our company wants me to develop a solution that I think FM can meet but I am not familiar with XML capacities of FM Server.

If I get the FM Server upgrade, can I complete these tasks?:

1) Central, web accessible location for all pdfs.
2) Role-based editing on demand (softwaer developers that need to update the docs periodically) through some web-based interface.
3) Role-based viewing of pdfs (user groups can only view pdfs applied to their group)
4) Creation of an TOC that will automatically update when documents are edited.

This is a theory question. Is it possible? Is FM8 Server using XML enough to do this? Do I need to hire programmers to develop an interface for document editors? What kind (C, Java, etc).

Requesting feedback or some ideas.


FrameMaker -> XML -> FrameMaker issues




I currently have about 150 pages fm file, which were orginally unstructured but I managed to make a working structure to it. It has mainly tables, which have crossreferences, images, graphics, inner tables and stuff, so about normal technical document. Reason why I'm structuring it and turning to XML is that we have some other XML file from where we will add data to this document and currently that is done by hand and we want to do it my machine. Those things are done by magic of programmers who can speak better c-related languages than English.


I can make XML from this fine, so that XML that is created is valid and structure looks like it is copied fine to XML. Inner tables, images and graphics are currently inside anchored frames as graphics elements, since they were something similar in unstructured document and read/write rules transform them to EPS images, since inner tables don't work as SVG, which I would otherwise prefer, because it is also XML and those anchored frames have some crossreference links to document's other parts. SVG would be also easier to handle in programming (or so I think) than EPS. If anyone can think better way to do these, I'm open for suggestions.


Issue currently is that when I open this created XML in FrameMaker, it first loads about half an hour (computer is Intel T2500 2GHz, 2GB RAM, XP Pro SP3 laptop and FM is version 10) and then shows 9 pages of error logs about "framemaker cannot insert the table cell (Cell) at the current position" and then document is shown as 600 to 1000 pages "masterpiece" where first 150 pages looks normal but after that first page is shown again and tables are shown like one column in page. One would suggest that if file is created by FrameMaker, FrameMaker would open it normally, but apparently that is not the case.


Read/write -rules look currently like this: (if it helps at all)


element "Table" {

     is fm table element "Table";


element "TableHead" {

     is fm table heading element "TableHead";


element "TableBody" {

     is fm table body element "TableBody";


element "Row" {

    is fm table row element "Row";


element "Cell" {

    is fm table cell element "Cell";


element "HRef" is fm cross-reference element "HRef";

element "Row" {

     is fm table row element "ROW";


element "Cell" is fm table cell element "CELL";

element "Graphic" {

     is fm graphic element;

     writer anchored frame {

          export to file "$(entity).eps" as "EPS";

          specify size in pt;



element "Equation" {

     is fm equation element;

     writer equation export to file "$(entity).eps" as "EPS";



There are some things that might look weird for some people. There are some conditional text in FM file and without rules like

element "Cell" is fm table cell element "CELL";

XML wouldn't be valid against DTD.


I would appreciate any help. I can also provide some other files here, but due NDA reasons, real document is No-Go, but I think if structure is needed to see, DTD is fine.

Suppressing Element Content


I have an element that contains reference information that should not be rendered.  I have read the structured dev guide and it appears that I handle this process by mapping the element to a marker using rules such as:


element "myhiddentag" {
is fm marker element;
marker text is content;


Also in the EDD I have an element definition that defines "myhiddentag" as a marker.


I don't understand what happens next...


The content does not look any different to me on the screen.  I still see the tagging and the data.


I also see an entry in the Marker dialog that looks correct.


So how does the content disappear from the display and/or output?


This is probably a basic misunderstanding of Markers..


Thanks - Jim

How do I change Caution to red text?


I am writing a DITA document. I am trying to change the color of the Note element choice "caution" text from black, which is the default, to red. I've tried changing things in the commonelements.mod, but with no luck. I know you can do this. I am not a programmer, so it would be helpful to have it explained in a step-by-step manner.





FMv7, Open With/File Association


Installed FMv9 after installing FMv7.

On file server, v7 files now show v9 Icon.

