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SGML to FrameMaker question


I have a library of SGML files that need to be converted to FM10. I will not be doing the conversion, just the setup and training. My problem is that the data in the SGML is not linear (i.e. the graphictitle tag comes before the graphic, it should come after the graphic), if it was XML, I'd build an XSLT to plug into the structure app.


Are there any tools similar to XSLT that are available for SGML? How are the rest of you handling this situation?


Converting the DTD to XML would be really time consuming, but do-able, converting the SGML files is probably out of the question since it will need to be done by non-XML people. I tried osx for the SGML to XML conversion with miserable results.



Starting with DITA & FrameMaker 10


Hi - Can anyone please help!!!!


I understand DITA from a conceptual point of view but want to use FrameMaker to implement  a DITA/Topic-based solution for my organisation.


Initially, I am looking to implement a a very basic DITA solution. Essentially, I have some instructional content and want re-assemble this content to produce several different instructional publications from the single-source.


Can anyone tell me where is the best place to start. I have looked at some of the tutorials but am still experiencing difficulties.





Graphic elements in XML


Guys, I guess I'm kinda stupid or blind or both, but I got this trivial issue:


I try to roundtrip graphics from a simple EDD to XML and back.

So I got this pretty simple rules in EDD, DTD and RWR:



element (graphic): image

   attribute list

      1. Name: href          String          Optional

   Initial graphic element format

     1. In all contexts

           Insert anchored frame




<!ELEMENT image       EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST image      href       CDATA       #IMPLIED>



element "image"


          is fm graphic element;



          attribute "href" is fm property file;



I got a basic element as top level element defined to get the image placed...

So, what bothers me is, how the hell do I get the damn href attribute told, where the image reference is? The XML output places the image element without problems - but the ref is missing.


Pulling my hairs out on this one...


Cheers Alex

XML beginner questions




First post on the forums in a long time, and first here altogether. I hope it's okay to jump in.


I have a bit of unstructured FM experience from several years ago and have been using Ventura since (13 years) for my company's books (longish directories--3,000+/volume). I've done some scripts in Ventura so have a little programming experience.


We're looking to switch to XML rather than the tagged text files Ventura can import because of its lack of support, problems possibly due to Win7, and the effort needed to maintain the import files. I've downloaded the FM 11 trial and have been experimenting a little with roundtripping XML and also importing what we already have in XML. So a few I'm sure very basic questions; and thanks in advance:


I've been going through the Adobe tutorials and whatever else I can find online. There don't seem to be any well-reviewed books on Amazon that deal with structured FM 9-11. Some that look promising for XML are about 10 years old--I don't think our needs are cutting edge so should I get something that old, or stick with newer even if there are complaints? Any recommendations? If I can get the hang of it with something that isn't FM specific will it be really hard to adapt that knowledge to FM?


I'm finding EDD, DTD, and Schema to be rather confusing. Would someone explain the difference in simple terms or point me to a video, etc? Assuming I'm starting with an XML file created for another purpose not meant for FM, do I need more than one of these? Do you do one first?


With Ventura if I want to have two discrete pieces of data (off the database) on the same line, say one left aligned and the other right aligned, the programmers put the two together with a tab, and that's controlled by a paragraph tag in Ventura with a right tab. With XML, if I'm understanding it correctly, you wouldn't do that in the XML file--I'm probably not ready to understand the method, just want to know if that's possible without doing something like having the second item's paragraph properties set to have no line break. If so, where would that be specified, EDD, DTD, etc?


Can XML into FM include graphics inline? How about an Excel chart?


Thank you,



Why is some of my text not formatted correctly in xml?




I've been trying to do some xml publishing via Framemaker 9.


I've created EDD, DTD, rules, structapps, CSS (style sheet), and template files to transition manuals from framemaker to xml. However some of the text I see in the xml file isn't formatted quite right. The element tags are there, but some of the text/paragraph tag formatting hasn't carried over.


What I'm trying to figure out is if this means I have an issue in my rules file or in my stylesheet file? As anyone had a similar experience?


I would appreciate any help and thanks in advance.

Importing EDD changes to templates - help!


FM 11

DITA 1.2


I've made minor changes to the following EDDs to syhchronize the formatting of our DITA documents with our parent company:

  • uidomain.eddmod.fm
  • concept.eddmod.fm
  • reference.eddmod.fm
  • task.eddmod.fm
  • commonElements.eddmod.fm
  • softwareDomain.eddmod.fm


I've also imported the element definitions from the list above into the following files:

  • uidomain.edd.fm
  • concept.edd.fm
  • reference.edd.fm
  • task.edd.fm
  • commonElements.edd.fm
  • softwareDomain.edd.fm



I've also imported all the changes into these files:

  • topic.eddmod.fm
  • topic.edd.fm
  • ditabase.eddmod.fm
  • ditabase.edd.fm


Then I imported concept.edd.fm, reference.edd.fm, and task.edd.fm into their respective templates (concept.template.fm, reference.template.fm, and task.template.fm.).


