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converting Framemaker files into PDF progaramatically using publishing server


Hi All


We are going for upgrade of  Frame maker 8 which is on unix system  to FM 10 or 11. We are using Framemaker mainly for renditions, i.e to convert the fm documents to PDF. To convert fm document to PDF we are using the below mentioned command line utility available in FM 8.(on unix). /opt/app/frame8.0/bin/fmprint -i -p Sample.fm.fmtpl Sample.fm Currently the the fm file which need to converted to PDF and the FM 8(installed) are available on the same unix system ,so we were able to initiate/use the command line utility of FM 8. The rendition of the FM to PDF is On -Demand.( We are not running any batch activities/ bulk renditions).We are rendering the document as soon as the document  is available.

As we are going to  upgrade the FM to newer versions which would be installed on the Windows machine as Frame maker 10 or 11 will not support unix plat form, so can you please let us know which option is better to use i.e we want to convert fm file to PDF using java program without any manual intevention using publishing server/client version.
can any one help us as it is very urgent for us.
please let us know the ways to do and links for helpful documents .

thank you very much for your help in advance!!\


Best reagrds

Ramesh babu

FrameMaker 11 won't start up


I'm running FrameMaker 11 on Windows 7. I just changed the settings from unstructured to structured Frame and restarted my computer. Now FrameMaker comes up for a few seconds and goes away. Is there something I can do to get FrameMaker to launch?

Getting image name to the XML-file


Framemaker 9 and 11

Windows 7


Hi there


I am a brand new user to FM and my task is to go from old FM9 files to structured FM11 files and then save them as XML.


I have gotten so far that I can get reasonable good XML-files, but are having problems with the images.


If I right-click on an image in the strucured FM11 file and select Object properties, I can see the Referenced file info (name if the image and where it is located) .


Is there any way I can get that info into the XML-file?


When I use the "Structure Current Document" command, I get the following error message in the console:


Cannot export the FrameMaker graphic element (GRAPHIC) in the specified graphic format (EPSI).

Filter failed attempting to export a graphic as (EPSI).



In the XML-file I only get the following information about an image now:



<GRAPHIC entity = "GRAPHIC1" impsize = "0.586in 0.513in" impby = "copy"

    sideways = "0" impang = "0.000" xoffset = "0.000in"

    yoffset = "0.001in" position = "runin" align = "aleft" cropped = "0"

    float = "0" width = "0.787in" height = "0.622in" angle = "0.000"

    bloffset = "0.000in" nsoffset = "0.000in"/></Figure>

MIL-STD 40051 Template


Can someone please help me with the construction of a template. I have a template I've used for my unstructured files. Can I use that with the EDD imported as the Template for my structured development? Attached is my file:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Chapter "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11\Structure\xml\manualRewrite\40051C_3_28.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet href="manualRewrite_template.css" type="text/css" charset="UTF-8"?>
<TITLE> </TITLE><Header>
<A ID="pgfId-1081880"></A>
Master Pages - Choose one of these three master pages for your first page based on number of lines in title.</Header>
<A ID="pgfId-1086876"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1086895"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1086902"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1086865"></A>
Header - First page is setup in 3 different layouts, based on number of lines in title.</Header>
<A ID="pgfId-1085675"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085689"></A>
TM for technical manual number, centered</Header>
<A ID="pgfId-1085698"></A>
WP # is tabbed right aligned, setup using Volume Number Variable, change zeros depending on number of digits)</Body>
<A ID="pgfId-1085256"></A>
heading1 - paragraph title only</Heading1>
<A ID="pgfId-1085257"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085258"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085259"></A>
Text follows using a Body style</Body>
<A ID="pgfId-1085260"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085261"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1088888"></A>
Text follows using a Body style and wraps back to left edge</Body>
<A ID="pgfId-1088889"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1089023"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1089024"></A>
Heading 4 text</Heading-4-Text>
<A ID="pgfId-1085727"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085780"></A>


...  [etc.]




[message edited by moderator]

Relationship Table best practices question


My colleagues and I have recently converted all of our unstructured legacy documentation to XML following the DITA standard. We’re now ready to add in relationship tables and have a few questions about the best way to approach this.


We’re dealing with a substantial amount of documentation (2500 files split into 12 maps) and want to create relationship tables for each map to handle our internal links. We’ve decided to use the multi-column approach to relationship tables where each column lists a different topic type instead of the 2-colum source/target table. My main question is: what is the best way to create a relationship table that allows you to link between all topic types including topics of the same type (e.g., a link from one concept topic to another concept topic)?


For example, I have a map where I want Topic 1 (concept) to contain references to Topic 2 (task), Topic 3 (Reference) and Topic 4 (concept). I do not want Topic 2, 3, or 4 to have any internal links.