When doubleclicking v7 files, they open in v9.

When right clicking v7 file, to Open With, v7 is not listed as an option. If I Browse to v7.exe and select it, the Open With dialog still does not show v7.

We have to abort Open With, start FMv7, and then drag v7 file onto FM program window. Or, in FMv7 program, do File Menu > Open and navigate to v7 file.


What happened to the File Association to FM v7? And why can we not open v7 files via Open With?







I'm trying to use keys as variables in my DITA project, but I can't figure out how to insert a "variable" in a topic using keys?


This is what my dita map looks like:


<map xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">

     <title>Product variables</title>

          <keydef keys = "product_name">



                             <keyword>Sample Product Name</keyword>






This is what the topic looks like but nothing happens


<concept id = "id144FF0W0FFP"

    xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">

<title>General description</title>


          <p><keyword keyref = "product_name"></keyword> is a great product.</p>




Can anyone help me?

OTF Fonts Thai




we are working with structured FM 8 and do translate in pretty much all languages except for Arabic. So far, there were no complaints for the Asian languages. But now, we receive the feedback that the characters for Thai (Arial Unicode) are correct but that there are spaces between some characters making it difficult to read the text. We have done various tests and recognized that all True-Type fonts are causing these problems. Now, I installed an OTF-Font for Thai and the problems stay the same. Therefor, my question if the Thai font is upported at all?


Thank you very much in advance,

Sandra Ullrich

Do we have an option to disable the FrameMaker error console programmatically in FDK11?



I would like to know if there is any option in the FDK11 to disable the

FrameMaker console window which runs on every frame file transformation. This

was happening with FrameMaker 10 too but it had never affected the performance.

With FrameMaker 11 the performance takes a huge hit and code slumps in the

middle of the transformation. Throw your thoughts on how to disable or to

periodically clear the contents running on the console.




How to import a table from an excel for word into an fm file?

column width from xml attribute to framemaker table


I'm trying to set the column widths of a table in framemaker by importing the width from an attribute in the imported xml file. But it doesn't work...


This is from my read/write rules:


element "ITEM-CELL-LIST"


is fm table cell element;

attribute "width" is fm property column width;

fm property column width value is "2cm";



The last line that specifies the width to 2cm seems to be accepted as I can save the EDD as DTD without errors, but it has no effect on the actual widths of the table created.

The line above it doesn't work at all. When I try to save the EDD, I get the following error: "Invalid property specified for the element (ITEM-CELL-LIST)."


I've tried every way I can think of, but nothing seems to work

The only way I've been able to actually set the widths is by creating a table in the master template page and resizing the columns. That carries over to the imported xml.

FM 11 and entities


We have a process for typesetting large amounts of text which involves importing SGML content into FM11, and then importing formats and element definitions onto that content.


We recently upgraded from using FM6, and with that previous version of FrameMaker, when the content contained an unusual entity (e.g. a letter i with a macron above it), the system would default to using a different font in which we had the correct symbol for the entity. Unfortunately we cannot work out how to get FM11 to replicate this, so end up with question marks replacing the entity.


We do not currently use a Structure Application or DTD, and have a very simple default.rw file:


fm version is "11.0";


* Include all ISO entity mapping rules.


#include "isoall.rw"


element "Paddr" is fm footnote element;

element "Paddrstart" is fm footnote element;


What is the best way to get FM11 to recognise that these entities need to use a different font? I've tried looking in the various online documentation pdfs, but couldn't see how to solve this problem.





Unresolved cross refs


I am trying to open FM10 files with FM10 but I get hundreds of unresloved cross refs, and it does not work properly.  Can I get a copy of FM10 or is there a solution?

FM 11 pdf-generation under Windows 8.1


After changing from Windows 8.0 to Windows 8.1 I have problems generating pdf-files. I only get the tps-file. When the tps-file is made, the FM 11 do not answer any more. Do anybody have any suggestions?

Query about structured Frame templates


In Frame 12 all the templates have been updated.

I built my book using unstructured templates because I wanted to get a feel for the changes from my last version of Frame (8).

I now think I will need to redo the book entirely using the templates from structured Frame.



