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White space after DITA-FMx conref


I'm now Leximation DITA-FMx 1.1. And I have a problem.


<ph id="keyword">XYZ</ph>



<p>Conref word <ph conref="../keyword" /> is here.</p>



Then I have

"Conref word XYZis here"

White space just after "XYZ" is disapears!


Does anyone know how to solve this problem? (Must I modify edd or format file?)

What is the correct way to format file paths and names in the structapp file?


I am trying to create a structured application to export fm files as xml, and probably read the xml back to fm.


In the structured application file (structapp), I need to specify the locations of the various files (DTD, read/write, template, etc). I would like to place these files on a shared server so others can use the same structapp file (that is, a cop of it). What is the correct way to format the file paths and names? Can folders folder names and file names have spaces in them? I tried the following, for example:


\\serverName\shareName\folder 1\folder 2\file name.dtd


I use the same format for the template file and the read/write rules file.


When I try to save an fm file to xml, FrameMaker says that it cannot read the DTD; however, the resulting xml file appears to be well-formed. The DOCTYPE element in the resulting xml is formatted with forward slashes and spaces replaced with %20.


I tried using forward slashes and replacing spaces with %20, but then I get an error about reading the read/write rules.


NOTE: I have another structured application to read xml into fm. This application does not have a DTD file. The template and read/write rules files are specified as above. Except for complaining about a lack of a DTD, the application works fine; it even applies an XSLT in the process. Again, when I DO add a DTD to this latter application, I get the same complaint about not being able to read the DTD.


I am using fully patched FrameMaker 9 in Windows XP.




DITA vs. roll-your-own


My team is just getting started with structured FrameMaker, and we're trying to determine whether we should use DITA or define our own EDD (etc.). DITA seems overly restrictive for our needs, so I'm leaning toward defining our own. Is there anything in DITA that we couldn't recreate (for example, tagging or map files)?

Problem Working With Framemaker 9 Dita XML Files in Framemaker 10


I just upgraded to Framemaker 10. I am encountering a number of problems when I try to work with my Dita XML help topics, which were last saved in Framemaker 9 format.


1. Using the Default Dita Template


When I open one of my documents in Framemaker 10, the Dita 1.2 template ditabase.fm is automatically applied. Everything seems fine. But then when I convert the XML to Eclipse help (which is essentially html, so we're going from XML to HTML) using Dita Open Toolkit ant scripts, I see this message:


[pipeline] [DOTJ013E][ERROR] Failed to parse the referenced file 'html\c_licensing.xml' due to below exception. Please correct the reference base on the exception message.
[pipeline] c_licensing.xml Line 25:Attribute "xmlns:ditaarch" must be declared for element type "dita".



I then opened the xml  file in a text editor, and I saw this on line 25:


<dita xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">


Line 25 looks fine to me. Am I missing something? 


2. Switching to a 1.1 Dita Template


I tried to work around the above problem. In Framemaker, I tried to set a different structured application as the default one. I closed all files and chose the default Dita 1.1 structured application (it defaults to the Dita 1.1. Composite app.)


Then I tried to open my file: I got this message inside Framemaker:


"Validation of XML failed. Continue?
Error at [FILE PATH], line 25, char 72, Message: Attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}ditaarch' is not declared for element 'dita'


Sounds familiar, doesn't it?


I switched from the default Dita 1.1. Composite structured application to the Dita 1.1. Topic structured application. Then I dirtied the source file and saved it. The messages I got in FrameMaker log window included the one above, plus I got a variety of Unknown Element messages, things like this:


Unknown element dita,

unknown element concept,

various attributes are not declared for concept,

unknown element conbody.


If I switch back to the Dita 1.1 Composite application all of these messages diappear except for this one:


Attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}ditaarch' is not declared for element 'dita'

My ant conversion scripts from the Dita Open Toolkit are still unable to process this file. They give the same message as is listed in (1) above and the file is not converted to HTML.