When I open a new concept, task, or reference from the DITA menu, my changes are not there.


What step am I missing?


(I've done this before but it was months ago. I even wrote myself some detailed instructions and put them where I would always be able to find them - but I can't find them. )


Marsha (working in DITA 1.2 which has too many EDDs!)

Structure App Designer Setup for Schemas


Fellow Forum Members,


My stylesheets are 31 separate FO-XSL files. There is one MAIN XSL file that contains links to all 30 XSL files.  It's the only file that needs to be pointed to using a directory path.


In addition, I do not have a single  DTD.file. Instead the S1000D_4-0-1 folder contains 16 FOS files, 51 XSD files, and 16 DCF files.


Can anyone out there please provide a brief overview on how I'm suppose to setup all my Schema and Stylesheet files to the dialog window shown below:



In what field do I insert my path to my MAIN FO-XSL stylesheet file? The word "Stylesheet" doesn't show anywhere in the dialog window?


Also how do I setup the multitude of files within my S1000D_4-0-1 folder?  Do all of thes files need to be converted into EDD files?  I don't see any field in the S.A.D. dialog window that will allow me to define a path to all of my S1000D_4-0-1 schema files.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

FrameMaker 11: Internal Error 11004, 17075188, 14420806, 14421392


To whom it may concern,


Recently I keep having a problem with FrameMaker 11 and the application would crush and close. The error message I got is like this:  error message.PNG

Here is the txt file FrameMaker generated: txt file1.PNGtxt file2.PNG


I searched in your website and could not find an answer. Please help me solving this problem,


Thank you so much,



How can I suppress processing instructions?


I am writing a structured FM file to XML and then processing it into HTML using XSLT. Writing the file to XML works OK but I cannot get rid of the PIs that FrameMaker puts in the text for all kinds of things (such as conditional text). I have created elements for all the markers I need and want to get rid of any remaining PIs. Is there a way to tell FM about this in the read-write rules?


Thanks for pointing me to the useful source of information about this. I have spent a couple of hours checking the structure application guides but the info remains too cryptic to make it work.


Kind regards



Customized quick element toolbar not appearing in new topics


I found that I for customizing the quick element toolbar I need to edit the file quick_element.xml in the folder C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\FrameMaker\12\WorkSpaces\Structured\WYSIWYGView\toolbars. The location given in the online help (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/framemaker/using/WS2d2a17056e219198-10de064142a20156dc-7fff.ht ml) does not work.


It turns out now that my custom icons only appear when I edit an existing XML file. When I create a new one using the DITA menu, they are not displayed. As soon as I save the new file and open it, the icons appear again.. is this a bug?



How do I change rendering of wintitle element?




I'm still quite new to DITA and unhappy about the way the wintitle element is rendered in FrameMaker 12. Unlike uicontrol, which comes out in bold, wintitle is completely undifferentiated from ordinary text.

Is there a straightforward way to change it to bold and perhaps a different font, so that the names of applications can be displayed differently?


I have no idea how to edit an EDD or even find the EDD that is controlling this (if indeed that is how character styles are controlled in DITA fm).


Thanks for any help,


Elisa Roselli

Cambridge Imaging System

DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) nothing happens when building output




I'm trying to generate PDF2/XHTML using the DITA Open Toolkit with FrameMaker 12 but nothing happens when building the output.

I can see the command line start but is then immediately shutdown, and there is nothing generated in the output folder.

I have installed the Java JDK and set the Java_Home variable (before that the output options box didn't open).


Do anyone have a glue what is wrong?

Why no elements in my bookmark setup? What is Thread by Colum?


I use structured FM with tags and formats defined in and inherited from my old company. When I print book, select PDF setup > Bookmarks, select Elements in Bookmark Source, the Dont's include and Include Paragraphs column are all empty.


P.S. I read the guide of FM, but still cannot understand what is the use of Thread by Colum and Thread by Text Frame.


Thanks in advance.

FM11 creates blank pages on refresh book


Hi guys,

I'm struggling here with some very strange behavior of FM11.

I've got a book (unstructured) with multiple FM binaries (structured).