The unstructured Frame template for a book has all master pages in every file in the book. The structured template for Chapter has only master pages: left, right, first. Is there a reason for this? (Should not every file in the book have the same master and reference pages?)






I'm trying to use keys as variables in my DITA project, but I can't figure out how to insert a "variable" in a topic using keys?


This is what my dita map looks like:


<map xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">

     <title>Product variables</title>

          <keydef keys = "product_name">



                             <keyword>Sample Product Name</keyword>






This is what the topic looks like but nothing happens


<concept id = "id144FF0W0FFP"

    xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">

<title>General description</title>


          <p><keyword keyref = "product_name"></keyword> is a great product.</p>




Can anyone help me?

Nested tables


Hi all,

there is some Information in the Framemaker help how to nest tables in structured documents but I simply don't understand how to implemend this. This is a DITA document and I know that nesting tables is very bad style. However it is a requirement and after all DITA does support it.


In unstructured documents we used anchored Frames in table cells. The approach for structured documents seems similar:

"Select a graphic element for empty anchored frames in the Element Catalog, and click New Frame"


I wonder how I can accomplish this. In the EDD I would have to set up an element (perhaps a dedicated paragraph class) to insert an anchored Frame in which then the table is inserted.


Has anybody succeeded in using nested tables in structured documents with Framemaker?



Document that is OK for oXygen remains full of errors under FrameMaker 12


Hello everybody!


I will use Adobe FrameMaker 12 in author mode in an upcomming project, and I will continue testing it for two more weeks. As I am new to XML and document creation, I finished an online tutorial about XML and started now to create a document. I entered all files in one directory, then tested & corrected the contents with oXygen XML Author 16. Now, I opened the same files under FrameMaker 12 and have a lot of errors. As XML is a standard, I think that my code is not the problem. Do you have an idea why one & the same documents are evaluated differently by the two tools?


Thank you for your suggestions!

Note: As ist is not possible to upload a ZIP file, I add two images to show the problem.

book in Adobe FrameMaker 12.png

book in oXygen XML Author 16.png


[Moved from Scripting forum by moderator]

fm-xref adds text to element




I have been using FrameMaker 10 to convert fm files into DITA XML format. Some of my <title> elements contain "conkeyref" variables as the same topic is used in many different products.


When I cross-reference these topics, FrameMaker automatically adds the literal text in the title (including the placeholder text that my variable element uses) after the <xref> tag in my XML. When I generate the output using the DITA OpenToolkit, the cross-references do not update using the variable value, but instead use the literal text that Frame is adding.


For example, this is a line taken from the XML file:


<p><xref  type = "fm:" href = "dp_about.xml#id11CKI0FK0BI">Documentation Procedures in prodName</xref></p>


prodName is simply the placeholder text used to identify where a variable has been placed. When this is processed by the DITA OpenToolkit, Documentation Procedures in prodName displays in the output.


If I manually remove the automatically added text (as below), the output is generated properly using the defined variable value.


<p><xref  type = "fm:" href = "dp_about.xml#id11CKI0FK0BI"></xref></p>


Once I open the same XML file in FrameMaker, the cross-reference updates and the over-riding text is added back into the XML. I know that I can turn off the Auto-Load Xrefs On File Open option, but this does not help when adding a new cross-reference. This additional text is very troublesome and manually removing it from every XML file using a text editor is not an option (I currently have over 900 files in the document).


This problem also occurs if I change the title of one topic. The existing cross-references do not update to include the new title name when they are processed by the OpenToolkit.


How can I force FrameMaker to not add this text when a cross-reference is added to the XML?



Saving choice table settings

This is in reference to the post http://www.adobeforums.com/webx/.3be260fe.
By DITA specification, relcolwidth attribute specifies the relative column width. In FrameMaker, it has to be mapped into "column widths" property through read/write rules.
The current r/w rule for choicetable is:
element "choicetable" {
is fm table element;
fm property columns value is "2";

Change it to:
element "choicetable" {
is fm table element;
fm property columns value is "2";
attribute "relcolwidth" is fm property column widths;

Hope it works
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