Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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converting Framemaker files into PDF progaramatically using publishing server


Hi All


We are going for upgrade of  Frame maker 8 which is on unix system  to FM 10 or 11. We are using Framemaker mainly for renditions, i.e to convert the fm documents to PDF. To convert fm document to PDF we are using the below mentioned command line utility available in FM 8.(on unix). /opt/app/frame8.0/bin/fmprint -i -p Sample.fm.fmtpl Sample.fm Currently the the fm file which need to converted to PDF and the FM 8(installed) are available on the same unix system ,so we were able to initiate/use the command line utility of FM 8. The rendition of the FM to PDF is On -Demand.( We are not running any batch activities/ bulk renditions).We are rendering the document as soon as the document  is available.

As we are going to  upgrade the FM to newer versions which would be installed on the Windows machine as Frame maker 10 or 11 will not support unix plat form, so can you please let us know which option is better to use i.e we want to convert fm file to PDF using java program without any manual intevention using publishing server/client version.
can any one help us as it is very urgent for us.
please let us know the ways to do and links for helpful documents .

thank you very much for your help in advance!!\


Best reagrds

Ramesh babu

Table: Validation error for TableTitle - "More contents required at end"

Validating table - error message:
Why do I keep getting the error message, "More contents required at end" for the TableTitle element?
(FYI: I'm following Scriptorium's FM 201 tutorial < http://wiki.scriptorium.com/tiki-index.php?page=Inserting+table+elements>)

XML read errors--failure to open dtd (DITA)

Hi all,
I've run out of ideas and places to look on this one, I hope someone can help.

The specs: WinXP Pro, Frame 8.0p277. Built-in DITA. Not using DITA Open Toolkit. No major issues except for previously discussed conref problems which, many thanks to Scott, seem to be under control.

The context: I'm a freelancer, on contract to a financial institution. I work part-time in my own office (up-to-date, preferred set-up) and part-time onsite. I can't go into detail, but the set-up is less than ideal. I have to do much back-and-forth portaging of project and template files, and they are often corrupted when I reopen them.

Specs onsite I'm not sure about, but it's definitely Frame 8 with the first patch. I'm pretty sure they haven't installed any others, so the 8.03 patch shouldn't be an issue. (I'll check and report back, if that info is needed.)

The error: Came out of the blue last week, my first day back in my office after three days onsite. Now, every time I open or create any xml file, using any template, I get an XML Read Report Log error that reports a failure to open the DTD, and a parse error in the document prolog. I don't know where it's coming from, and I don't know why it started happening. I modified structapps once, many months ago, but hadn't touched it since, and I've never touched the r/w rules files in either location.

(I realize I should test this scenario onsite, but I daren't risk importing trouble, if it started here.)

Specifically, the error reads: Could not open DTD file: C:\Documents and Settings\path-to-project-files-folder\ditabase.dtd Parse error at line 9, char 1: Error procssing external entity reference.

I don't understand why it's looking for the dtd file in the same folder as the project files when I've never stored it there, and I have the following in the structapps, and r/w rules files.

DTD: $STRUCTDIR\xml\dita\default-app\dtd\ditabase.dtd
Read/write rules: $STRUCTDIR\xml\dita\default-app\DITA-Topic-FM\topic.rules.txt

The R/W Rules statement reads: writer external dtd is public "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Composite//EN" "ditabase.dtd";

I can go completely cross-eyed after a few hours trying to parse these docs myself. The answer may well be right in front of me, but for the life of me I can't see it. I hope someone else can.


IBM Rational Purify and Framemaker 8

Has anyone managed to successfully run an IBM Rational Purify session against Framemaker8?
It reports an unhandled exception in a module outside my (I think) control:

RtlUnicodeStringToInteger+0x17d [C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll ip=0x7C91AFEE]


Problems opening a .sgm file in FM 7.2


I'm trying to open an .sgm file in Structured FrameMaker 7.2 and I keep getting errors and believe my setting are incorrect.  This is what happens:


  1. Open file.
  2. Prompt:  "Use Structured Application."  I choose "<No Application>"
  3. Error:  "SGML Parser Messages (Document Prolog)"

                    C:\Documents and Settings\............filename.sgm; line 1

                    Could not find external document type VIB (-//Company Name//DTD VIB//EN).


