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Conversion from word problems with images


Hi ,

I managed to make a conversion table to structure the documents of out company.I am having a proble with images.I am importing the word file to our template with a custom EDD document.When the import finishes I am having all images at almost correct places.The issue is when i apply the custom conversion table all the images at anchored at insertion point.The correct position would be at below current line.I am stuck and I can not find a solution to this.

My EDD is as follows:


EDD Version is 12.0

Structured Application: ReportPlain

F:\FramemakerBooks\Part B -Section 3.fm

April 14, 2014

Element (Container): Author

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: ReportAuthor

Element (Container): Emphasis

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Use character format: Emphasis

Element (Equation): Equation



Element (Container): EquationPara

General rule:          Equation

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Equation

Element (Container): Extract

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef)*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Extract

Element (Container): Figure

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Frame)*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Figure

Name: Imported           Choice           Optional

Choices:          Yes, No

Default:          No

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Figure

Element (Footnote): Footnote

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Footnote

If context is: * < Table

Use paragraph format: TableFootnote

Element (Graphic): GRAPHIC

Initial graphic element format

In all contexts.

Insert anchored frame.

Anchored Frame Object Style:FiguredCentered

Element (Graphic): Frame

Initial graphic element format

If context is: Figure[Imported = "Yes"]

Insert imported graphic file.


Insert anchored frame.

Element (Container): Head

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Count ancestors named:          Section

If level is: 1

Context label: H1

Use paragraph format: Heading1

Else, if level is: 2

Context label: H2

Use paragraph format: Heading2

Else, if level is: 3

Context label: H3

Use paragraph format: Heading3

Else, if level is: 4

Context label: H4

Use paragraph format: Heading4

Else, if level is: 5

Context label: H5

Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn


Numbering properties

Autonumber format:

If context is: {first} < Report

Use paragraph format: ReportTitle

Else, if context is: HeadingRunIn

Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn

Element (Container): HeadingRunIn

General rule:          Head, Para+

Element (Container): Item

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Para)*

Format rules for first paragraph in element

If context is: List[Type = "Plain"]

No additional formatting.

Else, if context is: List[Type = "Bulleted"]

Use paragraph format: Bulleted clean

Else, if context is: {first}

Use paragraph format: Numbered1


Use paragraph format: Numbered

Element (Container): List

General rule:          Item+

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: Type           Choice           Optional

Choices:          Plain, Bulleted, Numbered

Default:          Bulleted

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Item

Element (Container): Para

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Footnote | Table )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Text format rules

If context is: {after Head }

Use paragraph format: Body

Else, if context is: {after List}

Use paragraph format: BodyAfterHead


Use paragraph format: Body

Element (Container): Part

Valid as the highest-level element.

General rule:          (Para | Footnote | Table | Section )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Control flags: Read-only

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Head

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Body

Element (Container): Purpose

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: ReportPurpose

Element (Container): Section

General rule:          (Section,Head |Section | Para | List  | Table | Figure  | HeadingRunIn )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Section

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Head

Element (Container): Subscript

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Font properties

Superscript/Subscript: Subscript

Element (Container): Superscript

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Font properties

Superscript/Subscript: Superscript

Element (Table): Table

General rule:          TableTitle?, TableHead?, TableBody

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Control flags: Read-only

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Table

Control flags: Read-only

Initial table format

In all contexts.

Table format: Format A

Element (Table Body): TableBody

General rule:          TableRow+

Element (Table Cell): TableCell

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Frame| Para)*

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Bodycell

Element (Table Heading): TableHead

General rule:          TableHeadRow+

Element (Table Cell): TableHeadCell

General rule:          <TEXT>

Element (Table Row): TableHeadRow

General rule:          TableHeadCell+

Element (Table Row): TableRow

General rule:          TableCell+

Element (Table Title): TableTitle

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: TableTitle

Element (Container): Term

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Use character format: Emphasis

Element (CrossReference): XRef

Attribute list

Name: IDRef           ID Reference           Required

Control flags: Read-only

Limit values for format change list properties

First indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Left indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Right indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Space above

