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Structured elements and paragraph formats




my question is how can I prevent an end of line return being inserted when I wrap a word in an element, specifically an 'indxflag' element? I'm using structured FM 7.0.


The screen shot indxflag.pnghere shows 3 things - part of my document in a FM window (with the indexed word highlighted), the structure view of that document, and the indxflag element definition in the EDD.


With the DTD I'm using, to create an index I wrap the words in an indxflag element. My problem is whenever I do that it inserts a hard return (paragraph return, pressing the Enter key, call it what you want). How do I prevent this (the return) from happening because obviously when I print to PDF (or paper) I have paragraphs starting where I don't want them.


Advice appreciated. Cheers.



How do I create page breaks in the structure itself?




I'm switching from word to structured FM and DITA. I know that I could use the lines element to create page breaks where I need them, and also insert manual page breaks at the top of the next available page.


But there must be a better way in the structure somehow, conditional on certain conditions - for example, new topics always on a new page or no separation of images from its immediately preceding reference. Please could somebody expain how I can create such page breaks in the structure.

How do you insert an equation in a structured doc using DITA 1.2?


Good morning,


I'm currently in the process of structuring a set of unstructured user manuals using FM10 and the DITA 1.2 standard. I have my conversion table and templates setup and everything has been going well so far, but I can't figure out how to structure equations or insert new equations into a structured doc.


FrameMaker flags equations as an unsupported element (see below) no matter where the equation appears in the map.


I've looked through my element catalogue, but I can't find anything that seems like it would support an equation.

In some of my research, I've stumbled across something called a mathML element, but that doesn't seem to be an available option for me. Is this something that's only available if you are using DITA specialization?


If anyone has any ideas for how I can insert equations into my doc while keeping it inline with the DITA 1.2 standards, it would be greatly appreciated!





How to withdraw a wrong open and save of a structured fm file in unstructured mode?


I opened a structured fm file wrongly in unstructured mode and saved it. When I opened this fm file again in structured mode, the structure view has been blank. Does anyone no how to withdraw this?

Having Problems with to render to PDF directly from FrameMaker11?


We are using structured FrameMaker11 to generate tagged information in accordance with S1000D build rules, and after we created all our (newlink) targets, and then built the corresponding (gotolink) pointers in our table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables, etc., we tested each one in FrameMaker11 and they all seemed to work. However. When we made a print to PDF (with links) some of the links did not work in the rendered PDF. We could not see what we were doing wrong.


One of our team used "CutePDF Writer" and all the links in the rendered PDF worked perfectly.


What's going on, and how can we use our FrameMaker product to produce reliable PDF links?


[Message moved to Structured FM forum by moderator]

FrameMaker 12 Publish Crash


Using Framemaker all publish operations crash if the document contains a UserString of 1 or more characters in a table element.  We use UserStrings in this way to hold metadata about tables such as database keys and effective dates.


The Mif looks like this:  [We would normally have an xml fragment here but this is enough to produce a crash]



  <TblID 10>

<UserString `A'>

  <TblTag `Format A'>




Incidently a zero length UserString doesn't result in a crash.


Looks like a bug to me.





Can't Save As PDF


I am working with DITA files in Frame 8, and am unable to save a generated Frame file as a PDF. I keep getting these errors:

  • "To execute "Save as PDF" command you must have Acrobat Distiller version 5.05 or higher installed."
  • "To execute "Save as PDF" command you must have PDF Job Options defined.


I have Acrobat Distiller 8 installed, so I don't know why I'm getting the first error. I opened Distiller, and still got the error.


Also, I did try to set job options using Format> Document> PDF Setup. On the PDF Setup dialog box, the only job option in the PDF Job Options drop-down list was High Quality Print. When I clicked Set, I got a message stating that "The selected PDF Job Option does not existing in the current installation. Either create this Job Option or select an available Job Option."


How do you create a valid job option? How do you get it to show up in the drop-down list? I looked at the Adobe PDF properties in Print Setup, and the Default Settings show several job options including the High Quality Print option.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Table pagebreak problem


Hi All,

          I'm working on a project which takes mif file generated from the framemaker file (.fm) as input and do some processing on it to generate the required output file. one of the requirement of the output file is that it should have same line number and pages as appear in the framemaker file.