Can anyone help me with this problem? I've also posted this question to the Dita Users Group on Yahoo Groups. If I get an answer in one place, I'll post it in the other.



Nina P.

How do you insert an equation in a structured doc using DITA 1.2?


Good morning,


I'm currently in the process of structuring a set of unstructured user manuals using FM10 and the DITA 1.2 standard. I have my conversion table and templates setup and everything has been going well so far, but I can't figure out how to structure equations or insert new equations into a structured doc.


FrameMaker flags equations as an unsupported element (see below) no matter where the equation appears in the map.


I've looked through my element catalogue, but I can't find anything that seems like it would support an equation.

In some of my research, I've stumbled across something called a mathML element, but that doesn't seem to be an available option for me. Is this something that's only available if you are using DITA specialization?


If anyone has any ideas for how I can insert equations into my doc while keeping it inline with the DITA 1.2 standards, it would be greatly appreciated!





How do you add video to FM using DITA?




I'm using FM10 and the DITA1.2 architecture. I am able to add video to FM files, but DITA does not recognize them as valid elements if I try a simple File > Import. I was under the impression the <object> element should be used for videos, but I can't figure out how to use it to indicate which video file I want to include.


Does anyone know how to insert video files into a FM doc while using the DITA standard? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!





How can I resolve the following postscript error: [ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: ct_T3HdrDict


I know the error is caused by using a character definition that uses the Courier font (indicating 'user input' in a technical documentation document). FM indicates that Courier is an available font.

Type mismatch for the element FrameMaker element (graphic)


Now that I'm moving along on the formatting portion of this manual (or so I think - ha), I need to start bringing in the graphics to make sure they are all there, so I can get the illustrator going on that end. I've looked at threads everywhere I could find regarding graphic boardno and using the read/write rules to tell FrameMaker what to do with the graphic, and nothing works. I keep getting an error that says, "type mismatch for the element FrameMaker element (graphic). The type defined by the read/write rules is different from thet defined in the template."


I created this rw file from scratch out of FM 10. I've copied several different iterations that I've found all over the place. Right now my rw file has this:


element "graphic" {

is fm graphic element;

attribute "boardno" {

is fm property entity;

is fm attribute;



How to get the Figure Title to appear below the graphic, not above


I have valid XML that I am importing into FrameMaker just for printing.


My <figure> element contains a <title> and a <graphic> element. The graphic comes in within an anchored frame, appearing after the figure title. The figure title needs to be below the graphic. How do I get this to work? I read a couple of threads that used tables to wrap the graphic & the title and to make the title appear below, but that was during an export function to XML, not an import. Short of editing the DTD, EDD & all of the XML data to have the graphic element structure come before the title within <figure>, how would this be accomplished? Thanks in advance.

How can I get XML cross-references to translate to Structured FrameMaker?


I've been using Structured FrameMaker from the beginning, and have designed many EDDs, and about 10 years ago I did some translation of SGML into Structured FrameMaker (7.2) which worked well.


Now, (with FrameMaker 10), I've had to design an EDD to translate XML documents into Structured FrameMaker.


In my EDD I've a CrossReference element called XRef; this has an attribute of ID, which in turn has a value of IDReference and has Special AttributeConrols of ReadOnly.


My target elements in the EDD all have an ID attribute with a value of UniqueID.


My XML document's target xref element has  an attribute of linkend, and in XML this works as I'd expect.


When I pass the XML file through the EDD/Template, everything works except that I get an ID = no value, which, of course, results in no display of the cross-reference data in the document.


Oddly, in structured FrameMaker, my element of link, with an attribute of linkend, works as it should, and displays the data.  It may not be important, but the value for linkend is IDReference not UniqueID, and this displays correctly (I changed this attribute's value to Unique ID in my EDD and it made no difference to the XRef value in my document).


After making all these EDD changes, I've been careful to save the changes, import them to all files in my book and finally update the book.   Everything hangs together - except, of course, that the cross-reference doesn't work.


I'd sincerely appreciate any help or advice other users might have because I'm quite frankly stumped.