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Space below

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Line spacing

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Tab stop position

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Font size

Maximum: 400.0 pt

Minimum: 2.0 pt


Maximum: 1000.0%

Minimum: -1000.0%


Maximum: 1000.0%

Minimum: 10.0%

Cell margins


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


And my conversion table is:



Wrap this object or objects          In this element          With this qualifier

TC:          TableCell

P:Body          Para

P:Normal          Para

P:Heading 5          Head          head5

E:Head[head5],(Para | Frame | List | Table )*          Section          section5

P:Heading 4          Head          head4

E:Head[head4],(Para | Frame | List | Table |  [section5])*          Section          section4

P:Heading 3          Head          head3

Head[head3],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section4])*          Section          section3

P:Heading 2          Head          head2

Head[head2],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section3])*          Section          section2

P:Heading 1          Head          head1

Head[head1],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section2])*          Section          section

T:Table          Table (promote)

TT:          TableTitle

TH:          TableHead

TB:          TableBody

TF:          FOOTING

TR:          TableRow

RE:RootElement          Part


P:List Paragraph          Item

Item+          List

G:          GRAPHIC(promote)



RE:RootElement          Part




I am almost done with the template"Application"I just need to place the pictures in the correct position.Can anyone point me to the right direction?


Thanks a lot in advance

Topichead does not convert properly when ditamap saved as book and hierarchy not maintained


I'm new to DITA and piloting some documents in FrameMaker 12, trying to get the output that I need.


I have created a ditamap with a structure as follows:


Map title

- Concept A

- Topichead

   - Task A

   - Task B

- Concept B

  - Task C

   - Task D


I would like this to ouptut a PDF with TOC and bookmarks as follows:


Map title => book title

- Concept A => Chapter 1

- Topichead => Chapter 2

   - Task A => Chapter 2.1

   - Task B => Chapter 2.2

- Concept B => Chapter 3

  - Task C => Chapter 3.1

  - Task D => Chapter 3.2


To do this I save the ditamap as a "Book 12.0 with fm components (*.book)" and set the Bookmark levels in the PDF Setup as follows:









However, the output systematically comes out wrong because the Topichead element, which is just a title and is not attached to any topic, is not taken into account as a hierarchical element in the output. It generates an empty fm document containing just the topichead title, output as a ChapterTitle or Title depending on whether I set its toc attribute to yes. But the TOC is all wrong - instead of taking Task A and Task B as children of Chapter 2 it puts them all at level 1 so I get:


- Concept A => Chapter 1

- Topichead => ignored

   - Task A => Chapter 2

   - Task B => Chapter 3

- Concept B => Chapter 4

  - Task C => Chapter 4.1

  - Task D => Chapter 4.2



If I output using the bog-standard DITA-OT instead of fancy and expensive FrameMaker, everything comes out correctly.


Is there any way to correct this?





Stop FrameMaker resizing images in DITA?


I'm using FrameMaker 12 to edit topics in DITA. Unfortunately when I add an image, FrameMaker re-sizes it. I want to stop it doing this, but I can't work out how. It looks like FrameMaker correctly reads the image size in pixels, but adds the width and height in pt not px. For example, I have a 602px by 265px image that gets added to a DITA topic as the following:


<image href = "adobe.png" height="265.000px" width="602.000px"  />

Jeremy H Griffith, 1942-2014


Hi everyone


I was very sorry to see a recent post on the dita-users list saying that Jeremy has died. We've used Mif2Go extensively and found Jeremy incredibly helpful. The FM community won't be the same without him.





>>> 8/06/14 10:25 >>>


Jeremy Griffith, the creator of DITA2Go and Mif2Go, died on May 15 after a long illness.  He will be missed very much.



--Carolyn Stallard




[Thread locked: earlier messages already on this subject. See: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1492743 ]

How to add/ remove elements/paragraphs into the include/don't include column in batches in PDF setup page > bookmark tab?


Pls see the title. There are hundreds of elements/paragraphs.

Word Wrap Lost When Switching Between XML and Author Views


I compose DITA topics in the XML view with the word wrap option selected. If I switch to the Author view to check something and then return to the XML view, my nicely formatted XML view with all the happy element-nesting tabs goes away. I wind up with an ugly chunk of flush-left code and text that's difficult to read. Is there a reason why FM can't remember the tabs and word wrap when I return to the XML view?


