Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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How to modify the color of an "xref" element existing as a cross-reference?


How to modify the color of an "xref" element existing as a cross-reference? It's color now is black, but I want it blue. Excerpts from the EDD file are as follows. Can someone help? Thanks in advance. You can also give me your skype if you have the answer.



Element (CrossReference): xref

Attribute list

Name: show Choice Optional

Choices: new, replace, automatic

Default: automatic

Name: ref-text String Optional

Name: ref-external-id String Optional

Name: ref-file String Optional

Name: ref-id String Optional

Name: window-number Choice Optional

Choices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Default: 1

Name: condition String Optional

Name: condition-model String Optional

Name: property String Optional

Name: revision Choice Optional

Choices: changed, added, deleted, off

Name: anchor-id String Optional

Name: msg-info String Optional

Initial cross-reference format

If context is: * < (list-steps | block)

Use cross-reference format: number


Use cross-reference format: number-and-text

How do I roll back from FM12.0.2 to earlier state?


Have just installed latest patch and cannot now change any attributes in Structured FrameMaker - FM12 crashes.

Word Wrap Lost When Switching Between XML and Author Views


I compose DITA topics in the XML view with the word wrap option selected. If I switch to the Author view to check something and then return to the XML view, my nicely formatted XML view with all the happy element-nesting tabs goes away. I wind up with an ugly chunk of flush-left code and text that's difficult to read. Is there a reason why FM can't remember the tabs and word wrap when I return to the XML view?


I'm relatively new to using FM's structured side for DITA, so perhaps I'm missing the obvious solution to this problem. If you know the answer, I'd appreciate if you'd clue me in.



Internal Error 12024, 18652356, 18692061 and 18514761 during reopening a FM12 file


Hello everybody,


I can not open a FM12 file, the internal error code 12024, 18652356, 18692061 and 18514761 tells me nothing and I unless searching for a plain text translation for the error codes! This kind of trouble occures from time to time but now, first time on FM12. Therefore I try to check if my EDD rules producing this mistake, error or other undefined loop. I like to fix this error but I need to know where is the mistake, one week of work are be in danger in this case... !!!


Anybody a idea to fix this issue? (no *.Backup / *.Recovery file existing)

Any possibilities for "OPEN IN SAVE MODE"

Any possibilities for "CHECK FILE BEFORE TRY TO OPEN"


I can not believe that Adobe is unable to define plain text error codes, the technical support in unreachable!

Thanks for help,

How to import a table from an excel for word into an fm file?

How can I resolve the following postscript error: [ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: ct_T3HdrDict


I know the error is caused by using a character definition that uses the Courier font (indicating 'user input' in a technical documentation document). FM indicates that Courier is an available font.

Type mismatch for the element FrameMaker element (graphic)


Now that I'm moving along on the formatting portion of this manual (or so I think - ha), I need to start bringing in the graphics to make sure they are all there, so I can get the illustrator going on that end. I've looked at threads everywhere I could find regarding graphic boardno and using the read/write rules to tell FrameMaker what to do with the graphic, and nothing works. I keep getting an error that says, "type mismatch for the element FrameMaker element (graphic). The type defined by the read/write rules is different from thet defined in the template."


I created this rw file from scratch out of FM 10. I've copied several different iterations that I've found all over the place. Right now my rw file has this:


element "graphic" {

is fm graphic element;

attribute "boardno" {

is fm property entity;

is fm attribute;



Literature for creating structured documents

Need a space after


FrameMaker 11

DITA 1.2


I am having problems with keyword references. It was the same problem I was having with my FrameMaker variables, which I have abondoned in favor of a "cleaner," pure DITA solution. When I insert a conkeyref like in the the shortdesc everything appears fine.


<shortdesc>You can grow the size of your <keyword  conkeyref = "keywords/prodcut_name"></keyword> by adding additional drive units if you are running low on disk space. </shortdesc>


After I save the file, close it and reopen it, the space after </keyword> is removed so that it reads </keyword>by. What is causing this? I can't simply add a space to my product_name definition because there are times when I need punctuation after the it.  I suspect has to do with how FrameMaker processes the conkeyrefs because when I manually put spaces after all of the conkeyrefs and then choose DITA > Update References FrameMaker will go through my document and update all conkeyrefs and remove the trailing space. Where is this behavior set or defined?



How can I get XML cross-references to translate to Structured FrameMaker?