The first book component is the front cover with some inlay pages including a self generated TOC (out of cross references to the start and end pages).

This book needs to be printed and contains 48 pages total, including the cover as the first and last book component.

Now the first component contains 3 pages and a double sided layout using several self defined master pages (I know there's an issue with deleting surplus pages with no left/right MP).

But that's not exactly my problem.

The problem arises when I try to refresh the book. There's a blank page being created in the first book component, which I got rid of in the first place.

That wouldn't be much of a problem since I can delete that page manually (and it keeps being deleted if I don't refresh anything).

But the real issue is, that the references are updated AFTERWARDS, meaning all page references within the book are one page ahead.

This is unacceptable, as it spans all references in the whole document, which are wrong due to this.


Is there any way I can get FM to not create this surplus blank page?

I'm tight on schedule and cleaning up the mess my boss left me behind with this document,, so quick answers are really appreciated.



Internal Error 12024, 18652356, 18692061 and 18514761 during reopening a FM12 file


Hello everybody,


I can not open a FM12 file, the internal error code 12024, 18652356, 18692061 and 18514761 tells me nothing and I unless searching for a plain text translation for the error codes! This kind of trouble occures from time to time but now, first time on FM12. Therefore I try to check if my EDD rules producing this mistake, error or other undefined loop. I like to fix this error but I need to know where is the mistake, one week of work are be in danger in this case... !!!


Anybody a idea to fix this issue? (no *.Backup / *.Recovery file existing)

Any possibilities for "OPEN IN SAVE MODE"

Any possibilities for "CHECK FILE BEFORE TRY TO OPEN"


I can not believe that Adobe is unable to define plain text error codes, the technical support in unreachable!

Thanks for help,

Word Wrap Lost When Switching Between XML and Author Views


I compose DITA topics in the XML view with the word wrap option selected. If I switch to the Author view to check something and then return to the XML view, my nicely formatted XML view with all the happy element-nesting tabs goes away. I wind up with an ugly chunk of flush-left code and text that's difficult to read. Is there a reason why FM can't remember the tabs and word wrap when I return to the XML view?


I'm relatively new to using FM's structured side for DITA, so perhaps I'm missing the obvious solution to this problem. If you know the answer, I'd appreciate if you'd clue me in.



Publishing DITA content through DITA-OT or Save as PDF?


Hi Frame users and DITA enthusiasts


I would like to ask for your opinions when publishing DITA content to PDF, either with DITA-OT or Adobe PDF.

This is my first DITA Project and I been testing and playing around with both options but feeling stuck as I can't decide which option to go with.

Both the DITA-OT or Save as PDF will require some modifications, so I rather do things the hard way, then having to go back and create a new publishing template later.

Thanks and best regards

Table or list for icon images and their explanation?




In our user manuals we have descriptions of icons next to the respective icon image. Until now I've always used a table, but the predefined table elements in DITA don't allow for a narrow first column and wider second column. I appreciate any suggestions how I can do this in structured FM.

Parser error message: Required attribute 'cols' was not provided


I'm having trouble with a ditamap in FM 12 because two of the files refuse to save. They send up the parser error message "Required attribute 'cols' was not provided".


They both contain tables imported by conref. The error seems to arise on the tgroup element. Yet the Attributes table for tgroup does not seem to contain a cols attribute and I can't see where to define it or how.


In another DITA editor, XMLMind Personal Edition, I have no trouble opening and saving both the destination and imported conref source files. They seem to have the cols attribute correctly defined.


What is going wrong in FM and how can I fix it? It's annoying that a big expensive tool should be so much harder to use than a free one!


Thanks to all,


Elisa Roselli

Cambridge Imaging Systems

Build FM DITABook from DITA Map file - xref and general questions


I'm using Frame 8.0p277 on Windows XP Pro. I have some questions about the "Build FM DITABook from DITA Map file" function.

1) When using the "Build FM DITABook from DITA Map file", I'm noticing an issue with cross references (fm-xref). If I update/generate the book, an XML Read Report Log appears for each fm-xref target xml file. I've substituted the file/path names below to save space:

"Error at file C:\DITA\project_topics\sample.xml, line 9, char 3
Message: Could not open DTD file: C:\DITA\project_topics\ditabase.dtd
Parse error at line 9, char 1: Error in processing external entity reference
Parsing aborted"

Anyone have thoughts on why this might be happening? Shouldn't the fm-xref items live through the map-to-book process, and point at the appropriate areas in the FM files now?

2) Others have mentioned the directory structure affects the success/failure of using the map-to-book process. Are there any guidelines or best practices for setting up the directory structure?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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