I'm relatively new to using FM's structured side for DITA, so perhaps I'm missing the obvious solution to this problem. If you know the answer, I'd appreciate if you'd clue me in.



column width from xml attribute to framemaker table


I'm trying to set the column widths of a table in framemaker by importing the width from an attribute in the imported xml file. But it doesn't work...


This is from my read/write rules:


element "ITEM-CELL-LIST"


is fm table cell element;

attribute "width" is fm property column width;

fm property column width value is "2cm";



The last line that specifies the width to 2cm seems to be accepted as I can save the EDD as DTD without errors, but it has no effect on the actual widths of the table created.

The line above it doesn't work at all. When I try to save the EDD, I get the following error: "Invalid property specified for the element (ITEM-CELL-LIST)."


I've tried every way I can think of, but nothing seems to work

The only way I've been able to actually set the widths is by creating a table in the master template page and resizing the columns. That carries over to the imported xml.

Master pages failing to be applied (along with some unexpected behavior)


Hi all,


I am having trouble getting our structured app/template to apply master pages properly. We're on Frame 11 using an XDocbook, customized app.


Here is the configuration:

1. Reference page structMasterPageMap:

  • Maps element E:BookInfo  to the "Title Page" master page. 
  • Maps element E:PrefaceInfo to the "Frontmatter" master page.


2. Frame XML document content:







As you can see, this doc does not yet have a PrefaceInfo element, although one is allowed by the DTD.  So the obvious solution is to either: 1) add one (wrap the <copyright> element in a <prefaceinfo> element as allowed); or 2) add an "E:Copyright" mapping to the ref page. Yet, neither of these work.  Here's what occurs:


Solution A: On the Ref page, add a mapping from E:Copyright to the "Frontmatter" master page:

1. Open the document in Frame and note that the master page Title Page is applied, but the master page Frontmatter is not, as expected.

2. On the ref page, add the E:Copyright mapping to apply the Frontmatter master page.

3. Reapply Master Pages, and the Frontmatter page is applied, as expected.  All is good....except.  When you close and then re-open the document, no master pages are applied, not even the Title Page which had previous worked. Huh, what?

4. Remove the E:Copyright mapping from the ref page, reapply Master Pages, and the Title Page master page is again applied.

Note: This behavior is reproducible whether I replace the E:PrefaceInfo with E:Copyright on the reference page, or retain both. I can also reproduce this by using the paragraph tag instead, of the element, i.e. P:FrontmatterCopyright.


Solution B: In the document, add a <prefaceinfo> element:

1. Open the document in Frame and note that the Title Page master page is applied while the Frontmatter is not, which is expected.

2. Wrap the <copyright> element in <prefaceinfo>.

3. Reapply Master Pages.  Nothing happens, i.e. the Frontmatter master page is not applied.

4. Save, close, and reopen the document.  The Title page is applied, but the Frontmatter is not.

Yes, I have checked and rechecked that the actual master page names match those entered into the reference pages, including case.  :-)


Possible conflicts/factors?

1. Could the structure of the document (as allowed by the DTD) affect master page application? The element <copyright> can exist both inside a <prefaceinfo> and independently under <bookinfo>.  This doesn't seem likely, especially because as a test, I saved the doc as .fm, discarded the structure, updated the ref page to use para tags instead -- and still the master pages are not applied correctly.

2. Pagination can affect this -- at first we had Format>Page Layout>Pagination set to "Single Sided" so I thought that was why the left-hand Frontmatter was being ignored. But I have ruled that out; the template is now double sided, and Frontmatter is a left page.


I am stumped!  Thanks in advance for any ideas.


- Shelley


Shelley Hoose

Sr. Docs Developer, Rogue Wave Software

Hierachical element insert


In FrameMaker 11 it was possible to use the quick Element Catalog to select a Hierachical element. For example, from the Quick Element Catalog I could highlight ItemizedList, then to the right the child elements would appear as I moused over it and I could then select ListItem, and then Para. Clicking the hierarchical Para element would insert Para, ListIem, and ItemizedList elements in the proper nested order.