I've been using Structured FrameMaker from the beginning, and have designed many EDDs, and about 10 years ago I did some translation of SGML into Structured FrameMaker (7.2) which worked well.


Now, (with FrameMaker 10), I've had to design an EDD to translate XML documents into Structured FrameMaker.


In my EDD I've a CrossReference element called XRef; this has an attribute of ID, which in turn has a value of IDReference and has Special AttributeConrols of ReadOnly.


My target elements in the EDD all have an ID attribute with a value of UniqueID.


My XML document's target xref element has  an attribute of linkend, and in XML this works as I'd expect.


When I pass the XML file through the EDD/Template, everything works except that I get an ID = no value, which, of course, results in no display of the cross-reference data in the document.


Oddly, in structured FrameMaker, my element of link, with an attribute of linkend, works as it should, and displays the data.  It may not be important, but the value for linkend is IDReference not UniqueID, and this displays correctly (I changed this attribute's value to Unique ID in my EDD and it made no difference to the XRef value in my document).


After making all these EDD changes, I've been careful to save the changes, import them to all files in my book and finally update the book.   Everything hangs together - except, of course, that the cross-reference doesn't work.


I'd sincerely appreciate any help or advice other users might have because I'm quite frankly stumped.

Framemaker 11 AECMA DTD


I have a procedural DTD supplied by our customer but I am struggling to open it in Framemaker 11. I have tried using the Procedural DTD supplied with Framemaker but this differs from the DTD supplied from our customer. Has anyone any idea what I may be doing wrong?



Fellow Forum Members,

Does FrameMaker offer a S1000D specification publishing solution that includes a Common Source Data Base (CSDB)? And outputs an Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP) as well as a PDF? 


Any info will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance

How do I create a soft return (shift+Enter)?


FrameMaker 11

DITA 1.2


Is it possible using FM 11 and DITA 1.2 to use a soft return (as in Shift+Enter)? There are times when I want to avoid bad line breaks in a line of code or when I just want to keep a line with the previous line rather than having the extra space generated by a hard return.


Using a soft return disappears as soon as I save my file and reopen it. By "disappears" I mean it acts simply like a space rather than any type of return.


Thanks in advance,



Creating Unique IDs for elements (non-DITA)...



I know there's a solution to this somehow via scripting - problem is, I have no clue so far about FM scripting

We're using the standard XML API for our structure and everything works out fine, except one thing that we stumbled over.

When creating a TOC in FM11 based on XML files within a book, we're receiving good results (pages are referenced correctly). As long as it doesn't come down to jump marks.

FM11 doesn't create the correct jump marks for the TOC entries. After an analysis, this is because the unique IDs for the referenced elements are non-existant (they're required and declared as UniqueID in the DTD and EDD, but not set automatically). Therefor FM11 points his jump marks towards the nearest element with an unique ID.

This behavior points me to two questions:

1. can I get FM11 to create unique IDs upon creation of the TOC (same way it creates the IDs when using XRef)? or

2. what can I do to get FM11 to create unique IDs automatically on insertion of an element, that requires an ID?




Cheers Gorly

Is Microsoft Visual Studio Pro 2012 usable with FDK for FrameMaker 11?


I've been tasked to export an SGML file from a structure FrameMaker 11 file.  The documentation calls for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, but I've got Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.  Is 2012 compatible?

How to not include dita files/dita maps in TOC




In a DITA map I have added Concepts .ditamap and Topics .ditamap (which contains multiple .dita files) and saving ditamap as "Book 11 with fm components".


I don’t want to include concepts .ditamap (which contains two dita files) in TOC. I have defined "toc=no" in concept attributes but there is no result.


Could anyone please suggest how to hide or how to not include dita files in TOC?


Thank you.

FM 12 - Quick Element Toolbar


I'm giving the trial version of FM 12 a quick test. One thing I noticed right away is that I can't seem to actually open the new Quick Element toolbar. Selecting View > Toolbars > Quick Element Toolbar does nothing except place a (second) Help button in the toolbar. Checking the quick_element.xml config file for the workspace suggests that I should be seeing a handful of buttons for adding standard elements to the open file. Is there another setting that I'm missing?


I'm just using the default DITA template for FM 12. Nothing special there.


Thanks for any help.



Special, Filter by Attribute, build expression syntax


I searched and searched Adobe's help after repeatedly seeing the error message from the Filter by Attribute's build expression dialog:


"Invalid Expression, Kindly refer to help for rules on building expression."