I really don't know where to go with this, so any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

FM8 - F9 functionality


I recently converted my files to FM8 and I noticed that the F9 functionality does not work.  Do I need to set up something to get it to work?

Preserving non-breaking spaces in XML round-trip?


This issue has been discussed several times, but I haven't seen a post that describes my experience. I see this behavior on FM8 and FM9, Windows XP and Vista.

FrameMaker represents non-breaking spaces as character code 0x11. This is not a legal Unicode character, so XML saved from FrameMaker with non-breaking spaces will fail to validate. In fact, FrameMaker will fail to re-open documents with this character. This is unfortunate, but I can accept it.

Unicode specifies character code 0x160 as a non-breaking space. I can insert this character in body text and variable definitions. FrameMaker treats this character as a non-breaking space. (It does not display as a non-breaking space text symbol, but provides the behavior of a non-breaking space). Other processing tools also respect this character as a non-breaking space.

However, upon saving to XML, FrameMaker converts character 0x160 back to character code 0x11. So I'm back where I started. I can no longer edit the XML document in FrameMaker, nor is the XML valid and usable in other tools/workflows.


I've played with the "character map" read/write rule to attempt to get FrameMaker to write non-breaking space 0x11 as Unicode 0x160. But FrameMaker writes 0x11 back to the XML.


Is it reasonable to expect that FrameMaker retain Unicode character 0x160 on XML round-trip? Am I missing something? Of course, this is an issue for several lower-ANSI FM characters, including non-breaking spaces and hyphens, thin spaces, and forced returns, which FM writes to XML as illegal Unicode characters.



Alan Houser, President
Group Wellesley, Inc.

hooking up DITA structure and house style(s)


OK ... I've never yet managed to get a DITA project up and running to the point where I can work on it every day with a view to delivering something. But today I hope this has finally changed, so I'll start trying to post here and improve my grasp of the essentials. My thanks to all those, especially Rick Quatro, who have replied to earlier postings now sunk beneath the forum's event horizon never to be seen again <g>

First question, leaving myself wide open to correction:

I observe, on opening a DITA file in FM 9.0p237, that FrameMaker has thoughtfully provided a slew of styles related to elements and their position in the document structure. I am aware that really clever people can set up rules so that formatting is applied very cleanly, without using styles; but (certainly at this early stage) should I try updating the style-definitions based on what we're already used to?

"title.0", for instance: from the Element Context Format Rules, it looks as though that's equivalent to a chapter heading where my not-technically-speaking-structured documents would use the style ":h1".

Got to learn somehow! so thanks in advance for pointers along the path to enlightenment.

Niels Grundtvig Nielsen

How To Import a DTD to FrameMaker 9


I have a DTD in notepad.  How do I go about importing or using this DTD for FrameMaker 9?




Table Formats (ruling style) and DITA


Hi all,


I am working on a DITA project and I'm having some trouble with table ruling styles.  I have a table format defined in my structured application template and EDD.  When I initially insert the table, it is formatted properly--in accordance with the desired table format.  Upon saving the file, closing, and then reopening, the table ruling style is changing and no longer matches the defined format.