I'm facing a problem when a table is split into two pages in the framemaker. I convert this framemaker file to mif file. It does not generate any information related to page break within table of the mif file.


Any help?





To import a pdf file in FrameMaker


How do we import a pdf file with all its pages in a FrameMaker file ?


I found that we can import only one sheet of the pdf in a FrameMaker file.

Carriage Return in Autonumber Format?



I've set up my Structured EDD with some Headings that have Autonumbering.  I'm wondering if there is any way to put a return between the number and the text?


In other words, can I make this:

Chapter 2: This is the Chapter Title


look like this:

Chapter 2:

This is the Chapter Title


As a secondary question, in my search for the answer to this question, I discovered the <r>. <r+>, <R>, etc. "building blocks".  I can't find them mentioned anywhere in the user manual or developing structured application manual.  Can anyone tell me exactly what their function is?



Cross reference issues in FrameMaker 11 DITA


I'm trying to upgrade from FrameMaker 9 to FrameMaker 11. My files are set up using structured FrameMaker and DITA. The ditamap is comprised of both FM files and XML files. I'm attempting to use the ditabase template and DTD and DITA 1.2.


When I open my XML files in Framemaker 11, any cross references to other chapters in the book and gone. The fm-xref tag that is there is empty. I know there are some changes to cross references between DITA 1.1 and DITA 1.2, but I'm wondering if there is a way to retain the cross references when I open the file in FM11 even if the cross reference does actually link to the referenced location. Or do I have to manually go through my document and re-enter all the cross references?


I'm also having trouble getting the cross references to use the correct font format. After searching through all the various edd files that are referenced, I found the section that applies to cross references and it seems to indicate that the font format is set in the cross reference format in FrameMaker, but I can't figure out how to change the cross reference format.


Then instructions in the Framemaker help say:


  1. Choose Special > cross-reference.
  2. Click Edit Format.
  3. ....


But I can't find anything that says "Edit Format".


Thanks for the help,



Can I pull prefixes/suffixes into XML ?


I am using prefix and suffix rules in my EDD to make things easier for the author (and standardize some headings and parts of names). Now I need to write the content into XML and my prefixes and suffixes do not get pushed into the content on the XML side. I do not find any reference to prefix and suffix in the read-write rules. Is there a way to let FM write the prefixes into either an attribute or the content of an element when writing to XML? I am not interested in round-tripping here, so even if the method is more or less destructive, I would be more than happy to know about it. The only other option I see is adding more work to the extendscript that I am using to prepare the materials for writing to XML.





Stop FrameMaker resizing images in DITA?


I'm using FrameMaker 12 to edit topics in DITA. Unfortunately when I add an image, FrameMaker re-sizes it. I want to stop it doing this, but I can't work out how. It looks like FrameMaker correctly reads the image size in pixels, but adds the width and height in pt not px. For example, I have a 602px by 265px image that gets added to a DITA topic as the following:


<image href = "adobe.png" height="265.000px" width="602.000px"  />

Placement issues of image frames on XML import...


Hi guys,

I wonder if you people were already facing the same issue as me yesterday.

Upon import of some self defined XML structure into my template I've been facing the problem, that inline graphics in a first line have been cut in the upper area to fit the text flow frame.

Newly created graphics frames did span across the text frame, showing the full underlying image.

I did manage to display all correctly with some trickery (using some empty graphics frame in the background with border spacing) in the template, but I wonder if there's some other (proper) way to reach this result.

Is it a bug, that FM doesn't respect the sizes of image frames in the first line of a text flow upon XML import?

Are there any attributes I've been missing to define in my RWR?

So far I'm controlling position, bloffset, height, width, xoffset, yoffset, align and source of the imported image element.

I'm in complete control of the EDD, RWR, template, structure and FM installation if anything needs to be changed there.

My predecessors worked with empty 2pt paragraphs, that were placed in the first line to work around this, but that's not an option I want to have in my structure (as I want to add as few as possible formatting info there).



How to name topics better when developing a new documentation?


Hi all,

I am encountering a problem about topic name. I think a suitable topic name is key to make href/xref or display the topic's main content. Currently, there are two solutions to the problem, for example, a topic named t_define_product_name or t_DefineProductName.