After wrestling with this feature for a while, I got it working. And, decided to provide the following help topic on it. Comments, feedback, and improvements are welcome.



Using the Special, Filter by Attribute Command


The Filter by Attribute dialog lets you define a build expression to filter DITA content based on element attribute values.


The first step to using this dialog is to define attribute values that you will use in your build expression.


  • Select an attribute from the attribute list.

  • Enter a value for that attribute and click on Add.

    The attribute value appears in the Defined Values list. This list displays all of the defined values for the selected attribute.


After defining the attribute values for filtering, the next step is to define a build expression that filters content based on the values.


To define the expression, it is important to understand the operation of the radio buttons (Equals, Any, and Contains Only) and their related expression syntax.


If you define some product attribute values (OneFish_Product, TwoFish_Product, RedFish_Product, BlueFish_Product) and you define an audience attribute value (InternalUsageOnly_Audience), you could use the values and the radio buttons to build the following expression for a public document describing the OneFish product:


(product # "OneFish_Product") AND NOT (audience="InternalUsageOnly_Audience")


To create this expression, select the product attribute, select the Contains Only radio button, and click on Add. Delete the extra attribute values from the expression until you have just the value shown above. Next, click on the "AND" then "NOT" buttons to add this syntax to the expression. Finally, select the audience attribute, select the Equals radio button, and click on Add.


Note: Filtering operation is NOT dynamic. If you modify attribute values, the content filtering does not take effect until you re-apply the filter expression to the file.


Creating Build Expressions from DITAVAL Property Values


The Filter by Attribute feature becomes valuable when you use it to apply the same content filtering as is provided by a DITAVAL file


In the example (above) a number of attribute values are defined. A corresponding DITAVAL file containing these attributes could be:


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
     <!-- includes public info for OneFish product -->
     <prop att='product' val='OneFish_Product' action='include' />
     <prop att='product' val='TwoFish_Product' action='exclude' />
     <prop att='product' val='RedFish_Product' action='exclude' />
     <prop att='product' val='BlueFish_Product' action='exclude' />
     <prop att='audience' val='InternalUsageOnly_Audience' action='exclude' />


The include and exclude actions shown match the filtering operation of the build expression (include only product="OneFish_Product" and exclude audience="InternalUsageOnly_Audience").

Document validates but NoName is generated when opening


Hi all,


We have an xDocbook structured app based on Frame 11 and Docbook 4.2.   It has been stable until the last week or so.  Here are the changes we made to the structured app recently:

1. Added some functionality to the EDD including some Format Change Lists and attribute values, but nothing that seems major. The EDD validates and does not produce errors when its element definitions are imported into a document.

2. Added support to the DTD for an equation element to be allowed inside a line element

3. No edits to the rules.

4. In structapps.fm, we turned off "Try Alternative Extensions"

5. In the template, we added or tweaked some styles.


We retain our documents in XML and open them in Frame only to edit them.


However, each time we open any document in Frame now, a NoName element wraps whatever the top-level valid element is, whether a <chapter> or <appendix>. I can unwrap it and the document validates using the Element | Validate feature.  I save and close the document.  If I open the XML in a text editor, its top level element is <chapter>.  There is no <NoName.>  But if I open it again in FrameMaker, NoName is generated again at the top of the hierarchy. This is true even for documents that we have not edited or touched in months, so it cannot be the content itself; it must be something with the structured app.


To test, I have reverted the EDD back to a timeframe when it was known to have worked properly, and imported it into the template, then reopened the documents.  This is problematic of course because the documents currently contain attribute values that were not supported earlier, so Frame complains about these when I validate.  But the NoName element is always created no matter how far back I go with the EDD.


Finally -- and particularly strange -- is that I revert the EDD to an earlier, known stable version, import it into the template, and open some documents that we have not edited in months -- thus, recreating an environment that worked before.  Still, NoName is generated. I have not yet reverted the changes to structapps or the DTD and will try that next -- but I don't see how those could be the issue.


So the questions are:

1. What would make Frame generate a NoName element for a document that has valid structure?

2. What can trigger the generation of a NoName element?


Thanks for any help!




Shelley Hoose

Sr Doc Developer

Rogue Wave Software

FM 11 pdf-generation under Windows 8.1


After changing from Windows 8.0 to Windows 8.1 I have problems generating pdf-files. I only get the tps-file. When the tps-file is made, the FM 11 do not answer any more. Do anybody have any suggestions?

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