In FrameMaker 12 I cannot do this. Am I missing something?


I found the following link in the Help files, but it isn't functional.


Adobe FrameMaker 12 * Hierarchical element insert

Unable to convert a structure FM (11) file to RTF


When converting a structured FM 11 file to RTF, FM freezes for a while, and when it's working again, the output is either a corrupted .rtf file, or FM crashes. The file we are trying to convert is over 200 pages long and has several images linked.


Is there a way to convert the FM file to RTF and maintain some formatting? We have tried saving the file by extracting it from the PDF, but the output does not have any formatting to it.

ATA iSpec 2200 CMM book validation


Hi all,


I am a technical writer and I am new to structured authoring.


I have a structured CMM for a component with ATA number 11-22-33 (example). Taking Source files of this CMM, i have to create a new CMM whose ATA number is 11-22-34. Contents of both CMMs are similar except some minor changes.


I have made all the required changes and now I am facing a problem with MTOSS Numbering.


I have to update ATA Number as 11-22-34 for TASK and Subtask level, but there is no Element Attributes for chapno, subno, secno. for TASK and Subtask


I have updated Book level attributes as chapno=11, subno=22, secno=34, but it is not reflecting throughout CMM pageblocks.


How can I change the attributes as chapno=11, subno=22, secno=34 for TASK and Subtask.


Please help me in this..

converting Framemaker files into PDF progaramatically using publishing server


Hi All


We are going for upgrade of  Frame maker 8 which is on unix system  to FM 10 or 11. We are using Framemaker mainly for renditions, i.e to convert the fm documents to PDF. To convert fm document to PDF we are using the below mentioned command line utility available in FM 8.(on unix). /opt/app/frame8.0/bin/fmprint -i -p Sample.fm.fmtpl Sample.fm Currently the the fm file which need to converted to PDF and the FM 8(installed) are available on the same unix system ,so we were able to initiate/use the command line utility of FM 8. The rendition of the FM to PDF is On -Demand.( We are not running any batch activities/ bulk renditions).We are rendering the document as soon as the document  is available.

As we are going to  upgrade the FM to newer versions which would be installed on the Windows machine as Frame maker 10 or 11 will not support unix plat form, so can you please let us know which option is better to use i.e we want to convert fm file to PDF using java program without any manual intevention using publishing server/client version.
can any one help us as it is very urgent for us.
please let us know the ways to do and links for helpful documents .

thank you very much for your help in advance!!\


Best reagrds

Ramesh babu

FM 11 Crash with Element Boundaries as Tags




I am getting a repeatable crash (but with different error codes) when doing the following:


  1. Open a previously saved FM 11 MIF file.
  2. Save as FM 11 binary.
  3. Close MIF file (without saving)
  4. Open FM binary file
  5. Set View->"Element Boundaries (as Tags)"
  6. Save file.
  7. Close file.
  8. Re-open file.
  9. Crash
  10. Frame then has to be killed with task manager.


If I change step 5 to "delete some text" without showing tags, then the document re-opens correctly.


Internal Error: 11024, 4780356, 4780650, 7524149

Internal Error: 11024, 13431108, 13431402, 16174901


FM (no extra plugins)

Windows NT 6.1 (major.minor.build: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)


Has anyone else seen this with showing element boundaries as tags?




Internal Error 12024, 18652356, 18692061 and 18514761 during reopening a FM12 file


Hello everybody,


I can not open a FM12 file, the internal error code 12024, 18652356, 18692061 and 18514761 tells me nothing and I unless searching for a plain text translation for the error codes! This kind of trouble occures from time to time but now, first time on FM12. Therefore I try to check if my EDD rules producing this mistake, error or other undefined loop. I like to fix this error but I need to know where is the mistake, one week of work are be in danger in this case... !!!


Anybody a idea to fix this issue? (no *.Backup / *.Recovery file existing)

Any possibilities for "OPEN IN SAVE MODE"

Any possibilities for "CHECK FILE BEFORE TRY TO OPEN"


I can not believe that Adobe is unable to define plain text error codes, the technical support in unreachable!