What is the best way to do this? Do I need to create a 4 column relationship table similar to the table below, or is there a better way to do this using collection types and other relationship table properties?

Relationship Table Example:






href = Topic1

linking = sourceonly


href = Topic4

linking = targetonly


href = Topic2

linking = targetonly


href = Topic3

linking = targetonly


Intended result:

Topic 1

<shortdescription> This is the short description. <short description>

<p> Body text <p>


Related Links:

Topic 4

Topic 2

Topic 3


NOTE: No other topics should contain Related Links.


The approach above seems to work, but it looks a bit sloppy and I haven’t seen any examples that take this approach. If this is the correct approach then for our purposes we would likely require a 6 column relationship table (2 concept, 2 task, and 2 reference rows) for each map. Does that make sense, or is there a better/easier way to do this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Is there a third-party clipboard app for FM 10?


I am using FM 10 with Windows 7. I would like to maintain a catalog of images and text. Is there a third-party clipboard app that is compatible? Thanks, everyone.

Can I use DocBook 4.5 DTD with FrameMaker 11?


I am fairly a newbie both at FrameMaker 11 and XML, but have just dived into the deep end with Structured FrameMaker to produce a DocBook document. FrameMaker's DocBook structured applications seem to use the DocBook 4.1 DTD, and my documents are 4.5 (well, they were 5.0, but FrameMaker can't handle that at all, apparently, so I converted them to 4.5). Naturally, I get lots of parsing errors when I open a file. I'll bet most or  all of those errors will go away if I can get FrameMaker to use the 4.5 DTD. Is that possible? How?


Do I download all of the 4.5 files and change some value to point  FrameMaker to them for each 4.5 document? Like I said...newbie.


I am gathering that I could modify the DTD (or EDD? I don't have my head entirely around the relationship yet) to add elements and attributes, but that seems the hard way to go if there is any chance of simply pointing to the 4.5 DTD.






Larry the O

How do I get multiple lines in ?


FM 11


I know that <codeblock> is designed to represent lines of program code and that line endings and spaces must be preserved. However, my line endings are not being preserved; turn into a new <codeblock> leaving me with line after line of <codeblock> elements like this:

<codeblock>Do forever.</codeblock>

<codeblock>Say "Hello World"</codeblock>



Rather than like this:


     Do forever

          Say "Hello World"




These are my Text format rules in my EDD:


1.   If context is: * < stepresult < substep

         Use paragraph format: CodeBlock2

Else, if context is: li < * < choice

     Use paragraph format: CodeBlock3

Else, if context is: * < stepresult < step

    Use paragraph format: CodeBlock1

Else, if context is: * < stepxmp

    Use paragraph format: CodeBlock1

Else, if context is: * < step

     Use paragraph format: CodeBlock1


     Use paragraph format: Codeblock

2.     If context is: [expanse="page"]

               Pagination properties

                    Placement: Across all columns and side heads


CodeBlock is defined like this in the FM Paragraph Designer (with only the margins differing for CodeBlock1, CodeBlock2, etc.)





What am I doing wrong?



Can I pull prefixes/suffixes into XML ?


I am using prefix and suffix rules in my EDD to make things easier for the author (and standardize some headings and parts of names). Now I need to write the content into XML and my prefixes and suffixes do not get pushed into the content on the XML side. I do not find any reference to prefix and suffix in the read-write rules. Is there a way to let FM write the prefixes into either an attribute or the content of an element when writing to XML? I am not interested in round-tripping here, so even if the method is more or less destructive, I would be more than happy to know about it. The only other option I see is adding more work to the extendscript that I am using to prepare the materials for writing to XML.





Customized quick element toolbar not appearing in new topics


I found that I for customizing the quick element toolbar I need to edit the file quick_element.xml in the folder C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\FrameMaker\12\WorkSpaces\Structured\WYSIWYGView\toolbars. The location given in the online help (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/framemaker/using/WS2d2a17056e219198-10de064142a20156dc-7fff.ht ml) does not work.


It turns out now that my custom icons only appear when I edit an existing XML file. When I create a new one using the DITA menu, they are not displayed. As soon as I save the new file and open it, the icons appear again.. is this a bug?



Is there a fast way to wrap unstructured text into [Para] tags?


I'm trying out my new Frame 12 by trying to produce an ebook in several formats. I'm using the out-of-copyright Agatha Christie's A MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR AT STYLES.


Is there a fast way to wrap each paragraph with a [Para] tag?


Thanks in advance.

Does anyone have an example of a conversion table?


I am almost killed by this. By the way, I am converting unstructured to sturctured.

How can I set the position of my graphics?


In Frame10, I am converting my unstructured documents to structured. I found Russ's sample conversion and EDD files (Resources/downloads - West Street Consulting), and I'm customizing those with great success so far. (Thanks, Russ!)