FrameMaker 10 - Disable "Default to Dita" when Opening XML Files


Greetings folks.  First time posting, and I'm in need of help.


My problem is this.

I've created a very specific DTD set, a series of XSL scripts, and a java-based application for content management.  Everything is Open Source and W3C compliant.  This route was chosen so we have full control over what we do and we are tied down to no specific software.  Basically, FrameMaker is taking the place of XSL:FO until I get the XSL:FO scripts completed..


It seems I've made a mistake in using some similar DITA element names in my DTD?  

When I open these xml files, a "TOPIC" for instance, FrameMaker instantly assumes I wish to open it in the DITA API and tells me that the file cannot be validated etc etc even though the file clearly calls out MY DTD for validation.


Frame 9 used to ask me what Structured Application I wished to use before it opened the XML file, but Frame 10 seems to think that I would be more than happy to use the DITA tructured application without giving the option to choose my own Structured app.


My question:  Is there a way to disable this "feature"?  I tried commenting out the maker.ini file to get rid of DITA entirely, but all that does is toss up errors saying it can't find the DITA application and won't open the file.

There must be an option I can choose somewhere.  I've not yet been able to find it.


Thanks for any help you can offer.

And, NO, we aren't thinking of using DITA

s1000dMenu.jsxbin error in FrameMaker 11


I have read a discussion about this error message elsewhere in the forum, but it did not seem exactly pertinent to our issue.


To make updates easier to role out to our users, have our Structure directory in a location that is outside the FrameMaker installation directory. With the move to FrameMaker 11, this error message began to proliferate in our console logs:


Script Error :

Error Message      : csdp is undefined

Script, Line#   : C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11\startup\s1000dUtilities.jsxbin,  107


We have no need of S1000D, but the workaround is to recursively copy the S1000D directory into the proper location in our external Structure directory. I can live with this less-than-elegant solution but it would be better if we didn't have to clog up disk space with a large number of unnecessary files.


Anyone have a suggestion on how we can get FrameMaker 11 to ignore S1000D?


Thank you,


Can FrameMaker output to a .c file?


Can FrameMaker output to a .c file?

Do we have an option to disable the FrameMaker error console programmatically in FDK11?



I would like to know if there is any option in the FDK11 to disable the

FrameMaker console window which runs on every frame file transformation. This

was happening with FrameMaker 10 too but it had never affected the performance.

With FrameMaker 11 the performance takes a huge hit and code slumps in the

middle of the transformation. Throw your thoughts on how to disable or to

periodically clear the contents running on the console.




DITA topic validation error




I've been working on DITA Topic (Framemaker 11), defined new elements in EDD like "Caution" and "Warning" same like element "Note" which has already defined in Topic EDD.


Here I have edited EDD to define warning and caution elements: "D:\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11\Structure\xml\DITA\app\DITA-Topic-FM".


When I open a dita topic am getting the below mentiond error but able to see Warning and caution elements:


XML Read Report Log

Source Document: \\INLEN-FJK2CQ1\common_storage\Technical publications\DITA_Projects\Water_Products\Working\Topics\Exp-Notes_1.dita



XML Parser Messages (Document Instance)

Error at file \\INLEN-FJK2CQ1\common_storage\Technical publications\DITA_Projects\Water_Products\Working\Topics\Exp-Notes_1.dita, line 51, char 10, Message: Unknown element 'caution'

Error at line 53, char 10, Message: Unknown element 'warning'

Error at line 96, char 57, Message: Element 'caution' is not valid for content model '(dl|parml|fig|syntaxdiagram|imagemap|image|lines|lq|note|hazardstatement|object|ol|p|pre |codeblock|msgblock|screen|simpletable|sl|table|ul|data|data-about|draft-comment|foreign|u nknown|required-cleanup|bodydiv|example|section)*'


Please suggest.