I wonder how you design the topic name or depend some rules?

Thank u in advance.

FrameMaker 10 - Finding all graphics in a book with a Object Properties Scaling equal to 0%?


Is there a way in FrameMaker 10 in the book to quickly find all imported graphics (.bmp, .cgm, .jpg, & .wmf) that are out-of-aspect ratio or where the Object Properties Scaling equals 0%?


I import a lot of graphic (around a 100 or so) in FrameMaker 10 and I would like to be reassured that all imported graphic have the correct aspect ratio, and find any that are wrong quickly.


I would like to be able to do this search in the Book format rather than each section.


Is there a way to do this?



Document that is OK for oXygen remains full of errors under FrameMaker 12


Hello everybody!


I will use Adobe FrameMaker 12 in author mode in an upcomming project, and I will continue testing it for two more weeks. As I am new to XML and document creation, I finished an online tutorial about XML and started now to create a document. I entered all files in one directory, then tested & corrected the contents with oXygen XML Author 16. Now, I opened the same files under FrameMaker 12 and have a lot of errors. As XML is a standard, I think that my code is not the problem. Do you have an idea why one & the same documents are evaluated differently by the two tools?


Thank you for your suggestions!

Note: As ist is not possible to upload a ZIP file, I add two images to show the problem.

book in Adobe FrameMaker 12.png

book in oXygen XML Author 16.png


[Moved from Scripting forum by moderator]

Framemaker crashes with internal error: 7104, 6062898, 7693379, 0 when saving as XML

Hello all,

we have written a structure application for exporting XML from structure FrameMaker (7.1 p116). An internal error ""7104, 6062898, 7693379, 0" with the message: Allocation at "0x00341469" points to memory address "0x00000000" kept reoccurring during XML export of certain files. The "read" procedure could not be carried out on the memory.

After a number of test we have discovered that the reason lies in resolving external links.
Therefore we tested which links that cause the crash, renamed the corresponding source files, resolved the references again and low and behold - the XML Export worked for all our documents at some point.
Because we need a stable XML export and cannot accept the current state of continually renaming files, we have tried to limit the error and found out the following in the process.

Our structure application contains the instruction that external links should not refer to the original FM but to the corresponding XML.

External X-Ref:
Change Reference To .XML: Enable

During export therefore, FrameMaker has to perform a conversion of the source file names for external links.

If the source file name (.XML) for an external link is 16 characters long (including full path) or a multiple of 16 (i.e. "C:\Test\Doc1.xml"), FrameMaker crashes with the error mentioned above ("7104, 6062898, 7693379, 0").

If the length of the source file name (.XML) (including full path) is not 16 characters (or a multiple of 16 characters) the XML export is successful.

Best regards


Is it possible to display Footnotes in column layout

I have many small footnotes (one or two words). To prevent wasting space with the footnotes I would like to have the footnotes in a two column layout and the body text in one column.
Is this possible in Framemaker (latest version)?

FDK : element order, prop, ID?


I need to develop an automate to get prop of an element before an action and to set it after the action.

Before an action, it will search all P elements of the document that are before B elements. P is Paragraph (pgf).


--P (this one will not be good)


--P (this one will be good)

So, i want to get all the ID and prop of P elements that are before B elements.

I have tried a lot of things like go from P to P and on each P find the next sibling element and check if it's B element :

//fdk guide code + custom
F_ObjHandleT docId, pgfId, nsibId;
StringT b;
docId = F_ApiGetId(0, FV_SessionId, FP_ActiveDoc);
pgfId = F_ApiGetId(FV_SessionId, docId, FP_FirstPgfInDoc);
while (pgfId)
nsibId = F_ApiGetId(docId, pgfId, FP_NextSiblingElement)
if(F_StrCmpN(F_ApiGetString(docId, nsibId , FP_Name), b, F_StrLen(b)==0)
F_Printf(NULL, "I'M VERY HAPPY\n");
pgfId = F_ApiGetId(docId, pgfId, FP_NextPgfInDoc);

it doesn't work, nsibId is 0.

it seems that i need to make a selection of the text but i'm not sure...

I don't well understand the logic to navigate through a document.

Do you know how to make this?

Thank you,
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