Thanks for help,

FM TOC reference page generation


Is there a way to force FM to use a document's modified TOC reference page instead of it generating a second one when creating a separate TOC file?

Document validates but NoName is generated when opening


Hi all,


We have an xDocbook structured app based on Frame 11 and Docbook 4.2.   It has been stable until the last week or so.  Here are the changes we made to the structured app recently:

1. Added some functionality to the EDD including some Format Change Lists and attribute values, but nothing that seems major. The EDD validates and does not produce errors when its element definitions are imported into a document.

2. Added support to the DTD for an equation element to be allowed inside a line element

3. No edits to the rules.

4. In structapps.fm, we turned off "Try Alternative Extensions"

5. In the template, we added or tweaked some styles.


We retain our documents in XML and open them in Frame only to edit them.


However, each time we open any document in Frame now, a NoName element wraps whatever the top-level valid element is, whether a <chapter> or <appendix>. I can unwrap it and the document validates using the Element | Validate feature.  I save and close the document.  If I open the XML in a text editor, its top level element is <chapter>.  There is no <NoName.>  But if I open it again in FrameMaker, NoName is generated again at the top of the hierarchy. This is true even for documents that we have not edited or touched in months, so it cannot be the content itself; it must be something with the structured app.


To test, I have reverted the EDD back to a timeframe when it was known to have worked properly, and imported it into the template, then reopened the documents.  This is problematic of course because the documents currently contain attribute values that were not supported earlier, so Frame complains about these when I validate.  But the NoName element is always created no matter how far back I go with the EDD.


Finally -- and particularly strange -- is that I revert the EDD to an earlier, known stable version, import it into the template, and open some documents that we have not edited in months -- thus, recreating an environment that worked before.  Still, NoName is generated. I have not yet reverted the changes to structapps or the DTD and will try that next -- but I don't see how those could be the issue.


So the questions are:

1. What would make Frame generate a NoName element for a document that has valid structure?

2. What can trigger the generation of a NoName element?


Thanks for any help!




Shelley Hoose

Sr Doc Developer

Rogue Wave Software

Format a text-crossref


Hi all,

in the DITA EDD the fm-xref element does not suport any formatting in itself it seems. Thus we use the crossref-definitions in the Framemaker template to apply a chracter style (simple underlined blue). However, if you insert a crossref that contains a text string as anchor (e.g. "For more information, click here.") then it is not possible to apply a formatting.


How can such a crossref be formatted? Does the EDD offer any possibilities?



Open xml from ditamap fails


Using FM 10.


I set up a new application MyDITA by coping an existing 1.1 DITA structure.

In DITA > Options, I created a new application mapping and entered my Map and topic mappings from MyDITA application.


I chose DITA > New DITA File > New <map> and created a ditamap file that includes two of my topics. Okay so far.


In the ditamap (FM interface), I double click a topic to open it and I get the following error.

Could not open DTD file: C:\Users\xxx\myfolder\topic.dtd


Parse error at line 10, char 1: Error in processing external entity reference Parsing aborted.


Why is it looking for the DTD in my local folder where the XML files are? Why isn't it looking in the location of the MyDITA application?


I can open the XML file by in Explorer by right-click and choose Open in FrameMaker. It asks to confirm MyDITA application and it opens fine. I cannot open it from the ditamap and cannot create a composit document from the ditamap to create a TOC.


Can anyone help with this? Thank you!

Can I pull prefixes/suffixes into XML ?


I am using prefix and suffix rules in my EDD to make things easier for the author (and standardize some headings and parts of names). Now I need to write the content into XML and my prefixes and suffixes do not get pushed into the content on the XML side. I do not find any reference to prefix and suffix in the read-write rules. Is there a way to let FM write the prefixes into either an attribute or the content of an element when writing to XML? I am not interested in round-tripping here, so even if the method is more or less destructive, I would be more than happy to know about it. The only other option I see is adding more work to the extendscript that I am using to prepare the materials for writing to XML.





How to withdraw a wrong open and save of a structured fm file in unstructured mode?


I opened a structured fm file wrongly in unstructured mode and saved it. When I opened this fm file again in structured mode, the structure view has been blank. Does anyone no how to withdraw this?

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