How to style DITA xref


Seems like it should be simple and straightforward, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to style my xrefs. Customer wants them to display as underline and bold. I thought I could just go change one small setting in some style sheet, but I can't find anything that resembles a style sheet. The EDD file shows that under this or that circumstance the link.external or link.asis character format should be used, but I can't seem to find where link.external and link.asis are defined. I found one document that seems to address the issue, but it has a really long and laborious process for applying styles. Surely it's not so hard? Where in the world do I set display styles for xrefs?

Note element with additional paragraphs



DITA 1.2


We need to have our <note> element so that the first or only paragraph is *not* wrapped in a <p> element. However, we want to add additional <p> elements after the first paragraph when necessary.


Here is what we want:



Here is what we get:



I have defined the following paragraph tags:

Note1Top (includes the frame above with the Note graphic and the rule)

Note1Middle (no rules and no graphic)

Note1Bot (a bottom rule and no graphic)

Note1 (use for scenarios where there are no additional paragraphs)


I have defined the <p> elements in my EDD and they are working correctly. I need to figure out how to define my <note> element in the EDD so that it uses Note1Top when they are child paragraphs or Note1TopBot when there are no child paragraphs.


Currently I have this in my <note> element in the EDD:

Else, if context is: note < (stepxmp | stepresult | info) < step

     1.1.7. If context is: {first}

                    Use paragraph format: Note1Top

               Else, if context is: {only}

                    Use paragraph format: Note1


I think the reason that the {first} and {only} sibling indicators are not working is that there are no siblings.   But what is my alternative?


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.



How can I add an mp4 to a DITA topic?



I'm new to structured FrameMaker and to DITA. I'm using TCS5.


I'm having to compile a set of training materials that include video tutorials generated out of Captivate. I'm thinking I might have a ditamap of the text tutorial with all its concepts and tasks as topics, and then a separate topic at the end with the video, to which the others could link. I'd prefer to use the mp4 format rather than the outdated swf.


I've found how to do this by saving the ditamap as a Frame book with composite fm files. Of course I can just import the mp4 into the corresponding fm file. But this import is then not reflected or present in the pure dita topic and that makes exchangeability and re-use problematic. Ideally I would like to be able to do everything in pure dita without having to pass through fm files, much harder to maintain.


I've seen there is an "object" element in DITA which can be used to include video streaming, but I can't for the life of me find intelligible instructions on how to use it. The mp4 files would be in a folder of a local directory, or eventually in a sub-folder of our company web-site host.


Many thanks to anyone who can help.



Cambridge Imaging Systems

FM 11 Crash with Element Boundaries as Tags




I am getting a repeatable crash (but with different error codes) when doing the following:


  1. Open a previously saved FM 11 MIF file.
  2. Save as FM 11 binary.
  3. Close MIF file (without saving)
  4. Open FM binary file
  5. Set View->"Element Boundaries (as Tags)"
  6. Save file.
  7. Close file.
  8. Re-open file.
  9. Crash
  10. Frame then has to be killed with task manager.


If I change step 5 to "delete some text" without showing tags, then the document re-opens correctly.


Internal Error: 11024, 4780356, 4780650, 7524149

Internal Error: 11024, 13431108, 13431402, 16174901


FM (no extra plugins)

Windows NT 6.1 (major.minor.build: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)


Has anyone else seen this with showing element boundaries as tags?




XML Attributes Created Twice in the XML after Saving in FM


Hi All,


I've built a structured application to read and write a custom XML. The file is opened just fine. However, when saving the XML in FM, some XML attributes appear in the XML twice. For example, in the original XML I have the following:


<object_group doc_name="xxx" parsed_by_sym="false">






After I save the XML, it looks like this:


<object_group doc_name="xxx" parsed_by_sym="false" doc_name="xxx" parsed_by_sym="false">






After the XML is saved, FM refuses to re-open it aborting the parsing. If I remove the doubled attributes manually in Notepad, then the XML is opened in FM again.


Should I define anything in read/write rules? What am I doing wrong?


I'm using an XSD, which I defined in structapp.fm.


Thank you very much!

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