Here are the things I have checked or tried without success:

  • I have checked the underlying xml file, and it does properly indicate the "rowsep", "colsep", and "frame" attributes for my desired formatting.  I understand that DITA uses the CALS table model and that these attributes are boolean indicators of whether or not to include ruling and they are not supposed to control the style or the ruling.  In other words, it is either "0" or "1" (no or yes) for ruling, but it doesn't imply style for the ruling (e.g. thick, thin, etc.).
  • I understand that FM has implicit support for the CALS table model without the use of read/write rules.  The default read/write rules provided in the FM DITA application (which I have used as a starting point) do include read/write rules for this table model, however.  These read/write rules seem to match those shown in Chapter 8 of the Structured Development Reference.  I don't know if this causes a redundancy or conflict with the FM implicit support or not.  If I comment out this entire section of the read/write rules, it doesn't change the behavior in any way; so it appears that the built-in support for CALS overrides the read/write rules.
  • I have played with the reader table ruling style is "style"; rule as well.  It seems to work just fine when using "Medium",
    "Thick", "Thin", etc., but if I input "None" I still get thin ruling throughout the table.  I don't understand why all the settings work, but "None" seems to result in "Thin".
  • When I open the DITA topic for editing in FM with the reader table ruling style is "None";, the ruling ends up being Thin (visually) everywhere.  If I select the table and "Show Current Settings" from the "Custom Ruling and Shading" dialog, it says "From Table" for every item.  However, the ruling displayed clearly does not match the table format that I have defined.  If I re-apply the "From Table" settings within "Custom Ruling and Shading", then my table takes on the desired formatting and "Show Current Settings" still shows "From Table" for every item.  If I save, close, and reopen then everything gets reset back to a Thin appearane again.
  • I have zoomed in to high magnifications just to be sure it isn't just a display issue on ruling thickness, but everything still just looks Thin.  I have also created a PDF and the PDF appears identical to the FM display.
  • The Structured Application Developer Reference says:
FrameMaker considers the ruling style set with this rule as custom ruling. If you re-import formats to the FrameMaker document and remove overrides, the ruling style set with this rule will remain. If possible, therefore, you should use table formats to specify ruling styles.

The problem is that I can't seem to get my table format ruling style to take affect.  Somehow, it appears that I still have some kind of override happing, but I can't seem to figure out where it is coming from.  In the end, I just want it to use my defined table format directly with no overrides.


Any ideas that you might have about this would be greatly appreciated.


For reference, I am using FM version 9.0p250 on Windows XP.

FM training




there is a question for FM, and my version is FM 9.0. I have a outside DTD file and it's Stylesheet.is it work if I import these files into FM and start editing? Is there anyone who could tell me how to deal with this? Or is there anyone who can give some training lessons on how to create DTD and EDD/ read write rule?

Extra fm-ditafile tag is generated in book file after generating FM


I'm using Adobe FrameMaker 8 in Tech Comm Suite 1 in Windows XP.


When we generated our book files from ditamaps, we seem to be getting an extra fm-ditafile tag in each chapter.  We have been unwrapping these extra tags, but then we have to reapply all of the headings.  For example, by removing the extra tag, the first heading automatically becomes Heading 1, but retains the formatting for Heading 2.  Heading 2's must be made Heading 3's and so on.


While this works, it's a very manual process.  Is there any way to eliminate that extra fm-ditafile tag or to easily reapply all of the headings?



Autonumbering for task levels - EDD question


Hello all,


In our current unstructured documents, we have a style that handles what we call "major" steps, which are tasks that can be by themselves or most often are no as they are normally in just one context. I could use <substeps> but the numbering scheme is reset, and these major steps normally involve a multitude of steps, not just one or two token sub-steps. Our major step is formatted like a heading, and there is a prefix of Step1 and StepN. We curently handle this using the Autonumber format in the paragraph designer (in our unstructured environ). In our structured DITA environment, I would like to retain that style since it is very popular with our users.


I am thinking that a change in the EDD is all I need as I could change the autonumber format based on a context. My question is, can I use a combination of {first}, etc ..rules with the ELEMENT < ELEMENT rule? My structure example appears below:







With that second-level <task> being the MAJOR step. The highest level task is the MAIN user task, and would only required a <title> and <shortdesc>.


The Context rule "task < task" works for the first major step, but I need to handle the subsequent najor steps.


Any help or even an alternate way to handle this is greatly appreciated.



Thanks much



seamless conversion to sgml?



Has anyone ever had a seamless conversion to sgml using a conversion table?