When I convert and apply my EDD, an extra paragraph is inserted to contain my anchored frame and marker. I don't want the extra paragraph. I have tried with and without the (promote) qualifier, both add the extra paragraph, but the promote sticks it in a Body paragraph with no formatting.


In Russ's original EDD, there was a GraphicSpacer inserted for every Figure. I removed this, as I thought it was adding the extra paragraph. Alas, still getting the paragrapg insert,


Here's my EDD spec (which of course is copied from Russ's):


Element (Container): Figure

General Rule: Graphic+ (Caption |CaptionNumbered)?

Automatic Insertions

Automatically insert child: Graphic



Element (Graphic): Graphic

Initial graphic element format

1. In all contexts.

Insert imported graphic file.


And this is how it looks

structured graphic.jpg

And this is how it should look


Thank you!


What is the cost level of EMC Documentum or MS SharePoint?


I just want a general idea about the cost level, no need to be detailed. Because I understand the enterprise-level software has complex price calculations.

Bookmark Trouble!!!


Here is where my problem occurs: (FM Structured open) File menu > Print Book >  PDF setup > Bookmark > Include Elements. Here inside the Include Elements column, how can I move all the element to Don't Include area? Now I can only move one by one but there are hundreds of elements. However I didn't find a Move All button. It's so strange. Can anyone help?

Trouble with Cross-References


FM11 / DITA 1.2


What could cause a particular cross reference to consistently NOT work? I know that's vague. I'll try to give a more specific example:


Let's say I have a collection of xrefs across several XML files in a DITA map. Some xrefs might even point to the same item (usually a <title> tag with an ID attribute). On output to a book with FM components, particular xrefs just will not work (they output as "unresolved"). I can fix it manually in the FM file, but I'd rather it work correctly in the first place, especially since I deal with translation in to several languages, and if I can't get an xref to just work, I have to fix it many, many times.


I've tried deleting the xref and starting again; I've tried changing the ID attribute in case there was some kind of conflict...I still have trouble with that particular xref (and this happens with more than one xref). What else can I try?


Again, I know this is vague. I'd be happy to elaborate on relevant points. I just don't currently have time to write a massive description and I want to get this question out.


Thanks in advance.

Making element attributes viewable/printable




Does anyone have ideas on how to make element attributes printable in an ATA iSPEC 2200 standard document with

FM9? For example, make FM show the ATA numbering scheme just above each element task and sub-task in a PDF doc.

Making display options sticky


In FM 10, whenever I open a DITA topic, the Structure View and Element Catalog display options revert to defaults that look cluttered and annoying to me. The Structure View displays all the attributes, and the Element Catalog shows all the element descriptive tags. In the Structure View, I right-click, select Attribute Display Options, and set the display option to No Attributes. In the Element Catalog, I click the Options button and unset the option Show Element Descriptive Tags. Then both windows are simple and uncluttered. When I finish editing my DITA topic, save it, and close it and then open another DITA topic, the Structure View and Element Catalog revert to the cluttered view again. This gets annoying. I looked for preferences to making my preferred views permanent, but I could not find anything in the interface, in the DITA options, in the user manual, or in the maker.ini file. I tried saving the settings as part of my DITA workspace configuration, but the preferences weren't saved with the workspace, either. I don't mind having these more elaborate views available, but I do mind not being able to control them as a preference. Does anyone have a solution for this?



Framemaker 10 EDD syntax for automatically set attribute values


Hi all,


it is necessary to set one or more attribute values of a parent element automatically only by exist or not exist conditions of an spezified child element!


Please help!

Error when opening files


When I open a ditamap and then open one of the files within the ditamap, the file takes several minutes to open (literally). The Frame console shows why -- it's generating dozens of error messages such as the partial list below.


  1. The files in the error message are all present, so I have no idea why Frame can't find/open them.
  2. Some of the file listed in the message are not referenced by any file in the current ditamap, so I don't know why it's even trying to open them.
  3. There are conrefs to some of the files listed in the message. Once the file has finally opened, these are fine. The conrefs to the files that Frame is "unable to open" are all resolved correctly.

Any clues??


DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_perspectives.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_collections.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_perspectives.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_collections.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_perspectives.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_collections.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_collections.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_collections.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_collections.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_collections.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__about_collections.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\glossary.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: Specified FileOpenClient not installed.: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__managing_saved_collections.xml - Unable to resolve link

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__analysis_types.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\analysis_descriptions.xml

DITA+FM ERROR: File: C:\dev\xpm_source\doc_source\Frame_source_files\base\base__analysis_types.xml - Unable to open referenced file: C:\dev\dev\xpm_checkin\doc\reuse_library\analysis_descriptions.xml

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