If so, can you share the examples of the EDD used and the corresponding conversion table?

I've got the EDD working great, but whenever I try to test my tweaked conversion table it never seems to translate everything. There are always stragglers that don't nest properly, especially with tables. Any success out there that you can share?




Absolute path in Doctype DTD makes DTD unavailable on other machines


Hi all,


When saving to XML, I understand that Frame takes the relative path to the DTD as described in structapps.fm (in our case, $STRUCTDIR\xml\xdocbook\app\docbookx.dtd) and generates an absolute path in the XML it writes, like this:


DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Adobe/FrameMaker9/structure/xml/xdocbook/app/docbookx.dtd"...


This, of course, makes the files impossible to open on a machine that has Frame installed in something other than "Program Files".  Any way to get around this?  Have Frame generate a relative path in some way?  I've researched this in the ref and dev guides and don't see any way to control this.  I did try adding something to the rules, like this...


writer external dtd is system "docbookx.dtd";


but then Frame just looks directly in the folder that contains the document you're trying to open.


Thanks for any suggestions.


- Shelley

How can a structured frame be used for translating books to foreign languages?


I keep reading about how a structured approach can improve the translation process (from english to foreign languages), however, i can't seem to find specifics about a particular method or tutorials about how to go about it (specifically). My question is, how (specifically) can structured framemaker be used for translation from english to foreign languages?  Links to tutorials on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

pdf to docbook




how to convert pdf to docbook xml using framemaker 10.0 version.  i am new to the framemeker tool.



please explain step by step.




if there video tutorial send me the URL.



Thanks in advance.

Editing DOCTYPE declaration


Hi all,


I have been trying to accomplish this task for some time now and have decided it's not possible. Thought I would ask before moving on, though...Is there a way to edit the DOCTYPE declaration that Frame10 outputs within a structured application? In other words, can I create a structured application that outputs an XHTML document with an HTML 5 declaration?


Instead of: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "dtd.dtd" []>


I want: <!DOCTYPE html>


Possible? Thanks.

eSeminar 10/2: Debugging XSLT with FM 11


Just a reminder that I will be speaking on using FM 11 to debug XSLT at 10:00 AM Pacific time on October 2.  To register, go to http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/event/index.cfm?event=detail&id=2076630&loc=en_us.


This presentation follows on both Tom Aldous's recent 5-part introduction to XSLT (http://tmaldous.com/2012/06/15/5-part-eseminars-series-find-out-how-to-write-xslt-statemen ts-for-xml-to-xml-transformations) and the talk I gave on September 5 on using a structured FrameMaker application to edit XSLT itself (http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/event/index.cfm?event=set_registered&id=2085111&loc=en_us).


This packed and fun-filled hour will use an example in which conversion of an unstructured document to XML uses XSLT to augment results produced by a conversion table. I will demonstrate modifying the XSLT transformation, testing it in FM 11's XML view, and opening the result back in the WYSIWYG view to confirm that the desired formatting is produced. I will use an XSLT advanced run to apply the transformation only to relevant files in a directory and then use XPath to find and inspect documents that happen to contain the newly supported construct. In conclusion, I will compare the convenience of staying within FM and switching between the XML and WYSIWYG views as opposed to using another XSLT engine to process files that will be opened in FM.

S1000D Publish IETP not available


I am attempting to build an IETP from the sample S1000D bike data provided with TCS 4.  I have opened the S1000D bike sample Publication Module (PM) in Framemaker 11.  I followed  the help file instructions but have encountered a couple of issues.  First, when I attempted to set global applicability for the book, there are no applicability values available (see help file instructions below).


To implement applicability (Global) at a book level,

  1. When the book file is in focus, select S1000D > Common Source Data.The S1000D Common Source Data dialog appears.
  2. In the Common Source Data dialog, select the Applicability tab and then PCT.
  3. In the list of products, select the applicable product and click Apply.


I am beginning to think that the Book/PM is not properly set up with applicability values.


Second, the "Publish IETP" menu item is grayed out and not available.


Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?



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